Physical Training as the Factor in the Professional Adaptation of Reserve Officers
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The activity of reserve officers, especially in responsible and difficult situations, often
requires maximum physical effort, speed of action, skill and great volitional tension.
Therefore, the problem of improving the reserve officers’ physical training at the present
stage is relevant.
Ключові слова
Physical training Adaptation, Reserve officers
Бібліографічний опис
Yavorskyy A. Physical Training as the Factor in the Professional Adaptation of Reserve Officers / Andriy Yavorskyy, Taras Yavorskyy, Sergey Romanchuk // Using sports, culture, and social studies as means to rediscover lost values : abstract book of 6th International Conference on Science, Culture, and Sport (25-27 April 2018). – Lviv, 2018. – Р. 327.