Attitude of law college students towards physical culture and sports
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Journal of Physical Education and Sport
Introduction. Encouraging young people to exercise is one of the most important issues today, because low
levels of physical activity, along with an unbalanced diet, lead to various diseases that will affect the quality of
life and work in the future. The purpose of this study is to determine the current state of motivation for classes
in physical culture and sports to improve the educational process of training future lawyers. Materials and
Methods. The survey was completed by 132 first-year students of the Lviv College of Economics and Law,
Kherson Cooperative College of Economics and Law and Mukachevo Cooperative College of Trade and
Economics; 67 boys and 65 girls agreed to participate in the survey. Results. It was found that regular physical
culture and sports are not considered important by students – future lawyers for successful work in the specialty
(64.8%). However, they consider (51.2%) insufficient the amount of physical activity they receive in physical
culture, and realize the need to engage in various forms of exercise at least 3 times a week. The uniformity of
physical exercises used during classes does not satisfy approximately a third of students (29.4%). Sports sections are attended by only 11.8% of surveyed law students. It was found that lack of free time is the main reason that prevents students from engaging in sports (52.9%). However, 66.7% of students spend their free time passively. Priority sports have been identified, most of which are related to sports games: soccer – 33.3%, swimming – 29.4%, volleyball – 27.5%, table tennis – 23.5%, basketball – 13.7%, tennis – 11.8%, and badminton – 5.9%. To be engaged to in physical culture and sports, most students are motivated by maintaining and strengthening health (first rating place), the desire for physical improvement (second rating place), and improving overall performance (third rating place); a small number of respondents stated a lack of motivation for such classes. Conclusions. Students – future lawyers – consider insufficient the amount of physical activity in the classroom and suggest an increase in the number of classes. Classes on physical culture motivate the students to improve health and increase the level of physical fitness. The organization and regular holding of competitions, entertainments, entertainments with the use of sports and active games (76.5%) can improve the educational process, increase motor activity, and increase motivation.
Ключові слова
students, lawyers,, motivation, physical activity, health
Бібліографічний опис
Attitude of law college students towards physical culture and sports / Andriy Solomonko, Ihor Zanevskyy, Olena Bodnarchuk, Andriy Andres, Roman Petryna, Ihor Lapychak // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2022. - Vol. 22, is. 3, art 99. - P. 780-785. DOI:10.7752/jpes.2022.03099 (Scopus)