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Документ Effect of physical development parameters and conditioning abilities on the level of motor coordination in female volleyball players in the phase of specialized basic training(2018) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Melnyk, Valeryi; Lazarenko, Mykola; Troyanovska, Mariya; Kovtsun, Vitalii; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Пасічник, Вікторія; Мельник, Валерій; Лазаренко, Микола; Трояновська, Марія; Ковцун, ВіталійThe objective of the study was to identify the effect of physical education parameters and conditioning capabilities on the level of motor coordination manifestations in the female volleyball players at the stage of specialized basic training. Material: 20 female volleyball players aged 15 to17 participated in the study. Results: certain range of problems aggravating efficient training process of young female volleyballers has been revealed. It has been proved that the improvement of female volleyball players’ motor skills is of crucial significance for proper mastering and efficient application of volleyball technique elements during competitive activities. Correlation between physical development characteristics and coordination and conditioning skills has been revealed. Average rate of negative correlation between female athletes’ body length parameters and their ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium has been identified. Low and average rate correlations have been registered between the capability of immediate manifestation of spatial orientation, rhythm and body weight index. Valid interdependence of average rate between the majority of coordination readiness characteristics of female volleyballers and their speed and strength qualities has been investigated. The combined effect method for simultaneous improvement of coordinating and conditioning preparedness in 15-17 year old female volleyball players was applied in accordance with the specific knowledge about quantitative correlation between the above mentioned, all in all inconsistent, characteristics of a human being. Conclusions: in order to master the efficient volleyball technique it is obviously essential for a volleyball player to possess corresponding physical qualities and skills. Definition of correlation between coordinating skills of volleyballers and other parameters of their motor activity could enable better control of female volleyballers’ physical perfection. Major somatic characteristics have minor if any effect upon general level of coordinating readiness of female volleyball players in the phase of specialized basic training.Документ Individualization of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements(2018) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Melnyk, Valeryi; Lazarenko, Mykola; Troyanovska, Mariya; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Пасічник, Вікторія; Мельник, Валерій; Лазаренко, Микола; Трояновська, МаріяAim: to substantiate expediency and effectiveness of individualization of the process of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements. Material: 12 basketball players at the age of 17-19 years old participated in the study. Results: relevance of the introduction of individualization into the training process, its principles and implementation directions were revealed. It was proved that individualization increases the rationality of using the athletes’ functional reserves and prevents the early end of a career. Structure of coordination preparedness of basketball players (girls) at the age of 17-19 years was determined, in which four expressed factors were revealed based on the factor analysis: rapid reconstruction of motor actions, kinesthetic differentiation, complex reaction, spatial orientation. Algorithm of determination of coordination abilities individual features in the structure of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements is presented. Stages of determination of the individual factor structure of the athlete coordination preparation are shown. It is noted that, the crucial point is to provide conditions in which the period of maximum athlete's inclination to achieve the highest results coincides with the period of the most intense and complex coordination training loads at the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Conclusions: Basketball players (girls) training at the stage of preparation for higher achievements is a complex process where much attention should be paid to their individual abilities. Correction of the training process shall involve the development of those functions of the athlete’s body, which are the most expressed genetically and which are needed for the chosen sport. Technical preparedness of basketball players (girls) is determined by the level of various coordination abilities manifestation. In relation to the strategy of training the coordination abilities in basketball players (girls) in adolescence, it is necessary to know the sensitive periods for the development of these abilities, as well as age, gender and individual peculiarities of their formation.