Effect of interval hypoxic and hypercapnic exercises on the respiratory function of orienteers
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The objective of our investigation is the effect of the interval hypercapnic and hypoxic exercises with the
supplementary respiration resistance on the respiration variables of the orienteers. The respiratory function
variables (BTPS) have been measured at rest and during tests of vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC)
and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV15). They were compared with average speed of running on short (2.4
km) and classical (6–8 km) distances. We have revealed a close positive connection between sports result of the
orienteers of different qualifications and several variables of respiratory function (RRmax, FEV1, FVC and VC).
The increase of sportsmen’s qualification is accompanied by the improvement of the MVV15, MVV% and
Tiffeneau index. We study the effect of 30 days of the interval hypercapnic and hypoxic exercises (IHHE) on the
important respiration variables. The "Carbonic-01" device with additional volume of dead space from 800 to
1000 ml has been used. We found that IHHE with the supplementary expiration resistance allows improving of
RRm, FVC, MVV and Tiffeneau index of the trained orienteers (candidate master). There has been also
discovered the up trend of VC and FEV1 after IHHE. Due to the close correlation of the respiration variables and
a competitive result, the established effect of IHHE on these variables will contribute to the improvement of
orienteers sport achievements.
Ключові слова
orienteering, respiration, hypoxia, hypercapnia, supplementary respiration resistance
Бібліографічний опис
Penchuk A. Effect of interval hypoxic and hypercapnic exercises on the respiratory function of orienteers / Andrii Penchuk, Lyubomyr Vovkanych // Journal of physical education and sport. - 2016. - Vol. 16, is. 2. - P. 317 - 320.