Перегляд за Автор "Yavorskyy, Andriy"
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Документ Differentiated approach for improving the physical condition of children with visual impairment during physical education(2020-05-19) Savliuk, Svitlana; Kashuba, Vitalii; Vypasniak, Ihor; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Kindrat, Pavlo; Grygus, Igor; Vakoliuk, Alina; Panchuk, Ilona; Hagner-Derengowska, MagdalenaThe article justifies the use of a differentiated approach in the physical education of 10-year-old children with visual impairments and postural impairment to improve their physical condition.The differentiated approach in our study meant the division of children with visual impairments into relatively homogeneous subgroups according to similar secondary abnormalities in health. The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally test a differentiated program of improving the physical condition of 10-year-old children with visual impairments in the process of physical education. The transformation experiment involved 28 children both with visual impairments (14 boys and 14 girls) and with scoliotic posture or round back. Research methods: theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The disharmony in the development of primary school aged children with visual impairments has a reflection in a lower level of their physical condition (p < 0.05). Postural impairment negatively affects the development of physical characteristics of 10-year-old children with visual impairments. As a result of the implementation of the differentiated program for enhancing the level of physical condition of 10-year-old children with visual impairments and either scoliotic posture or round back, there were positive changes in the indicators of physical qualities such as endurance, flexibility at the level of significance p < 0,05 and vertical stability of the body at significance levels of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01.The data obtained before and after the transformative experiment indicate that the use of the differentiated program of increasing the level of physical condition in the process of physical education of 10-year-old children with visual impairments and different types of impaired posture contributed to ensuring the positive dynamics in the average figures growth in all the studied parameters of children of both groups. The differentiated program is developed, implemented, and successfully tested during the transformation experiment: its effectiveness is proved by quantitative changes at the level of p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 of the studied fitness indicators.Документ Peculiarities of officers’ fitness shape(2015) Romanchuk, Serhii; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Романчук, Сергій; Яворський, АндрійTo explore the participation and attitude of institutionalised elderly towards Physical Activity. The aim of the research is to study functional fitness shape of officers who are graduates from both higher military educational establishments and higher educational establishments. The article presents results of research on assessment of body’s adaptation abilities of officers from both higher military educational establishments and higher educational establishments. Fitness shape parameters of graduate officers at rest and after muscle loading have been determined. This has shown that for such parameters as oxygen consumption, oxygen consumption for every kilogram of body mass and oxygen ventilation equivalent there exist significant differences in fitness shape of officers from higher military educational establishments and from higher educational establishments which make up 12,82%, 9,61%, and 8,61% correspondingly. After muscle loading the difference is evident for such parameters as pulse pressure, oxygen consumption, and carbon dioxide emission (11,09%, 10,57% and 10% correspondingly). It has been found that higher educational institutions do not pay enough attention to improvement of level of fitness and performance efficiency which has negative effect on graduate officers’ physical condition. Four tendencies have been specified and theoretical grounding has been provided for the main methods of increasing officers’ performance efficiency and their adaptation in extreme environment conditions.Документ Physical Training as the Factor in the Professional Adaptation of Reserve Officers(2018) Yavorskyy, Andriy; Yavorskyy, Taras; Romanchuk, Sergey; Яворський, Андрій; Яворський, Тарас; Романчук, СергійThe activity of reserve officers, especially in responsible and difficult situations, often requires maximum physical effort, speed of action, skill and great volitional tension. Therefore, the problem of improving the reserve officers’ physical training at the present stage is relevant.