A Graphical Language-Based Approach for Database Modeling in Higher Education Information Systems




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This study centers on the development and structuring of databases designed to facilitate information support within the sphere of higher education. The primary scientific objective is the construction of an innovative model for this purpose, employing a graphical languagebased methodology for database modeling. The focus of this research is a singular higher education institution's information system, serving as a representative sample due to its complexity and socio-economic scope. The novelty of the research lies in the application of a graphical language approach to database modeling, which provides a fresh perspective in the field of educational information systems. The pivotal entities identified for inclusion in the database include problem-solving technology, design technology, and process control technology. The functions of this information support system encompass the provision of requested information, content generation, and additional support services. The study acknowledges its limitations, primarily its exclusive focus on a single educational institution's information system, which may not fully encapsulate the diversity of higher education systems. However, the institution was selected for its comprehensive and multifaceted nature, rendering it a suitable candidate for modeling and subsequent research. Future research endeavors should extend this modeling approach to a broader range of higher education institutions, thereby enhancing its applicability and potential for generalization. Це дослідження зосереджено на розробці та структуруванні баз даних, призначених для полегшення інформаційне забезпечення у сфері вищої освіти. Основна наукова мета це побудова інноваційної моделі для цієї мети, використовуючи методологію на основі графічної мови для моделювання бази даних.


Ключові слова

language, database, information, model, process, education, мова, модель, база даних, інформація, процес, виховання

Бібліографічний опис

A Graphical Language-Based Approach for Database Modeling in Higher Education Information Systems / Svitlana Kryshtanovych, Oksana Ivanytska, Mariana Markova, Yuliia Hliudzyk, Andriana Ivanova // Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information. – 2023. – Vol. 28, N 6. – P. 1597–1603. https://doi.org/10.18280/isi.280616 (Scopus)