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Документ Analysis of vegatative homeostasis state of elite handball players(2015) Prystupa, Evhen; Tyshchenko, Valeriia; Приступа, Євген; Тищенко, ВалеріяAbstract. Purpose: to study characteristics and dynamic of elite handball players’ physiological indicators. Material: In experiment elite handball players (n=112, age 18–35 years) participated. For determination of vegetative homeostasis state we analyzed variability of heart rhythm. The researches were conducted in laboratory conditions in rest state, in lying position during 5 minutes. Results: it was found that organism’s adaptation reactions to training loads go with different tension of regulation systems. At the end of competition period there appears hyper-kinetic syndrome. It witnessed insufficiency of means, which permit to maintain optimal regulation of cardio-vascular system and increase its functional potentials. Conclusions: indicators of cardio-vascular system and their dynamic w3itnessed maintaining of high level of handball players’ organism hemodynamic provisioning. High level of vegetative homeostasis pointed at certain degree of sportsmen’s fitness. Such state is sufficient for preservation of high potential of sympathetic –adrenaline system and overcoming of fatigue processes.Документ BCL1 polymorphism of glucocorticoids receptor gene and bronchial asthma(2015) Kmyta, Vladyslava; Orlovskyi, Viktor; Prystupa, Liudmyla; Prystupa, Evhen; Кмита, Владислава; Орловський, Віктор; Приступа, Людмила; Приступа, ЄвгенWe have identified statistically significant differences in genotypes distribution of BclI polymorphism of GR gene in the control group and in patients with BA , homozygous for the minor allele had a higher risk of the disease than the major allele carriers. It was found out that G/G - homozygotes have a fivefold higher risk of BA, than those homozygous for C/C regardless of gender. We demonstrated that BA risk in females, homozygous for the minor allele, is three times higher and in males – 11,3 times higher, as compared with С/С - homozygotes. That is, men with G/G genotype of Bcl1 GR gene polymorphism have the highest risk of BA.Документ Developmental trends in sports for the disabled. The case of Summer Paralympics(2006) Prystupa, Evhen; Prystupa, Tetiana; Bolach, Eugeniusz; Приступа, Євген; Приступа, Тетяна; Болах, ЄвгенThe paper presents the most important trends in spport for the disabled in the period between the 1 and the 12 Paralympic Games.Документ Efficiency of inclusive physical education lessons for schoolchildren with minor deviations in health(2014) Bodnar, Ivanna; Prystupa, Evhen; Боднар, Іванна; Приступа, ЄвгенIntroduction: Some contradictory data regarding the effects of inclusive physical education were revealed. The purpose of the research is to determine the efficiency of inclusive physical education for schoolchildren of I-III health groups of middle school age on the base of indices of complaints connected with health conditions, mental development, and physical activityДокумент Genesis and content of fitness: theoretical and methodological analysis(2019) Prystupa, Evhen; Chekhovska, Liubov; Zhdanova, Olha; Chekhovska, Maryana; Приступа, Євген; Чеховська, Любов; Жданова, Ольга; Чеховська, Мар’янаThe Purpose was to study the origin of recreational fitness. Метою було вивчити походження рекреаційного фітнесу.Документ Improvement of rally crews pace notes training(2014) Rybak, Liudmyla; Prystupa, Evhen; Rybak, Oleh; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Рибак, Людмила; Приступа, Євген; Рибак, Олег; Виноградський, БогданObjective of the research was to substantiate the ways of pace notes training of rally crews. Methods of research included modelling, educational observation of rally crews competitive activity and educational experiment. As a result training simulators for pace notes training have been improved and made adequate to actual conditions of their competitive activity; effectiveness of training stimulators application as well as positioning satellite technologies for pace notes training of rally crews have been substantiated and confirmed; means of pace notes training of rally crews at the stage of specialized basic training have been validated, which has enabled to elaborate appropriate methodological recommendations and confirm their efficacy in special educational experiment. It is necessary to emphasize in conclusion that high stability and efficient variability of compiling and recording of pace notes at the stage of specialized basic training might be efficiently implemented during classes with a training stimulator that imitates visual, sound and surrounding inertial and gravity effects upon athletes.Документ Metalloproteinase -7 as an early marker of lung damage among polymyositis and determatomyositis patients(2018) Kmyta, V.; Prystupa, Evhen; Prystupa, L.; Kovchun, A.; Кмита, В.; Приступа, Євген; Приступа, Л.; Ковчун, А.Our study was aimed to analyse the level of MMP-7 as an early marker of lung damage among PM/DM patients and also probable influence of rs11568818 on the MMP-7 elevationДокумент Peculiar properties and dynamics of physiological indicators in Handball team(2017) Prystupa, Evhen; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Приступа, Євген; Тищенко, ВалеріяA longitudinal study of the dynamics of physiological indicators of highly qualified handball players was proposed to conduct. The challenges of studying the characteristics and dynamics of the indicators of the cardiovascular system, exercise capacity, heart rate, functional state, heart rate variability, autonomic regulation and energy of highly qualified handball players during the annual macro cycle have been analyzed. Data led to the conclusion that the adaptive response of the athletes’ bodies at the training load in the run proceeds with different voltage regulation systems. It was revealed that some athletes achieved high level of fitness and was accompanied by considerable stress adaptive mechanisms of the cardiovascular system in violation of the regulatory function of the autonomic nervous system. There was defined no significant differences in terms of heart rate and stroke volume were observed. However, in the competitive period marked economization in the vascular unit of blood circulation and decrease in activity of the sympathetic influences was determined. The balance of the autonomic nervous system was characterized type of vegetative regulation of cardiac rhythm. There has been a slight increase in activity of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system alone, which combines the high ability to mobilize sympathetic activity. In fact, this may indicate a functional imbalance of the cardiovascular system of athletes. It is expected that the analysis of heart rate provides a fairly informative data on the functional status of athletes and allows to make adjustments in the proper training and preparation of the recovery process.Документ The Efficiency of Integrated and Segregated Physical Education Classes for Secondary School Students with Physical and Mental Disabilities and Poor Fitness(2015) Bodnar, Ivanna; Prystupa, Evhen; Боднар, Іванна; Приступа, ЄвгенThe aim of our investigation was to establish the efficiency of the integrated physical education classes for schoolchildren with minor deviations in health. Methods. Sociological (questionnaire), biomedical, pedagogical (testing), psycho-diagnostic, and mathematical statistics. Pupils (N = 1417) of secondary school (both sexes, 5th–9th forms, i.e. aged 10–15) were examined. Results. The characteristics of physical and mental development in the process of integrated physical education proved to be significantly better for different sex and age groups. Analysis of physical fitness characteristics shows that integrated physical education classes turned out to be more effective for schoolchildren with minor health deviations than for apparently healthy students. Integrated physical education classes are more effective for students’ dexterity than for their power endurance. Integrated physical education classes are more effective for female students than for male ones; for schoolchildren with minor health deviations in older age groups (7th–9th forms) than for younger schoolchildren. Those schoolchildren who attended integrated physical education classes expressed significantly better attitudes to physical education than their peers who studied in a segregated environment. Conclusions. Integrated physical education classes are a more progressive and effective form of physical education in terms of their beneficial effect upon the physical and mental development of secondary school children with minor health distortions.