Документ Students’ Motivation to Attend Physical Education Classes in Universities of Ukraine(2021-05-28) Kukhar, Mariana; Sorokolit, Nataliya; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Rymar, Olga; Кухар, Мар’яна; Сороколіт, Наталія; Яворський, Андрій; Римар, Ольга; Ханікянц, ОленаAbstract. The article is dedicated to the research of priority motives according to attending “Physical education” classes by I and II year students from universities of Ukraine. The goal of the research is to determine the ratings of students’ motivation towards attending physical education classes in the universities in Ukraine. The methods of research are analysis and generalization of scientific methodologic literature data, sociologic methods (questionnaire) and mathematical statistics methods. The questionnaire was answered by 363 students from 4 Ukrainian universities. Among them were 170 males and 193 females. The main results of the research are as follows. It was determined the general structure of students’ motivation and value orientation according attending physical education classes by each university particularly. There was performed comparable analysis of significance ranking of the motives to attend physical education classes and also generalized differences between females and males in the choice of motivation priority. It was determined that 57,9% of students that have been taking part in the questionnaire, think that priority motive to attend physical education classes is to get credits from the course, while body strengthening has second priority place (47,9%). As males (46,5%) so females (67,9%) believe the most essential motive is to get credits from the course “Physical education” and body strengthening (males – 38,8%, females – 56,6%). The third place among males got the motive to improve physical efficiency (26,5%), among females – the desire to get fit (35,2%). Conclusions: The results we have got testify the importance to increase motivation level to attend physical education lessons. Анотація. Стаття присвячена дослідженню пріоритетних мотивів відповідно до відвідування Заняття “Фізичне виховання” студентами І та ІІ курсів університетів України. Мета дослідження полягає у визначенні рейтингів мотивації студентів до відвідування фізичних занять навчальні класи в університетах України. Методами дослідження є аналіз та узагальнення даних наукової методологічної літератури, соціологічних методів (анкета) та методи математичної статистики. На анкету відповіли 363 студенти з 4-х Українські університети. Серед них було 170 чоловіків та 193 жінки. Основні результати дослідження такі. Визначено загальну структуру мотивації студентів та ціннісна орієнтація відповідно до відвідування уроків фізичної культури у кожному університеті зокрема. Проведено порівняльний аналіз ранжирування значущості мотивів відвідувати уроки фізичної культури, а також узагальнені відмінності між жінками та чоловіки у виборі пріоритету мотивації. Було визначено, що 57,9% студентів мають беручи участь в анкеті, вважають головним мотивом відвідування фізкультури заняття полягає в отриманні кредитів з курсу, тоді як зміцнення тіла посідає друге пріоритетне місце (47,9%). Як чоловіки (46,5%), так і жінки (67,9%) вважають, що найважливішим мотивом є отримання кредитів з курсу “Фізичне виховання” та зміцнення організму (чоловіки - 38,8%, жінки - 56,6%). Третє місце серед чоловіків отримало мотив підвищити фізичну працездатність (26,5%), серед жінок - бажання підтягнутися (35,2%). Висновки: Отримані нами результати свідчать про важливість підвищення рівня мотивації відвідувати уроки фізичної культури.Документ Students’ Motivation to Attend Physical Education Classes in Universities of Ukraine(2021) Kukhar, Mariana; Sorokolit, Nataliya; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Rymar, Olga; Khanikiants, Olena; Кухар, Мар’яна; Сороколіт, Наталія; Яворський, Андрій; Римар, Ольга; Ханікіянц, ОленаThe article is dedicated to the research of priority motives according to attending “Physical education” classes by I and II year students from universities of Ukraine. The goal of the research is to determine the ratings of students’ motivation towards attending physical education classes in the universities in Ukraine. The methods of research are analysis and generalization of scientific methodologic literature data, sociologic methods (questionnaire) and mathematical statistics methods. The questionnaire was answered by 363 students from 4 Ukrainian universities. Among them were 170 males and 193 females. Стаття присвячена дослідженню пріоритетних мотивів за відвідуванням Заняття «Фізичне виховання» студентів І та ІІ курсів ВНЗ України. Мета дослідження полягає у визначенні рейтингів мотивації студентів до відвідування фіз навчання в університетах України. Методами дослідження є аналіз і узагальнення даних науково-методичної літератури, соціологічні методи (анкетування) та методи математичної статистики. На запитання анкети відповіли 363 учні 4 класу українські університети. Серед них 170 чоловіків і 193 жінки.Документ Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Chalii, Liudmyla; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Pаnchuк, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MałgorzataPurpose: The article presents the structure and content of the technology for correcting posture disorders children of primary school age with hearing impairments from a special boarding school. Мета: У статті представлено структуру та зміст технології корекції порушень постави у діти молодшого шкільного віку з вадами слуху зі спецшколи-інтернату.