Relation of the competitive activity effectiveness of volleyball players (girls) at the age of 16-18 with the physical development indicators
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Aim: To determine the impact of different indicators of physical fitness on the competitive activity effectiveness
of volleyball players (girls) in the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Material: 22 volleyball players
(girls) aged 16–18 participated in the study
Ключові слова
volleyball players (girls), preparedness, competitions, abilities, correlation
Бібліографічний опис
Relation of the competitive activity effectiveness of volleyball players (girls) at the age of 16-18 with the physical development indicators / Roman Boichuk, Sergii Iermakov, Vasyl Kovtsun, Volodymyr Levkiv, Vira Ulizko, Volodymyr Kryzhanivskyi, Vitalii Kovtsun, Andriy Kazmiruk // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2020. - Vol. 20, is. 2. - P. 615-622. (Scopus)