Formation and development of professional reliability of future physical education teachers


The aim of the investigation was to check the efficiency of implementation of the defined pedagogical conditions into the educational process, namely: interdisciplinary integration within the content of professional training, improvement of physical training on the basis of the increase of the range of physical exercises, application of methods of professional reliability formation, focus of practical training on the formation of professional reliability. The future PE teachers took part in the study; the control group (CG, n = 207) and experimental group (EG, n = 205) was formed. CG studied in the traditional system, the experimental group witnessed the realisation of the aforementioned pedagogical conditions in the educational process. The cognitive component of professional reliability was checked by the availability of the system of knowledge of organization of the pedagogical process of PE; activity component was characterised by indices of verbal and functional selfdevotion, general and motor density of a lesson; morphofunctional component was evaluated by the state of respiratory system, level of muscular system development. The positive dynamics of the formation of professional reliability in EG was observed. Namely, 9.27% of students from the EG showed a high level of professional reliability formation; 43.41% – average, and 47.32% – low level as opposed to students from the CG that showed levels at 0%, 18.36%, and 81.64% respectively. Comparison of the obtained results between the CG and EG revealed improvement of the results of cognitive, activity and morphofunctional components of professional reliability of students from the EG.


Ключові слова

students, professional development, physical education, future teachers

Бібліографічний опис

Formation and development of professional reliability of future physical education teachers / Oleksandr Soltyk, Bogdan Vynogradskyi, Yevgen Pavlyuk, Tetyana Chopyk, Oleksandr Antoniuk, Oksana Pavlyuk, Iuliia Pavlova // Discobolul. - 2019. - Suppl. Is. International Proceedings of Human Motricity / ICPESK 2019. - P. 280-287.