Періодичні видання
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Перегляд Періодичні видання за Ключові слова "angina pectoris"
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- Результатів на сторінці
- Налаштування сортування
Документ Changes in the functional state of cardiovascular system in patients with ischemic heart disease by means of physical rehabilitation(2012) Жарська, Наталія; Zharska, NatalyaThe majority of scientific papers devoted to the use of certain means of physical rehabilitation, do not deal with adaptive rearrangements for people suffering from ischemic heart dis-ease that occur under the influence of dosed physical loadings. The purpose is to determine the effect of physical rehabilitation on functional state of cardio-vascular system of people suffering from ischemic heart disease (stable angina pectoris second functional group) during the post-hospital period. The study was conducted in cardio-pulmonological department of Clinical Hospital of the Lviv Railway in Bryukhovychi. 50 patients aged 50 – 60 were involved into the research. Both men and women were distributed into two homogeneous groups. As a result of the rehabilitation process, which included the use of a modified health-related fitness, dosed walking, health path, massage and physiotherapy, there was improvement of physical capacity and cardio-vascular system functioning state caused by widening and developing of peri-pheral vessels and myocardium ones as well.