Перегляд за Автор "Zavydivska, Olga"
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Документ Development of Hunting Tourism in Ukraine: Organizational, Economic and Legal Aspects(2021-09-14) Hul, Ivan; Zavydivska, Olga; Moroz, Volodymyr; Mandryk, Vasyl; Гуль, Іван; Завидівська, Ольга; Мороз, Володимир; Мандрик, ВасильAbstract Modem approaches to the definition of “hunting tourism” are analyzed in the article. It is proposed to consider hunting tourism as an organized paid trip aimed on satisfying the needs of consumers (hunters) in services of extreme, sports & recreational or cognitive character in the process of their staying in the natural habitat of hunting animals. The main problems of organizational, economic and orientation legal, which hinder the development of hunting tourism in Ukraine, are considered. The resource support of hunting tourism development in Ukraine is analyzed. Organizational and management aspects of hunting economy in European Countries (Germany, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland) are investigated. The directions for solving of basic problems of organizational and legal support, as well as incentives for further development of hunting tourism in Ukraine are offered. The basic principles on which hunting tourism should be based are formed, in particular: the principle of preservation of biodiversity in the animal and plant life of hunting grounds; the principle of sustainable ecologically balanced of using the hunting resources for tourism purposes; the principle of observance of ethical norms and national traditions in the process of organizing hunting tourism; the principle of preservation of the cultural heritage in the areas, which are reserved for the organization of hunting tourism; the principle of promoting the development of alternative types of hunting tourism; the principle of integration of hunting tourism with hunting, forestry and agrarian enterprises; the principle of state support in the development of hunting tourism. Анотація У статті проаналізовано сучасні підходи до визначення поняття «мисливський туризм». Мисливський туризм пропонується розглядати як організовану платну подорож, спрямовану на задоволення потреб споживачів (мисливців) у послугах екстремального, спортивно -оздоровчого чи пізнавального характеру в процесі їх перебування в природному середовищі існування мисливських тварин. Розглянуто основні проблеми організаційно -економічного та орієнтаційно -правового характеру, які гальмують розвиток мисливського туризму в Україні. Проаналізовано ресурсне забезпечення розвитку мисливського туризму в Україні. Досліджено організаційні та управлінські аспекти мисливського господарства в європейських країнах (Німеччина, Швеція, Фінляндія, Угорщина, Чехія та Польща). Запропоновано напрямки вирішення основних проблем організаційно -правового забезпечення, а також стимули для подальшого розвитку мисливського туризму в Україні. Формуються основні принципи, на яких повинен ґрунтуватися мисливський туризм, зокрема: принцип збереження біорізноманіття у тваринному та рослинному світі мисливських угідь; принцип сталого екологічно збалансованого використання мисливських ресурсів у туристичних цілях; принцип дотримання етичних норм та національних традицій у процесі організації мисливського туризму; принцип збереження культурної спадщини на територіях, зарезервованих для організації мисливського туризму; принцип сприяння розвитку альтернативних видів мисливського туризму; принцип інтеграції мисливського туризму з мисливськими, лісовими та аграрними підприємствами; принцип державної підтримки у розвитку мисливського туризму.Документ Features of professional training of hr managers: the ability to create a health-oriented environment in the organization(2018) Zavydivska, Olga; Zavydivska, Nataliia; Kovalchuk, Volodymyr; Khanikiants, Olena; Завидівська, Ольга; Завидівська, Наталія; Ковальчук, Володимир; Ханікянц, ОленаThe necessity to improve the professional training of future HR-managers through the need of formation their ability to create a health-oriented environment of organization is scientifically substantiated. The meaningful essence of health-oriented environment of organization is solved. The analysis of the main directions of the state policy in the field of labour safety and health of personnel was carried out. The features of system of health-oriented environment of organization (on the example of LEONI Company - LEONI Wiring Systems UA GmbH) were discovered. The measures which will help to eliminate or reduce the risks for life and health of people in working conditions were indicated. It is pointed out that the content of the professional training of students – future HR-managers depends on the effectiveness of the process of forming their readiness to create a health-oriented environment of the organization. Conceptual