Mobile Applications for Attraction Young to Motor Activity




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Motor activity is a component of healthy lifestyle in different countries in the world. In recent years, to find the solution of problem in optimization the motor activity of population (especially young people) the developers of mobile applications were involved. There are offered many applications for gadgets that can perform the role of personal fitness trainer: to determine the content of independent recreational classes, capacity and intensity of physical activity, to control the effect on the body, to evaluate the health effect. We have described separate thematic mobile applications.


Ключові слова

Mobile applications, Motor activity, Youth

Бібліографічний опис

Prystupa Y. Mobile Applications for Attraction Young to Motor Activity / Yevgen Prystupa, Olga Zhdanova, Liubov Chekhovska // Using sports, culture, and social studies as means to rediscover lost values : abstract book of 6th International Conference on Science, Culture, and Sport (25-27 April 2018, Lviv). – Lviv, 2018. – Р. 314.