Teaching approaches in extracurricular physical activities for 12-14-year-old pupils under environmentally unfavourable conditions
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The methodology for enhancing physical fitness of 12-14 year old pupils living under the conditions of
high radiation through extracurricular basketball activities has been justified in the research. Different aspects of
the problem have been considered through the prism of pupils’ individual characteristics, unfavourable
environmental conditions, magnitude of motor activity and physical and mental performance. Implementing
rational teaching approaches to designing the content of extracurricular physical activities aimed at optimizing
physical education and raising the level of physical culture into school practice has significantly improved
physical condition of pupils and enhanced effectiveness of the education process in general. Comprehensive
approach to solving the problem of improving physical education has increased the levels of pupils’ physical and
mental performance. The overall motor activity has increased by 18.8%, physical activity – by 17.9%. The
results of teaching experiment show that basketball-oriented physical education is more effective under the
conditions of high radiation than traditional practices. The obtained data of teaching experiment indicate the
increase in physical condition and motor activity of pupils, their level of physical and mental performance and
health, which proves effectiveness of the author’s methodology. Therefore, it can be successfully introduced into
physical education in school.
Ключові слова
physical fitness, physical skills, motor activity, physical and mental performance, radioactivity, Chornobyl catastrophe, means and methods of training, basketball section
Бібліографічний опис
Teaching approaches in extracurricular physical activities for 12-14-year-old pupils under environmentally unfavourable conditions / Mykola Halaidiuk, Borys Maksymchuk, Oksana Khurtenko, Ivan Zuma, Zoryana Korytko, Rehina Andrieieva, Yevhenii Strykalenko, Ihor Zhosan, Yaroslav Syvokhop, Olena Shkola, Olena Fomenko, Iryna Maksymchuk // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2018. - Vol. 18, is. 4. - P. 2284 - 2291. (Scopus)