aspects and principles of health preserving training for students – future HR-managers are presented. The necessity of formation of health preserving competence of future employees of HR-departments through their participation in the processes of creating a health-oriented environment of organization is proved. It is stated that the complexity of the preparation of students – future HR-managers is conditioned by the requirements of their profession considering also the varieties of labour safety and health of the personnel. It was proved that professional training of students – future HR-managers must consists three conceptual components: economic, legal and social. It was recognized that the most important aspect of this is the conceptual idea of interconnection between all three components which requires a rethinking and improvement of the content of specialized disciplines.Документ Organizational and Pedagogical Aspects in The System of Professional Training of Future Managers: Innovative Forms. Methods and Tools of Health-Preserving Study(2021-09-14) Zavydivska, Nataliia; Zavydivska, Olga; Khanikiants, Olena; Завидівська, Наталія; Завидівська, Ольга; Ханікянц, ОленаAbstract The problem of creating a health-oriented system of professional training of future managers is highlighted in the article. The aim was to ground the organizational and pedagogical aspects (innovative forms, methods and tools of health-preserving study) in the system of professional training of future managers with the help of the following methods: theoretical analysis; synthesis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, educational, methodical and professional scientific literature, legal documents on education and healthcare; analysis of Internet resources: pedagogical observation: surveys, questionnaires; methods of mathematical statistics. The analysis of the level of employers' interest (top level management) in the hiring to work managers with health-oriented management skills is presented. The basic principles and approaches in the process of studying students-managers of health-oriented management are allocated. The essence of the content of the program of author's special workshop "Basic notions of health-preserving for future managers" is revealed. Effective organizational and pedagogical aspects of formation the health-oriented management skills of future managers are revealed. It is stated that the organizational and pedagogical aspects in the content of the professional training of students-managers are crucial for the implementation of a health-oriented concept of the content of their professional training. The organization of training of students-managers on the basis of such a concept ensures the integrity of their perception of the organization's environment and embraces health-oriented planning of all sides of the workforce. Анотація Проблемою створення орієнтованої на здоров'я системи професійної підготовки майбутніх менеджерів є виділено у статті. Метою було обґрунтувати організаційні та педагогічні аспекти (інноваційні форми, методи та засоби оздоровчого навчання) у системі професій навчання майбутніх менеджерів за допомогою таких методів: теоретичний аналіз; синтез філософські, психологічні, педагогічні, навчальні, методичні та професійно -наукові література, правові документи про освіту та охорону здоров'я; аналіз Інтернет -ресурсів: педагогічний спостереження: опитування, анкетування; методи математичної статистики. Аналіз рівня зацікавленість роботодавців (керівництво вищого рівня) у прийнятті на роботу менеджерів з орієнтацією на здоров'я представлені навички управління. Основні принципи та підходи в процесі навчання виділяються студенти-менеджери орієнтованого на здоров'я менеджменту. Сутність змісту програма авторського спеціального семінару "Основні поняття збереження здоров'я для майбутніх менеджерів" виявлено. Ефективні організаційно-педагогічні аспекти формування орієнтованого на здоров'я розкриваються управлінські навички майбутніх менеджерів. Зазначається, що організаційні та педагогічні аспекти у змісті професійної підготовки студентів-менеджерів мають вирішальне значення для реалізація орієнтованої на здоров'я концепції змісту їх професійної підготовки. Файл організація навчання студентів-менеджерів на основі такої концепції забезпечує цілісність Російської Федерації їх сприйняття навколишнього середовища організації та охоплює орієнтоване на здоров'я планування всіх сторін робочої сили.