Перегляд за Автор "Zakharina, Ievgeniia"
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Документ Fitness correction of men using an “outdoor activity”(2018) Apaychev, Oleksandr; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Hrybovska, Iryna; Pitun, Maryan; Hrybovskyy, Rostislav; Апайчев, Олександр; Захаріна, Євгенія; Грибовська, Ірина; Пітин, Мар'ян; Грибовський, РостиславThe work addresses the scientific substantiation and development of a program of health-enhancing fitness classes using the means of "outdoor activity." Common scientific methods of research are used: theoretical analysis and generalization library and Internet resources, documentary method, sociological methods, medical and biological methods, pedagogical observations, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The program of classes, aimed at improving the physical condition of men aged 40-50, includes several stages: diagnostic, preparatory, main, and effective. The organizational and methodological conditions necessary for the implementation of the developed program are determined. The effectiveness of the proposed program suggests improved physical fitness, increased motor activity, and reduced the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. It was found that the main changes that led to the reduction of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases were the reduction of blood pressure, body weight, abandonment of bad habits, increase of motor activity and increase of resistance to stress, while the number of men who had several risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases, the combined effect of which greatly increased the risk. After the experiment the men in both groups showed no pronounced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Some decrease in the risk of developing cardiovascular disease was observed in men of CG, mainly due to increased levels of motor activity and reduced excess body weight. Significant changes have also occurred in correction of the physical fitness level. There was a significant (p <0.05) improvement in physical fitness after the experiment in men of both groups. However, more pronounced changes have occurred among EG men - 20% have reached higher than average, 30% - average, 30% - below the average level of physical fitness.Документ Impact of a 12-week water program on the respiratory function in breast cancer survivors(2019) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Захаріна, Євгенія; Єфремова, АнжелікаIntroduction: The growing research demonstrates that breast cancer surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy greatly improve the long-term results of cancer treatment, overall survival, but leads to negative side-effects including from the respiratory system and quality of life. Aim: To evaluate the impact of a 12-week water program on the respiratory function in breast cancer survivors.Документ Influence of a water physical rehabilitation program on the hemodynamic parameters in breast cancer survivors(2019) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Захаріна, Євгенія; Єфремова, АнжелікаIntroduction. Numerous women experience fatigue, arrhythmias, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and pulmonary side effects induced by breast cancer treatment. The aim of the study was to analyse the changes in hemodynamic parameters in breast cancer survivors under the influence of a water physical rehabilitation program.Документ Peculiarities of professional preparation of physical education students for health-related activities(2020) Danylevych, Myroslava; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Hrybovska, Iryna; Romanchuk, Olha; Hutsulyak, Victoria; Данилевич, Мирослава; Захаріна, Євгенія; Грибовська, Ірина; Романчук, Ольга; Гуцуляк, ВікторіяThe research is dedicated to professional preparation of physical education students to health-related activity. The purpose of the research is to work out formation and content of author’s model of the professional training of future physical education and sport specialists to health-related activity. The objectives of the research are to study structure of professional preparation model and to define the levels of readiness to health-related activity. The studies have been executed according to Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Boberskij research plan (State registration number 0117U 003040). The results have been based on theoretical methods of investigation (analysis, synthesis, general studies of scientific sources and educational experience, comparison, systematization, and modelling). 822 students and 96 teachers representing ten Ukrainian higher educational establishments were engaged into the research. It has been substantiated the structure and content of authors’ model. It has been shown the structural units of the model’s five blocks and their components. It has been presented the diagnostic, professional, analytical and corrective stages and tasks to each of them. Main functions of professional preparation of physical education personnel have been determined. The features of advanced, intermediate and elementary levels of graduates in physical education readiness formation have been depicted. It has been proved the developed model effectiveness on the sample of four Ukrainian UniversitiesДокумент Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Chalii, Liudmyla; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Pаnchuк, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MałgorzataPurpose: The article presents the structure and content of the technology for correcting posture disorders children of primary school age with hearing impairments from a special boarding school. Мета: У статті представлено структуру та зміст технології корекції порушень постави у діти молодшого шкільного віку з вадами слуху зі спецшколи-інтернату.