Документ Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020-11-18) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Chalii, Liudmyla; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Panchuk, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MalgorzataPurpose: The article presents the structure and content of a technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing impairment from special boarding school. Material & methods'. theoretical analysis and consolidation of information from scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical observation, teaching experiment, visual screening of posture (R. Bibyk, V. Kashuba, N. Nosova, 2012); photographing, mathematical and statistical. 139 students of 1-4 grades from special comprehensive boarding school of І-ІП levels for children with hearing impairment participated in ascertaining experiment - 73 boys and 66 girls, and 186 their apparently healthy mates. Results: In the process of research the type of posture was determined and the visual screening of bio-geometric posture profile in primary school age children with hearing impairment and with different types of posture and express testing of posture at the beginning and at the end of teaching experiment were performed As a result of transformative experiment, it was established, in 9-year-old children with hearing impairment and withscoliotic posture or sway back there were positive changes in indices of bio-geometric posture profile (p < 0,05). As demonstrated by the calculations performed, in 9-year-old boys with hearing deprivation statistically significant changes occurred in indices in sagittal plane (head inclination angle, trunk inclination angle, lumbar lordosis, knee flexion angle), in 9-year-old girls with hearing deprivation changes occurred in all indices under investigation (p < 0,05), which, in our view, is related to the favorable effect of motor activity increase during introduction of technology for correcting postural disorders in children with hearing deprivation. Conclusions^^ developed technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation has. been successfully tested during transformative experiment: its efficiency is proved by quantitative changes (at the level of p<0,05) of indices under investigation The performed research confirms the effectiveness of technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation in order to provide harmonious development and social adaptation to the society of healthy age mates.Документ Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020-05-19) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Challii, Liudnila; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Panchuk, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MalgorzataThe article presents the structure and content of a technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing impairment from special boarding school. Material & methods: theoretical analysis and consolidation of information from scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical observation, teaching experiment, visual screening of posture (R. Bibyk, V. Kashuba, N. Nosova, 2012); photographing, mathematical and statistical. 139 students of 1–4 grades from special comprehensive boarding school of І–ІІІ levels for children with hearing impairment participated in ascertaining experiment – 73 boys and 66 girls, and 186 their apparently healthy mates. Results: In the process of research the type of posture was determined and the visual screening of bio-geometric posture profile in primary school age children with hearing impairment and with different types of posture and express testing of posture at the beginning and at the end of teaching experiment were performed.As a result of transformative experiment, it was established: in 9-year-old children with hearing impairment and withscoliotic posture or sway back there were positive changes in indices of bio-geometric posture profile (p < 0,05). As demonstrated by the calculations performed, in 9-year-old boys with hearing deprivation statistically significant changes occurred in indices in sagittal plane (head inclination angle, trunk inclination angle, lumbar lordosis, knee flexion angle), in 9-year-old girls with hearing deprivation changes occurred in all indices under investigation (p < 0,05), which, in our view, is related to the favorable effect of motor activity increase during introduction of technology for correcting postural disorders in children with hearing deprivation. Conclusions:The developed technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation has been successfully tested during transformative experiment: its efficiency is proved by quantitative changes (at the level of р < 0,05) of indices under investigation. The performed research confirms the effectiveness of technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation in order to provide harmonious development and social adaptation to the society of healthy age mates.