Документ Organizational and Pedagogical Aspects in The System of Professional Training of Future Managers: Innovative Forms. Methods and Tools of Health-Preserving Study(2020-10-05) Zavydivska, Nataliia; Zavydivska, Olga; Khanikiants, Olena; Завидівська, Наталія; Завидівська, Ольга; Ханікянц, ОленаДокумент Self-management as a condition for creating a health culture among students(Zavydivska O. I. Self-management as a condition for creating a health culture among students / Olga I. Zavydivska, Natalija N. Zavydivska, Olena V. Zavydivska // Journal of physical education and sport. - 2016. - Vol. 16, suppl. is. 1. - P. 592 - 597. (Scopus), 2016) Zavydivska, Olga; Zavydivska, Natalija; Khanikiants, Olena; Завидівська, Ольга; Завидівська, Наталія; Ханікянц, ОленаThe necessity of creating self-management skills in the process of health preserving students’ study was grounded. A comprehensive assessment of the lifestyle of graduates was conducted. The characteristics of students forming responsibility for their health during this health-preserving study were revealed. The conditions for the self-organization of a student’s healthy lifestyle via their self-determination, self-organization, selfmotivation and self-realization were determined. Technological content on the formation a health culture among students was created based on self-management. The methodological basis of research is the idea of unity in the world and the main ideas of philosophers and scientists regarding health suggest that it the most important value in life. The preservation and strengthening of the health of students in higher educational establishments must be studied. Self-management was considered in terms of personal autonomy and self-health management as a mechanism for students’ to self-organize their lifestyles. Under these conditions, the main goal of selfmanagement in the health-preserving process is to maximize student’s own opportunities to organize their lifestyle to promote and maintain health. Creating a healthy culture among students is represented as a process that involves mastering expertise and vital motor actions, which result in the ability to manage health and, conduct diagnostic, preventive, rehabilitation, and corrective measures. Was concluded that the formation of self-management in students is a prerequisite for optimizing the process of forming a culture of health. The use of educational technology positively affected the student’s increasing ability to apply health-forming tools.Документ The paradigm of health maintenance at higher education institutions as an important component of human development in terms of modernity(2017) Zavydivska, Olga; Zavydivska, Nataliia; Khanikiants, Olena; Rymar, Olga; Завидівська, Ольга; Завидівська, Наталія; Ханікянц, Олена; Римар, ОльгаThe necessity of increasing the role of the paradigm of health maintenance at universities for sustainable human development is substantiated in the article. The content of the modern principle of human development, according to which the economy exists for the development of people, not the people for economic development is revealed. The analysis of the term "human development" in the biological, psychological and social aspects is presented in the article. The essence of periods and the concept of human development in the light of a health maintenance principle are revealed. The authors have found factors that affect the formation of human development as an entire process. This is an internal development program, which is genetically embedded in the body and is inherited from parents and external factors of biological, cultural and social impact on the human body. Based on the analysis of library resources and our own teaching experience we have presented some mechanisms to improve the educational process in higher education, the essence of the content of basic methodological aspects and perspectives to design the process of health maintenance training. The ways of improvement and development of human nature, the formation of human potential in the light of health maintenance paradigm in the educational activities of higher school on the basis of actual of data obtained during a stating stage of pedagogical experiment. We have supposed that in the process of health maintenance training a concept "competence" should be attributed to such scientific concepts as "capacity", "ability", and "skill". The "competence" is closer to the concepts of "know how" than "I know that." The authors presented a relationship of competences during the health maintenance training and suggested two ways of its development. The competence of health maintenance is declared as complex competencies updating that define the content of this competence. Five groups of health maintenance competences were defined: competences based on the physiological capabilities of the human body; competences based on the human capacity to perform certain tasks, i.e. the ability to learn; competences based on the requirements and psycho-physiological characteristics of future professional activity; competences based on the ability to use a variety of health technologies; competences based on the need to improve one’s lifelong knowledge on health maintenance.