Перегляд за Автор "Vynogradskyi, Bogdan"
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Документ Activity description and archer's skills : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Activity description and archer's skills : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Antropometric and Cardiorespiratory Indicators for the Evalution of the Ukrainian Youth Health(2017) Pavlova, Iuliia; Nalyvayko, Nataliya; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Okopnyi, Andriy; Kit, Lyubov; Павлова, Юлія; Наливайко, Наталія; Виноградський, Богдан; Окопний, Андрій; Кіт, ЛюбовThe development of precise criteria for the evaluation of youth’s health and fitness level is an actual scientific problem. The express assessment technologies are of great interest nowadays due to their broad population coverage and optimum cost. The aim of the investigation was to evaluate the health status of the Ukrainian youth via the express evaluation method that helps to identify the state of cardiorespiratory system. Those involved in the randomized study were students (N=365, 163 male and 202 female) aged 18 to 22. Body mass index, lung vital capacity, vitality index, strength index, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were studied by means of standard methods. The complex information received through different indexes was used for the generalized express assessment of health level. The results showed that 54.0 % of females and 15.3 % of males had an average level of health. No one from the experimental group showed the highest health level indices according to the standards. The low-level parameters were observed in 38.7 % of males and 19.3 % of females. The results obtained confirm the fact that student population has an average or below-average level of health. This indicates the occurrence of chronic contagious diseases, mainly those of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.Документ Bezpieczenstwo wodne w kontekscie ratownictwa wodnego w opinii mieszkancow gminy Więcbork(2022-06-22) Skalski, Dariusz; Kowalski, Damian; Kindzer, Bogdan; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Skaliy, Aleskander; Скальські, Даріуш; Ковальські, Даміан; Кіндзер, Богдан; Виноградський, Богдан; Скалій, ОлександрAnaliza przeprowadzonych badań wśród mieszkańców gminy Więcbork, dotyczących bezpieczeństwa wodnego w kontekście ratownictwa wodnego pokazała, iż poziom bezpieczeństwa w tej gminie według opinii mieszkańców jest zadowalający. Mieszkańcy ocenili poziom ratownictwa wodnego bardzo dobrze. The analysis of the research carried out among the inhabitants of the Więcbork commune on water safety in the context of water rescue showed that the level of safety in this commune is, according to the inhabitants' opinion, satisfactory. Residents assessed the level of water rescue very positively.Документ Coaching in archery or coach's role and what is coaching? : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Coaching in archery or coach's role and what is coaching? : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Elementarz bezpieczeństwa nad wodą i kwalifikowana pierwsza pomoc(2022) Skalski, Dariusz; Kindzer, Bogdan; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Zieliński, Ewa; Скальскі, Даріуш; Кіндзер, Богдан; Виноградський, Богдан; Зєлінскі, ЕваДокумент Entry level programme & archery classes : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Entry level programme & archery classes : lecture, Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-04-29) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, Богдан; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Equipment & facilities archerry : lecture.Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-05-05) Виноградський, Богдан; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Equipment & facilities archerry : lecture.Subject "Theory and Methodology of the Selected Sport and Improvement of Sports Skill – archery" for 4 courses students(2020-05-05) Виноградський, Богдан; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Кафедра стрільби та технічних видів спортуДокумент Evaluation system of technique level for children aged 7-9 (who are engaged in dancesport)(2015) Осадців, Тарас; Сосіна, Валентина; Музика, Федір; Виноградський, Богдан; Osadtsiv, Taras; Sosina, Valentina; Muzyka, Fedir; Vynogradskyi, BogdanThe lack of control for the components of technical preparedness among young dancers decreases the effectiveness of training process at the level of pre-basic training. The aim of the study is to improve the system of technical readiness evaluation of children aged 7-9 who are engaged in sport dance. Due to the factors analysis, certain criteria and ways for consideration the informative parameters of technical preparedness are substantiated. These parameters can determine the level of children's mastery in dancesport. The system of the technical preparedness evaluation for young dancers is developed.Документ Experimental substantiation of teaching algorithm of technique in weightlifting and powerlifting competitive exercises(2015) Tovstonoh, Olexandr; Roztorhui, Mariia; Zahura, Fedir; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Товстоног, Олександр; Розторгуй, Марія; Загура, Федір; Виноградський, БогданFundamentals of teaching the competitive exercises technique in strength sports need to be improved to meet the requirements of sports practice. The research aim is to find out the effectiveness of algorithmization of teaching the competitive exercises technique in strength sports on the example of weightlifting and powerlifting. It has been established that athletes of experimental groups made significantly (p≤0,05) fewer errors as compared to control groups athletes. Algorithmization of teaching the technique in strength sports contributed to the quality of mastering the competitive exercises technique by athletes at the stage of initial training as compared to the training program of junior sport schools.