The paradigm of health maintenance at higher education institutions as an important component of human development in terms of modernity
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The necessity of increasing the role of the paradigm of health maintenance at universities for sustainable human
development is substantiated in the article. The content of the modern principle of human development,
according to which the economy exists for the development of people, not the people for economic development
is revealed. The analysis of the term "human development" in the biological, psychological and social aspects is
presented in the article. The essence of periods and the concept of human development in the light of a health
maintenance principle are revealed. The authors have found factors that affect the formation of human
development as an entire process. This is an internal development program, which is genetically embedded in the
body and is inherited from parents and external factors of biological, cultural and social impact on the human
body. Based on the analysis of library resources and our own teaching experience we have presented some
mechanisms to improve the educational process in higher education, the essence of the content of basic
methodological aspects and perspectives to design the process of health maintenance training. The ways of
improvement and development of human nature, the formation of human potential in the light of health
maintenance paradigm in the educational activities of higher school on the basis of actual of data obtained during
a stating stage of pedagogical experiment. We have supposed that in the process of health maintenance training a
concept "competence" should be attributed to such scientific concepts as "capacity", "ability", and "skill". The
"competence" is closer to the concepts of "know how" than "I know that." The authors presented a relationship
of competences during the health maintenance training and suggested two ways of its development. The
competence of health maintenance is declared as complex competencies updating that define the content of this
competence. Five groups of health maintenance competences were defined: competences based on the
physiological capabilities of the human body; competences based on the human capacity to perform certain
tasks, i.e. the ability to learn; competences based on the requirements and psycho-physiological characteristics of
future professional activity; competences based on the ability to use a variety of health technologies;
competences based on the need to improve one’s lifelong knowledge on health maintenance.
Ключові слова
human development, human potential, economic development, paradigm of health maintenance, competence, higher education, students
Бібліографічний опис
The paradigm of health maintenance at higher education institutions as an important component of human development in terms of modernity / Olga I. Zavydivska, Nataliia N. Zavydivska, Olena V. Khanikiants, Olga V. Rymar // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2017. - Vol. 17, suppl. is. 1. - P. 60-65. (Scopus)