Prerequisites for the physical development of preschool children for the realization of the tasks of physical education
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Introduction: The preschool age is reasonably considered as the most significant period in the process of
a child’s body formation. It is at this particular age that the foundation is laid for personal health and
physical qualities necessary for efficient participation in various spheres of social life in the future. The
aim of this study is to get a knowledge about the dynamics and level of physical fitness in three- to sixyear-old
children. Material and methods: The study was carried out on the basis of pre-school
institutions of Lviv and Lviv region in 2017. Altogether 1188 preschool children (n=1188) were
involved in the research, including 418 children of junior preschool age (3 to 4 years old), 350 middleaged
preschoolers (4 to 5 years old) and 420 senior preschoolers (5 to 6 years old). Methods of research
applied were as follows: analysis and systematization of scientific publications, educational experiment,
educational testing, educational observations, Student’s t-test, parametric statistics methods. Results: It
has been found that with age the examined sample of children displays gradual improvement of all
physical fitness characteristics. The findings testify to intensive and heterochronic development of
children’s motor qualities in the process of their ontogenesis. Conclusion: General physical fitness level
of the majority of the examined children could be estimated as satisfactory and corresponding to the
appropriate age standards. Our findings supplement the data on application of the available informative
tests for preschooler’s physical fitness assessment.
Ключові слова
physical fitness, children, preschool age, children development
Бібліографічний опис
Prerequisites for the physical development of preschool children for the realization of the tasks of physical education / Viktoria Pasichnyk, Maryan Pityn, Valeryi Melnyk, Ivan Karatnyk, Anna Hakman, Yaroslav Galan // Physical Activity Review. - 2018. - Vol. 6. - P. 117-126. (Scopus)