Документ Formation and development of professional reliability of future physical education teachers(2019) Soltyk, Oleksandr; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Chopyk, Tetyana; Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Pavlova, Iuliia; Виноградський, Богдан; Павлова, ЮліяThe aim of the investigation was to check the efficiency of implementation of the defined pedagogical conditions into the educational process, namely: interdisciplinary integration within the content of professional training, improvement of physical training on the basis of the increase of the range of physical exercises, application of methods of professional reliability formation, focus of practical training on the formation of professional reliability. The future PE teachers took part in the study; the control group (CG, n = 207) and experimental group (EG, n = 205) was formed. CG studied in the traditional system, the experimental group witnessed the realisation of the aforementioned pedagogical conditions in the educational process. The cognitive component of professional reliability was checked by the availability of the system of knowledge of organization of the pedagogical process of PE; activity component was characterised by indices of verbal and functional selfdevotion, general and motor density of a lesson; morphofunctional component was evaluated by the state of respiratory system, level of muscular system development. The positive dynamics of the formation of professional reliability in EG was observed. Namely, 9.27% of students from the EG showed a high level of professional reliability formation; 43.41% – average, and 47.32% – low level as opposed to students from the CG that showed levels at 0%, 18.36%, and 81.64% respectively. Comparison of the obtained results between the CG and EG revealed improvement of the results of cognitive, activity and morphofunctional components of professional reliability of students from the EG.Документ Formation of the target accuracy for highly skilled shooters using mechanical obstacle-factors(2013) Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Виноградський, БогданFor shooting sport theory and practice it is important to determine the influence of mechanical controlled obstacle factors on the indexes of special preparedness and athletic perfor-mance of skilled shooters. The objective of the work was to improve the training process of qualified shooters by establishing a regularity of the influence of controlled mechanical obstacle factors on the accuracy and athletic performance of highly qualified shooters. During the pedagogical experiment with highly qualified shooters the dynamics of special pre-paredness of the shooters was consistently observed as well as the kinematic accuracy of motor ac-tions with a step-by-step modeling of the definite environmental conditions. Typological variants of additional mechanical loads of external obstacle factors on the “shooter – weapon” system were es-tablished. They are expedient to be divided into fixed and variable in two modes: impulsive and si-nusoidal. Appropriate pedagogical forms of realization additional external mechanical loads were of-fered in sports practice of highly skilled shooters. As a result of experimental studies using external variable mechanical loads, a significant im-provement of the two kinematic micro motion indexes as well as the average efficiency of shooters was recorded.Документ Improvement of rally crews pace notes training(2014) Rybak, Liudmyla; Prystupa, Evhen; Rybak, Oleh; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Рибак, Людмила; Приступа, Євген; Рибак, Олег; Виноградський, БогданObjective of the research was to substantiate the ways of pace notes training of rally crews. Methods of research included modelling, educational observation of rally crews competitive activity and educational experiment. As a result training simulators for pace notes training have been improved and made adequate to actual conditions of their competitive activity; effectiveness of training stimulators application as well as positioning satellite technologies for pace notes training of rally crews have been substantiated and confirmed; means of pace notes training of rally crews at the stage of specialized basic training have been validated, which has enabled to elaborate appropriate methodological recommendations and confirm their efficacy in special educational experiment. It is necessary to emphasize in conclusion that high stability and efficient variability of compiling and recording of pace notes at the stage of specialized basic training might be efficiently implemented during classes with a training stimulator that imitates visual, sound and surrounding inertial and gravity effects upon athletes.Документ Improvement of technical preparedness of elite female weightlifters with different types of body build(2017) Antoniuk, Oleksandr; Pavlyuk, Yevgen; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Pavlyuk, Oksana; Chopyk, Tetyana; Soltyk, OleksandrTypes of body build of elite female weightlifters according to weight categories have been defined. Digital video filming and computer video-analysis using applied “Weightlifting analyzer 3.0” software have been used to define typologically-specified techniques of competition exercises for elite female weightlifter with various build. Data analysis showed true differences of biomechanical structure of technique for competition exercises for elite female weight-lifters with different build and weight category. Biomechanical model indices of technique of competition exercises for female weight-lifters with different types of build and weight categories have been defined. Methods of improving general exercises due to directed influence on optimization of individual elements of motion actions of elite female weight-lifters with different build and weight categories have been developed and proven.