Analysis of vegatative homeostasis state of elite handball players
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Abstract. Purpose: to study characteristics and dynamic of elite handball players’ physiological indicators. Material:
In experiment elite handball players (n=112, age 18–35 years) participated. For determination of vegetative
homeostasis state we analyzed variability of heart rhythm. The researches were conducted in laboratory conditions in
rest state, in lying position during 5 minutes. Results: it was found that organism’s adaptation reactions to training
loads go with different tension of regulation systems. At the end of competition period there appears hyper-kinetic
syndrome. It witnessed insufficiency of means, which permit to maintain optimal regulation of cardio-vascular system
and increase its functional potentials. Conclusions: indicators of cardio-vascular system and their dynamic w3itnessed
maintaining of high level of handball players’ organism hemodynamic provisioning. High level of vegetative
homeostasis pointed at certain degree of sportsmen’s fitness. Such state is sufficient for preservation of high potential
of sympathetic –adrenaline system and overcoming of fatigue processes.
Ключові слова
handball, stage, hemodynamic, variability, heart rhythm, fatigue
Бібліографічний опис
Prystupa Y. N. Analysis of vegatative homeostasis state of elite handball players / Prystupa Y. N., Tyshchenko V. O. // Педагогіка, психологія та медико - біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2015. - № 12. - С. 82-86. (Web of Science)