Improving technical preparedness of archers using directional development of their coordination skills on stage using the specialized basic training

dc.contributor.authorАнтонов, Сергій
dc.contributor.authorБріскін, Юрій
dc.contributor.authorПередерій, Аліна
dc.contributor.authorПітин, Мар'ян
dc.contributor.authorХіменес, Христина
dc.contributor.authorЗадорожна, Ольга
dc.contributor.authorСемеряк, Зоряна
dc.contributor.authorСвістельник, Ірина
dc.contributor.authorAntonov, Sergiy
dc.contributor.authorBriskin, Yuriy
dc.contributor.authorPerederiy, Alina
dc.contributor.authorPityn, Maryan
dc.contributor.authorKhimenes, Khrystyna
dc.contributor.authorSemeryak, Zoryana
dc.contributor.authorSvystelnyk, Irina
dc.contributor.authorZadorozhna, Olha
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is devoted to the technical training of skilled archer. Following the analysis of literature was found structure factors that determine the effectiveness of exercise in the technique of competitive archery. The ways of improving the technical preparedness archer at the stage of basic training specialist associated with playing rhythmic, dynamic structure and maintain stability kinematic characteristics of motor actions due to quality displays of coordination abilities.Theoretically and experimentally proven efficiency in improving the technical preparedness archer at the stage of basic training specialized complex coordinated increase in the proportion of training, shift in pedagogical orientation to complete the tasks and reduce the amount of funds for the development of maximum strength and speed-strength endurance.Formed scientific position on the use of exercise adversarial nature of the changed conditions in the complex control of technical training skilled archer at the stage of basic training and specialized completed qualification-determined differences skilled athletes on the basis of model parameters physical and technical preparedness skilled archer.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationImproving technical preparedness of archers using directional development of their coordination skills on stage using the specialized basic training / Antonov Sergiy, Briskin Yuriy, Perederiy Alina, Pityn Maryan, Khimenes Khrystyna, Zadorozhna Olha, Semeryak Zoryana, Svystelnyk Irina // Journal of Physical Education and Sport. - 2017. - Vol. 17, is. 1. - P. 262-268.uk_UA
dc.subjecttechnical preparednessuk_UA
dc.subjectskilled archeruk_UA
dc.subjectcoordination abilityuk_UA
dc.subjectskill differencesuk_UA
dc.titleImproving technical preparedness of archers using directional development of their coordination skills on stage using the specialized basic traininguk_UA


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