Документ Relation of the competitive activity effectiveness of volleyball players (girls) at the age of 16-18 with the physical development indicators(2020-04-24) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Levkiv, Volodymyr; Ulizko, Vira; Kryzhanivskyi, Volodymyr; Kovtsun, Vitalii; Kazmiruk, Andriy; Ковцун, Василь; Левків, Володимир; Ковцун, Віталій; Казмірук, АндрійAim: To determine the impact of different indicators of physical fitness on the competitive activity effectiveness of volleyball players (girls) in the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Material: 22 volleyball players (girls) aged 16–18 participated in the studyДокумент Significance of typological features of the nervous system for the effective implementation of motor coordination processes in 16-18-year-old female volleyball players(2019) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Levkiv, Volodymyr; Karatnyk, Ivan; Kovtsun, Vitalii; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Левків, Володимир; Каратник, Іван; Ковцун, ВіталійPurpose: to determine the influence of typological features of the nervous system on the level of the manifestation of motor coordination in female volleyball players at the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Material: The study involved 22 female volleyball players aged 16-18. Results: The importance of typological features of the nervous system of female volleyball players for the successful solution of complex coordination tasks in the process of competitive and training activities has been established. The interconnections of strength, balance, mobility, dynamism, lability of the nervous system with indicators of the coordination abilities of female volleyball players aged 16-18 were established. The average level of the interconnection between the indicator of the nervous system strength of the players and the ability to reorganize motor actions quickly, the reaction of choice, a sense of rhythm was revealed. A reliable positive relationship was found between the indicator of balance of the nervous processes of female athletes and their ability to coordinate movement actions. The indicator of the mobility of the nervous processes of the studied has reliable interconnections with the ability to a sense of rhythm, rapid restructuring of motor actions, spatial orientation. Correlations of low and medium levels are registered between the dynamic indicator of the nervous system and the ability of kinesthetic differentiations, coordination of movements and reaction. An inverse interconnection of the average level is found between this characteristic of the nervous system of female volleyball players and the ability to static balance. Reliable positive interconnections of medium and high levels were found between the volatility indicator of the neural processes of the volleyball players and the ability to quickly reorganize motor actions, a sense of rhythm, and dynamic balance. Conclusions: typological features of the nervous system have a greater impact on the level of the manifestation of coordination abilities of female volleyball players compared with the makings of lower levels of human biological organization. The relative weakness of the nervous system leads to a higher level of the development of specialized perceptions of the players. The strength and the nervous system balance play a leading role in solving complex coordination tasks that require high level of courage, determination and reliability of motor actions. Indicators of dynamism, mobility, lability of nervous processes are particularly favorable for the manifestation of coordination abilities in sports games and volleyball in particular. Skillful psychological regulation and purposefully formed compensatory mechanisms will eliminate the deficiencies of the nervous system of the players. This will contribute to the effectiveness of competitive and training activities of players.Документ Special aspects of female volleyball players’ coordination training at the stage of specialized preparation(2017) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Nosko, Mykola; Kovtsun, VasylPurpose: Rising of effectiveness of female volleyball players’ coordination training at the stage of specialized preparation. Material: In the research 22 female volleyball players of 15 17 yrs age participated. Results: Factorial analysis permitted to receive 5 components structure of female volleyball players’ coordination abilities. Correlations and factorial weights, which characterize the structure of female volleyball players’ coordination abilities, are presented. Besides, factorial analysis permitted to mark out 5 factors, which to large extent influence on formation of volleyball players technical tactic fitness. Their contribution in general dispersion of sample was 75.7%. The first factor is ability to quickly coordinate movements and for kinesthetic differentiations (24.5%). The second factor is ability to quickly reconstruct motor actions (19.8%). The third factor is vestibular stability (12.1%). The forth factor is space orientation (10.5%) and the fifth – ability to react (8.9%). Conclusions: Improvement of female volleyball players’ specific coordination abilities it is purposeful to realize with the help of targeted training means. With it, it is recommended to use game exercises and circular training.Документ Study of the correlation between the indicators of psychophysiological functions and coordination preparedness of volleyball players (girls) at the age of 15-17(2019) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Levkiv, Volodymyr; Karatnyk, Ivan; Kovtsun, Vitalii; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Левків, Володимир; Каратник, Іван; Ковцун, ВіталійPurpose: establish the peculiarities and degree of correlation between indicators of psychophysiological functions and coordination preparedness of volleyball players (girls) at the stage of specialized basic training. Material: the study involved 20 volleyball players (girls) at the age of 15-17.