Перегляд за Автор "Paska, Maria"
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Документ Current development trends of raw-smoked sausages in the context of gastronomic tourism(2020) Paska, Maria; Korkuna, Oryslava; Kyluk, Oksana; Паска, Марія; Коркуна, Орислава; Кулик, ОксанаThe peculiarities of preparation technologies of local foodstuffs are determined, the authentic products of gastronomic tourism, history and traditions of their consumption are taken into account. Unique dry-cured products made according to old recipes, in particular "macyk" are authentic products that combine the latest achivements in the field of healthy nutrition and innovative development of gastronomic tourism.Документ Determination of toxicity of chopped meat-based semi-products in vivo(Determination of toxicity of chopped meat-based semi-products in vivo / Maria Paska, Ulyana Drachuk, Olga Masliichuk, Volodymyr Vovk // Eureka: Life Sciences. - 2017. - N 5. - S. 26-32., 2017) Paska, Maria; Drachuk, Ulyana; Masliichuk, Olga; Vovk, Volodymyr; Паска, МаріяAt solving the problem of protein deficiency, the great role of the raw material for its production is played by leguminous cultures such as peas, haricot beans, lupine, forage beans, lentil, chick-peas, peavine and other. The chemical composition and food value of proteins of these cultures are most close to animal proteins – of meat, fish and also milk. Among the essential quantity of vegetable raw material that contains protein (33−50 %), the special place is occupied by lupine, characterized as an important reserve of high-quality protein substances at the World congress in 1991 in the USA [1]. There were elaborated certain recipes of meat chopped semi-products, based on beef that contains 5 %, 10 %, 15 % of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane root powder. There were carried out the studies on the determination of toxicity of functional raw material and cutlets with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane on white mice organisms. There were used methods, based on toxic substances extraction from forages and peeled gains under condition of the intra-stomach administration and cutlets feed during 10 days. Blood was taken for hematological studies in mice, fed by functional cutlets. It was proved, that these products have no toxic influence on organisms. At the pathoanatomical dissection, any macroscopic changes in tissues were not revealed, blood hematological results are within norm. The best sample No. 2 with 10 % content of lupine flour and 0,5 % of elecampane was determined by the gustatory method. It was determined, that functional meat chopped semi-product may be included in the ration for the sound, treating-prophylactic nutrition.Документ Elaboration of production technology of semi-smoced sausages using lentil flour, thyme and juniper(2016) Markovych, Iryna; Paska, Maria; Basarab, Iryna; Паска, МаріяThe complex studies of chemical and biochemical composition of the vegetable raw material were carried out; their influence on technological parameters and microstructure of forcemeat of semi-smoked sausages was detected to prove the expedience of using the spicy-aromatic plants in the production technology of semi-smoked sausages. Antioxidant properties of thyme and juniper were studied. The quality and safety of the new types of semi-smoked sausages were proved on the base of their study by organoleptic, physical-chemical, structural-mechanic, microbiological parameters. On the base of received results it was persuasively proved the expedience of using the flour of germinated and non-germinated lentil in combination with the meat raw material, especially with chicken, spicy-aromatic plants in composition of semi-smoked sausages, because it favors the improvement of their biological value. Thyme and juniper decelerate the intensity of hydrolysis products creation by 2 % and peroxide creation in the average by 12 % in the studied samples comparing with control. It was determined the maximal storage life of the new types of semi-smoked sausages that is 15 days at temperature 6±2 °С.Документ Increasing the selection of dry-cured meat products available for the restaurant industry in the context of gastronomic tourism(2020) Paska, Maria; Паска, МаріяPurpose: to identify perspective trends in the development of technologies of authentic delicacy meat products by creating a competitive product in the gastronomic tourism market. This creates scientific and practical interest in conducting research related to the study of this issue.Документ Microstructural studies of improved meat chopped semi-finished products(2017) Paska, Maria; Masliichuk, O.; Паска, МаріяРозроблена антиоксидантна композиція на основі іонолу, диметилсульфоксиду та лецитину, застосування якої сприятиме подовженню терміну зберігання плодів з мінімальним рівнем щодобових втрат. Проведеною оптимізацією встановлено, що при зберіганні плодів яблуні та груші концентрація дистинолу повинна бути на рівні 0,041…0,042 %, концентрація лецитину – 2,9 %, при зберіганні плодів сливи відповідно: дистинолу – 0,022 %, лецитину – 3,4 %.Документ Perspective development of authentic products for restaurant business in gastronomic tourism(2020) Paska, Maria; Korkuna, Oryslava; Kyluk, Oksana; Паска, Марія; Коркуна, Орислава; Кулик, ОксанаThe peculiarities ofpreparation technologies of local foodstuffs are determined, the authentic products of gastronomic tourism, history and traditions of their consumptionare taken into account. Unique dry-cured products made according to old recipes, in particular «macyk» are authentic products that combine the latest achivements in the field of healthy nutrition and innovative development of gastronomic tourism. The article examines the current state of authentic meat products development, the technology of their preparation and tasting in the context of gastronomic tourism. Tasting assessments of the quality of authentic products typical of the Western region of Ukraine are distinguished. Possible prospects and tendencies of further development of gastronomic tourism with an emphasis on delicacy authentic meat product of the Western region are analyzed.