Перегляд за Автор "Soltyk, Oleksandr"
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Документ Formation and development of professional reliability of future physical education teachers(2019) Soltyk, Oleksandr; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Chopyk, Tetyana; Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Pavlova, Iuliia; Виноградський, Богдан; Павлова, ЮліяThe aim of the investigation was to check the efficiency of implementation of the defined pedagogical conditions into the educational process, namely: interdisciplinary integration within the content of professional training, improvement of physical training on the basis of the increase of the range of physical exercises, application of methods of professional reliability formation, focus of practical training on the formation of professional reliability. The future PE teachers took part in the study; the control group (CG, n = 207) and experimental group (EG, n = 205) was formed. CG studied in the traditional system, the experimental group witnessed the realisation of the aforementioned pedagogical conditions in the educational process. The cognitive component of professional reliability was checked by the availability of the system of knowledge of organization of the pedagogical process of PE; activity component was characterised by indices of verbal and functional selfdevotion, general and motor density of a lesson; morphofunctional component was evaluated by the state of respiratory system, level of muscular system development. The positive dynamics of the formation of professional reliability in EG was observed. Namely, 9.27% of students from the EG showed a high level of professional reliability formation; 43.41% – average, and 47.32% – low level as opposed to students from the CG that showed levels at 0%, 18.36%, and 81.64% respectively. Comparison of the obtained results between the CG and EG revealed improvement of the results of cognitive, activity and morphofunctional components of professional reliability of students from the EG.Документ Improvement of technical preparedness of elite female weightlifters with different types of body build(2017) Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Chopyk, Tetyana; Soltyk, OleksandrTypes of body build of elite female weightlifters according to weight categories have been defined. Digital video filming and computer video-analysis using applied “Weightlifting analyzer 3.0” software have been used to define typologically-specified techniques of competition exercises for elite female weightlifter with various build. Data analysis showed true differences of biomechanical structure of technique for competition exercises for elite female weight-lifters with different build and weight category. Biomechanical model indices of technique of competition exercises for female weight-lifters with different types of build and weight categories have been defined. Methods of improving general exercises due to directed influence on optimization of individual elements of motion actions of elite female weight-lifters with different build and weight categories have been developed and proven.Документ Motivation to seif-improvement among physical education teachers(2019) Pavlyuk, Oksana; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Chopyk, Tetyana; Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Soltyk, Oleksandr; Pavlova, Iuliia; Павлюк, Оксана; Виноградський, Богдан; Павлюк, Євген; Чопик, Тетяна; Антонюк, Олександр; Солтик, Олександр; Павлова, ЮліяThe formation of teacher’s motivation to self-improvement during their professional activity is investigated. The aim of the research is to analyse motivation to self-improvement of physical education teachers in the process of professional activity. Physical education teachers for experimental (EG, n=124) and control (CG, n=124) groups were picked randomly from a pedagogical staff of Ukrainian universities. The Motivation Sources Inventory was used to define motivation to self-improvement. Teachers of CG participated in the traditional in-service training course, EG was trained according to the authorial program. We assume that motivation leads and organizes teachers’ activity, provides personal essence and significance of self-improvement, promotes the transformation of externally-formulated aims into inner needs. Basic trends of an effective influence on the intensification of motivation to self-improvement of teachers were: formation of positive guideline for self-improvement in the process of professional activity with the help of specification of requirements to specialists; formation of solid knowledge and skills; actualisation of the need for improvement and professional growth. Intrinsic motivation is important for self-improvement of teachers of physical education in the process of their professional activity. The results of the research show that intrinsic motives dominate among the teachers of CG, which highlights positive attitude to pedagogical activity, and intensify motivation to self-improvement.Документ Objectification of technical and tactical training of athletes in running target shooting(2020-04-24) Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Pityn, Marian; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Chopyk, Tetyana; Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Soltyk, Oleksandr; Пітин, Мар'янThere were found contradictions connected with the directions of improving technical and tactical training of athletes in shooting that could be overcome by defining and visualizing the spatial and temporal parameters of the critical phases of the aiming weapon motion (aiming point trajectory) in running target shooting. The aim of research was to reveal model characteristics of running target shooting as a direction of objectification of the improvement of technical and tactical training of athletes in running target shooting,Документ The role of various types of field training in development of health-formation competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports(2018) Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Chovgan, Olena; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlova, Iuliia; Chopyk, Tetyana; Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Soltyk, Oleksandr; Виноградський, Богдан; Павлова, ЮліяThe article deals with issues of health-formation competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the process of various field trainings. The aim is to experimentally check the efficiency of development of health-formation competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the process of various field trainings. Experimental work was done in 7 universities of Ukraine that provide training for specialists in physical culture and sports; the experimental group consists of 197 students, in the control group was 197 students. The students of 1st-4th years of studies who studied on specialties “Physical Culture and Sports” and “Secondary Education: Physical culture”. Field training was conducted in 2 areas (“active training” – a course of improving sports mastery; “practice of professional development” – introductory, on the 1 year of studies (for 2 weeks); pedagogical practice on the 3 year of studies (for 6 weeks); vocational practice on the 4 year of studies (for 4 weeks). Content basis of pedagogical system (special course called “Fundamentals of Coaching and Teaching Activity”) of professional growth of specialists in physical culture and sports served as an independent experimental factor implemented in the process of professional training of the experimental group. The number of respondents from EG with low level was 12.19% before the experiment, while no such respondent was revealed after the experiment. Changes in health-formation competence were observed with students from EG. The number of students having medium level increased by 6.6%, with high level increased by 5.59%Effectiveness of knowledge formation increases due to experimental factor (р≤0,05). Based on the pedagogical experiment carried out, statistically-important changes (р≤0,05) proved positive dynamics of the development of health-formation competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the process of professional training within experimental group.Документ Зміст концептуальної моделі викладача з фізичного виховання(ЛДІФК, 2002) Солтик, Олександр; Soltyk, OleksandrМетою нашого дослідження стало визначення компонентного складу концептуальної моделі діяльності викладача з фізичного виховання .