Prevention of Negative Effects of Nervous and Psychic Stress on the Driver's Cardio-Respiratory System


Nervous and psychic stresses on the drivers’ body as a result of intense analytical and synthesizing mental activity cause corresponding physiological responses and require a high level of functional preparedness. Investigating the frequency of cardiac contractions in the drivers - representatives of motor sport - during races show that its average (160-180 contraction/min.) and maximum (200-220 contraction/min.) values significantly exceed those calculated by oxygen consumption per minute, which indicates a high psychological pressure of a such kind of professional activity. One of the main causes of accidents is drivers’ fatigue, which leads to a decrease in concentration of attention; therefore, the proper level of their functional readiness for nervous and psychic occupational stress can significantly increase the level of active traffic safety. The results of complex studies show that many years of professional activity of drivers leads to a significant decrease in a number of their motor function indices, which requires constant physical training aimed at the prevention of injuries and drivers’ functional capabilities. The endurance necessary for drivers is recommended to be developed by non-stop and uniform running or jogging without rest, skiing, swimming, cycling or rowing for at least 30 minutes. However, considering the constant vertical overload on the drivers’ spinal column, running along a hard track and riding a bike through rugged country are worth limiting in favor of swimming which combines the functional load on the cardio respiratory system and an even moderate load on all muscle groups with unloading and restoration of the spinal column.


Ключові слова

nervous and psychic stress, a driver, cardio-respiratory system, negative influence, prevention

Бібліографічний опис

Prevention of Negative Effects of Nervous and Psychic Stress on the Driver's Cardio-Respiratory System / Oleh Rybak, Lyudmyla Rybak, Iia Bankovska, Olga Matviyas // International Journal of Science Culture and Sport. - 2018. - Vol.6, is. 3. - P. 291-297.