Документ Influence of leisure-time physical activity on quality of life of Ukrainian students(2017) Pavlova, Iuliia; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Kurchaba, Tetiana; Zikrach, DmytroThe understanding of mechanisms that are need for formation of high quality of life and the role of healthy life style in person’s well being are necessary for the creation of effective prevention programs. The aim of the study was to determine the influence of leisure time physical activity on the quality of life of healthy persons. Sample consists of 514 young people (46.7 % female, age – 19.8 ± 1.5 years). Participants were the students in Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv State University of Life Safety. Surveys (SF 36, IPAQ) were used for data collection. The duration of vigorous intensity physical activity in leisure time was 0.6 ± 0.4 hour /week for female students, 1.2 ± 0.7 hour/ week for male students; the duration of moderate intensity physical activity was 4.3 ± 1.0 and 3.1 ± 0.9 hour/ week for females and males respectively. It was shown the positive effect of leisure time physical activity on the physical and mental component of the quality of life of young adults. Females with higher level of leisure time physical activity had higher quality of life (p < 0.01) according Physical Role Scale, General Health Scale, Social Activity Scale and Role Emotional Scale. The statistically significant differences (p < 0.01; Physical Functioning Scale, Vitality Scale, and Mental Health Scale) were observed for males with minimal and maximal duration of physical activity.Документ Influence of sport and health education on students’ quality of life in Ukraine(2013) Павлова, Юлія; Виноградський, Богдан; Тулайдан, Вікторія; Pavlova, Iuliia; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Tulaydan, ViktoriyaStudents’ physical fitness and body functional state are highly correlated with the quality of life and working capacity. The research was completed at Uzhgorod National University during 2008–2010 academic years. The health status of 4 800 male and female students of first, second and third year were examined. The participants were students from the Physical Education and Sport Department, Engineering and Technical Department, and History Department. The mean age of all the respondents was 18 years old. Data were collected using surveys (SF-36, self-assessment of health status by V. Voitenko), anthropometry, physiological testing (blood pressure, heart rate, vital capacity of lungs, hand grip, etc). Functional state was determined with the help of Martine test, Ruf'ye test and orthostatic test, the level of physical fitness was evaluated with the help of National tests and standards of physical fitness of Ukrainian people. The level of physical fitness and body functional state positively correlate with the rate of physical activity, frequency of attendance of exercises. The students from Physical Education and Sport Department had the highest level of physical fitness and functional state, the higher resistance to stress and depression, which can be caused by significant mental activity, they were less likely to consult a physician due to illness, compared to the students from other departments. The high quality of life of students is associated with optimal physical and emotional health, good health, absence of depression, the possibility to take part in various social activities, high adaptive capability, working capacity; lack of disease, specified ratio of body weight and growth. Physical activity is the factor that directly affects all counted quality of life components.Документ Junior skeet shooters’ physical conditioning(2019) Hrybovskyy, Rostyslav; Zanevskyy, Ihor; Pityn, Maryan; Hrybovska, Iryna; Vynogradskyi, Bogdan; Stepanchenko, Nataliya; Pazychuk, Olha; Грибовський, Ростислав; Заневський, Ігор; Пітин, Мар'ян; Грибовська, Ірина; Виноградський, Богдан; Степанченко, Наталія; Пазичук, ОльгаTop sports results in shooting relate to the high athlete's capacity, which is based on his physical conditioning. The purpose of the work was to study the effect of simulation exercises on the physical conditioning of junior skeet shooters at the stage of preliminary basic training. The following methods were used: analysis and generalization of library resources, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment and methods of mathematical statistics. To assess the conditioning of athletes, a set of tests was used to determine stamina and coordination abilities. The study involved 22 athletes of the Olympic Reserve Junior Special School "Signal" and Complex Junior Sport School "Kolos" in Lviv (Ukraine), specializing in skeet shooting. The skeet shooters were divided into experimental and control groups. It is revealed that theoretically and practically shotgun shooting needs solving the requirements and tasks that relate to various aspects of shooters’ training, including physical ones. The positive dynamics of the shooters’ physical conditioning in the experimental group was found: the probable differences between the experimental and control groups were determined by the following indices: lifting the body from the lying position during 30 seconds (p = 0.030), the test "ten eights" (p <0.001) and throwing tennis ball at the target (p = 0.017). The necessity of applying pedagogical tests is grounded, which allow defining such physical qualities as: stamina and coordination abilities. The need to take into account the shooters’ physical conditioning for planning and correction of the training process is proved.
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