Life Quality and Physical Activity of Ukrainian people
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The health related life quality of all population groups of Ukrainians
was low. The high life quality is associated with optimal physical and emotional health,
good health, absence of depression, the possibility to take part in various social
activities, high adaptive capability, working capacity; lack of disease. Physical activity
is the factor that directly affects all counted life quality components. The development
of endurance, which is a necessary component of physical readiness, correlates with
higher life quality of students. There are strong direct correlation relationships between the quantities of metabolic equivalents spent on physical activity and average power
components of quality of life of seniors.
Ключові слова
life quality, physical activity
Бібліографічний опис
Prystupa E. Life Quality and Physical Activity of Ukrainian people / Prystupa Evgen, Pavlova Iuliia // Олимпийский спорт и спорт для всех : материалы XVIII Междунар. науч. конгр. - Алматы, 2014 . – Т. 3. – С. 428–431.