Документ Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020-11-18) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Chalii, Liudmyla; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Panchuk, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MalgorzataPurpose: The article presents the structure and content of a technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing impairment from special boarding school. Material & methods'. theoretical analysis and consolidation of information from scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical observation, teaching experiment, visual screening of posture (R. Bibyk, V. Kashuba, N. Nosova, 2012); photographing, mathematical and statistical. 139 students of 1-4 grades from special comprehensive boarding school of І-ІП levels for children with hearing impairment participated in ascertaining experiment - 73 boys and 66 girls, and 186 their apparently healthy mates. Results: In the process of research the type of posture was determined and the visual screening of bio-geometric posture profile in primary school age children with hearing impairment and with different types of posture and express testing of posture at the beginning and at the end of teaching experiment were performed As a result of transformative experiment, it was established, in 9-year-old children with hearing impairment and withscoliotic posture or sway back there were positive changes in indices of bio-geometric posture profile (p < 0,05). As demonstrated by the calculations performed, in 9-year-old boys with hearing deprivation statistically significant changes occurred in indices in sagittal plane (head inclination angle, trunk inclination angle, lumbar lordosis, knee flexion angle), in 9-year-old girls with hearing deprivation changes occurred in all indices under investigation (p < 0,05), which, in our view, is related to the favorable effect of motor activity increase during introduction of technology for correcting postural disorders in children with hearing deprivation. Conclusions^^ developed technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation has. been successfully tested during transformative experiment: its efficiency is proved by quantitative changes (at the level of p<0,05) of indices under investigation The performed research confirms the effectiveness of technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation in order to provide harmonious development and social adaptation to the society of healthy age mates.Документ Technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school-age children with hearing impairment during physical education(2020-05-19) Kashuba, Vitalii; Savliuk, Svitlana; Challii, Liudnila; Zakharina, Ievgeniia; Yavorskyy, Andriy; Panchuk, Andrii; Grygus, Igor; Ostrowska, MalgorzataThe article presents the structure and content of a technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing impairment from special boarding school. Material & methods: theoretical analysis and consolidation of information from scientific literature, Internet resources, pedagogical observation, teaching experiment, visual screening of posture (R. Bibyk, V. Kashuba, N. Nosova, 2012); photographing, mathematical and statistical. 139 students of 1–4 grades from special comprehensive boarding school of І–ІІІ levels for children with hearing impairment participated in ascertaining experiment – 73 boys and 66 girls, and 186 their apparently healthy mates. Results: In the process of research the type of posture was determined and the visual screening of bio-geometric posture profile in primary school age children with hearing impairment and with different types of posture and express testing of posture at the beginning and at the end of teaching experiment were performed.As a result of transformative experiment, it was established: in 9-year-old children with hearing impairment and withscoliotic posture or sway back there were positive changes in indices of bio-geometric posture profile (p < 0,05). As demonstrated by the calculations performed, in 9-year-old boys with hearing deprivation statistically significant changes occurred in indices in sagittal plane (head inclination angle, trunk inclination angle, lumbar lordosis, knee flexion angle), in 9-year-old girls with hearing deprivation changes occurred in all indices under investigation (p < 0,05), which, in our view, is related to the favorable effect of motor activity increase during introduction of technology for correcting postural disorders in children with hearing deprivation. Conclusions:The developed technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation has been successfully tested during transformative experiment: its efficiency is proved by quantitative changes (at the level of р < 0,05) of indices under investigation. The performed research confirms the effectiveness of technology for correcting postural disorders in primary school age children with hearing deprivation in order to provide harmonious development and social adaptation to the society of healthy age mates.