Документ Sugar in the hospitality industry(2023-07-04) Samilyk, Marina; Paska, Maria; Самілик, Марина; Паска, МаріяThis study is designed to reveal the role of sugar in the hospitality industry. The purpose of the study is to analyze the range of sugar used in restaurant technologies and develop recommendations for its expansion and application, the creation of a gastronomic brand based on sugar. The subject of the study was the fruits of wild plants: viburnum (Viburnum opulus), sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), elderberry (Sambucus nigra), mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) and fortified sugar. It is proposed to enrich sugar with a derivative product of processing wild fruits by the method of osmotic dehydration (sugar solution). It is expedient to use this technology in craft industries. An analytical review of literary sources was carried out, on the basis of which directions for the use of various types of sugar in restaurant technologies were formulated. It has been established that the high cost of imported sugars contributes to an increase in the cost of products with their use. The methodological basis for creating a gastronomic brand was the improvement of approaches to the cultural branding of Ukraine in the international arena by planning the development of “gastronomic tourism” not only as a tourist attraction, but also as a tool for implementing the strategy of public diplomacy. The gastronomic brand “Noble Sugar” was developed on the basis of local raw mate-rials. Directions for the use of fortified sugar in the production of many foods and drinks have been developed, which can be attributed to gastronomic innovations. The presented products are unique and have no analogues in the hospitality industry. Це дослідження покликане виявити роль цукру в індустрії гостинності. Метою дослідження є аналіз асортименту цукру, який використовується в ресторанних технологіях, і розробка рекомендацій щодо його розширення та застосування, створення гастрономічного бренду на основі цукру. Об’єктом дослідження були плоди дикорослих рослин: калини (Viburnum opulus), обліпихи (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), бузини чорної (Sambucus nigra), горобини звичайної (Sorbus aucuparia) та цукор збагачений. Запропоновано збагачувати цукор похідним продуктом переробки дикорослих плодів методом осмотичної дегідратації (розчин цукру). Цю технологію доцільно використовувати в ремісничих виробництвах. Проведено аналітичний огляд літературних джерел, на основі якого сформульовано напрямки використання різних видів цукру в технологіях ресторанного господарства. Встановлено, що висока вартість імпортних цукрів сприяє підвищенню вартості продукції з їх використанням. Методологічною основою створення гастрономічного бренду стало удосконалення підходів до культурного брендингу України на міжнародній арені шляхом планування розвитку «гастрономічного туризму» не лише як туристичної привабливості, а й як інструменту реалізації стратегії громадського розвитку. дипломатія. Гастрономічний бренд «Благородний цукор» розроблений на основі місцевої сировини. Розроблено напрямки використання збагаченого цукру у виробництві багатьох страв і напоїв, що можна віднести до гастрономічних інновацій. Представлена продукція унікальна і не має аналогів в індустрії гостинності.Документ Toxic elements in lentil, thyme and juniper in the composition of semi-smoked sausages using the method of atomic-absorption spectrometry with atomization in flame(2017) Паска, Марія; Paska, Maria; Simonova, Iryna; Galuch, Bogdan; Basarab, Iryna; Masliichuk, OlgaStudies have been conducted into the content of toxic elements in sprouted and unsprouted lentils, juniper fruits and thyme herb, manufactured samples of semi-smoked sausages whose formulation contained the specified ingredients. The samples were prepared for conducting the study. Measuring the mass fraction of heavy metals is based on the selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency by atoms of substance in a free state. Metal mass fraction in the mineralizate of a sample of food products was calculated by the calibration dependence of absorption magnitude on mass concentration of the metal. Measurement of copper and zinc mass fractions involved an atomization technique in the air-acetylene flame, with a burner heated to a temperature of around 3000 °C; their content was determined by the magnitude of radiation resonance absorption at analytical wavelength corresponding to the examined metal. It was determined that the investigated vegetable raw materials and semi-smoked sausages did not contain toxic elements that exceeded the standardДокумент Обґрунтування використання пряно-ароматичної сировини для перших страв у закладах ресторанного господарства(ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського, 2023) Чирка, В’ячеслав; Паска, Марія; Chirka, Vyacheslav; Paska, MariaМета – обґрунтувати використання пряно-ароматичної сировини для перших страв у закладах ресторанного господарства. The goal is to substantiate the use of spicy and aromatic raw materials for first courses in restaurants.