Special physical training program in rhythmic gymnastics group exercises
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Group exercises are the most difficult type of competitive gymnastics program because they differ from an
individual ones by a number of specific features such as longer, more complex and dynamic composition that is
simultaneously performed by five gymnasts; a variety of athletes’ movement interactions; synchronous and
asynchronous movements performance done by every team member; using two different forms of hand
apparatus and others. Excellent results in group exercises are possible only in terms of maximum consistency of
motor actions due to athletes’ compatibility according to the basic parameters of technical and physical fitness.
This distinguishes the process of preparing athletes who specialize in individual and group exercise program [1],
hence the need to find scientifically grounded approach to the training system.
Ключові слова
rhythmic gymnastic, group exercises, special physical fitness, compatibility, художня гімнастика, сумісність, групові вправи, особлива фізична підготовка
Бібліографічний опис
Special physical training program in rhythmic gymnastics group exercises / Lenyshyn Viktoriia, Sosina Valentyna, Osadtsiv Taras, Ruda Iryna, Protsenko Uliana // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2016. - Vol. 14(1). - P. 1340-1347. (Scopus)