Individualization of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements
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Aim: to substantiate expediency and effectiveness of individualization of the process of basketball
players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements. Material: 12
basketball players at the age of 17-19 years old participated in the study. Results: relevance of the introduction of
individualization into the training process, its principles and implementation directions were revealed. It was
proved that individualization increases the rationality of using the athletes’ functional reserves and prevents the
early end of a career. Structure of coordination preparedness of basketball players (girls) at the age of 17-19
years was determined, in which four expressed factors were revealed based on the factor analysis: rapid
reconstruction of motor actions, kinesthetic differentiation, complex reaction, spatial orientation. Algorithm of
determination of coordination abilities individual features in the structure of basketball players (girls)
coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements is presented. Stages of
determination of the individual factor structure of the athlete coordination preparation are shown. It is noted that,
the crucial point is to provide conditions in which the period of maximum athlete's inclination to achieve the
highest results coincides with the period of the most intense and complex coordination training loads at the stage
of preparation for higher achievements. Conclusions: Basketball players (girls) training at the stage of
preparation for higher achievements is a complex process where much attention should be paid to their
individual abilities. Correction of the training process shall involve the development of those functions of the
athlete’s body, which are the most expressed genetically and which are needed for the chosen sport. Technical
preparedness of basketball players (girls) is determined by the level of various coordination abilities
manifestation. In relation to the strategy of training the coordination abilities in basketball players (girls) in
adolescence, it is necessary to know the sensitive periods for the development of these abilities, as well as age,
gender and individual peculiarities of their formation.
Ключові слова
individualization, basketball players (girls), preparation, coordination, abilities, technique, structure
Бібліографічний опис
Individualization of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements / Roman Boichuk, Sergii Iermakov, Vasyl Kovtsun, Viktoria Viktoria, Valeryi Melnyk, Mykola Lazarenko, Mariya Troyanovska // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2018. - Vol. 18, is. 3. - P. 1722-1730. (Scopus)