Перегляд за Автор "Tyshchenko, Valeria"
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Документ Analysis of the indicators of athletes at leading sports schools in swimming(2020) Ivanenko, Stanislav; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Pityn, Maryan; Hlukhov, Ivan; Drobot, Katerina; Dyadechko, Igor; Zhuravlov, Iurii; Omelianenko, Halyna; Sokolova, Olga; Пітин, Мар'янThe purpose of the research – to evaluate the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of young athletes of Zaporizhzhiaand Kherson sport schools in swimming. Material and Methods.The study involved beginner athletes, students of the Zaporizhzhia swimming School (ZapSwS) (59 people) and Kherson swimming school (KherSwS) (55 people), the total number – 114 persons, 25 honored trainers of Ukraine.The following research methods were used to solve the tasks in the work:analysis and synthesis of literature of the research topic; pedagogical observations; questionnaire of the sportsmen of Zaporizhzhia and Kherson swimming schools; аnalysis of the swimming curriculum; еxpert evaluation of coaches to determine the level of theoretical knowledge of sportsmen of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson swimming schools; testing the level of theoretical knowledge of swimmers on the basis of questioning; standard methods of mathematical statistics. The object of study is the indicators of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of young athletesZaporizhzhiaand Kherson sport schools in swimming. Results.The expert evaluation of the trainers shows a rather low level of theoretical knowledge among the students of the Zaporizhzhia schools of swimming “ZapSwS” and “KherSwS” on the following issues: selection of exercises to improve the movements of the legs and body in butterfly, methodology of training athletes in training backstroke. The average grade of theoretical knowledge did not exceed 4.6 points.The conducted pedagogical researches make it possible to state the fact that the existing number of training hours, which are allocated for the acquisition of knowledge and skills in swimming, does not allow almost 90% of athletes to learn even the main sports ways of swimming. Conclusions. The level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of swimmers are satisfactoryДокумент Control of general and special physical preparedness by qualified handballers(2015) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Popovich, Olexander; Тищенко, Валерія; Поповіч, ОлександрThe features of control of general and special physical preparedness by qualified handballers. The necessity to use facilities during workout sessions in professional sports and particularly in handball has been ascertained. Novel informative testing techniques using flashlight tests have been discussed. Application of test exercises, aimed at evaluation of psychomotor system by qualified handball players of the Ukrainian Super League, has been analyzed.Документ Dynamics of changes in the functional state of qualified handballers during macrocycle(2016) Briskin, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Tyshchenko, ValeriaДокумент Dynamics of changes in the functional state of qualified handballers during macrocycle(2016) Briskin, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Бріскін, Юрій; Пітин, Мар'ян; Тищенко, ВалеріяTo achieve maximum results in sport necessary to optimize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, that is an indicator of adaptive responses of physical exercises. Knowledge of the formation of the functional state of athletes in their preparation for the season as well as during the season has important meaning for the rational construction of the training process and the possibility of adjustment in order to achieve optimal results. In this context, the aim was to determine the nature of the changes to operational readiness of qualified handball players in the preparatory periods of training and competition. In this article were gotten characteristics of the functional state of cardiorespiratory system, the analysis of heart rate variability of qualified handball players was tested. It wasfound that for the control of the functional state of the athletes it is advisable to use the method of analysis of heart rate variability as the most objective and informative. Dynamics of the functional state of cardiorespiratory system of qualified handball players showed during the year that at the beginning of the preparatory period were recorded average for this type of sport, the absolute values of almost all functional parameters, characterizing the level of their overall physical capacity, aerobic endurance, muscular activity energy supply. In preparation for the season, a marked optimization of the functional readiness of the qualified handball players. At the end of the competition period from the handball team recorded deterioration in the level of functional readiness, caused by the build-up to this period signs of the natural fatigue of the body. The studies were carried out during an annual work and competition macrocycle at the start and at the end of pre-season and at the start and at the end of contest season. 86 handball players of the Ukrainian Super League in the age of 18-32 – were involved in study.Документ Effectiveness of individualized physical rehabilitation programs on post-mastectomy pain in breast cancer survivors(2018) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Sydorko, Oleh; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Putrov, Sergiy; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Сидорко, Олег; Тищенко, Валерія; Путров, СергійThe aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of individualized physical rehabilitation programs targeted at reducing post-mastectomy pain in breast cancer survivors.Документ Enhancing respiratory function through Yoga and Pilates in women aged 45-50(2024) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Bosenko, Anatolii; Kozak, Yevhen; Denysovets, Anatolii; Atamanyuk, Svitlana; Veritov, Oleksandr; Ruda, Iryna; Руда, ІринаAbstract Background and Study Aim. Respiratory function in women aged 45-50 often declines due to natural physiological changes associated with aging. These changes include reduced lung elasticity, decreased diaphragm efficiency, and a general reduction in physical activity. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of a combined yoga and Pilates program on respiratory function in women aged 45-50. Material and Methods. The study involved 38 women with an average age of 47.7 ± 2.5 years. A pedagogical experiment was conducted over six months. The experimental group (n=19) participated in a training regimen focused on improving respiratory function through a combination of yoga and Pilates. The control group (n=19) followed a yoga-based training program. Both groups completed an equal number of sessions—72 in total. The external respiratory function of the participants was assessed using spirometry at two key points: at the beginning of the study and after six months. Results. The comparison of respiratory function indicators between the experimental and control groups after 6 months of training revealed significant differences across most parameters. The actual value of Vital Capacity was significantly greater in the experimental group compared to the control group by 0.17 L (p < 0.01), forced vital capacity by 0.30 L (p < 0.01), forced expiratory volume by 0.19 L (p < 0.01), peak expiratory flow by 0.23 L/sec (p < 0.01), maximum expiratory flow at 25% of Forced Vital Capacity by 0.96 L/sec (p < 0.001), maximum expiratory flow at 50% of Forced Vital Capacity by 0.59 L/sec (p < 0.001), expiratory reserve volume by 0.47 L (p < 0.001), and maximal voluntary ventilation by 17.00 L/min (p < 0.001). Conclusions. The combined Yoga and Pilates training regimen was more effective in improving external respiratory function than Yoga alone. This result highlights the benefits of an integrated approach to respiratory health for women aged 45-50. The study demonstrates the potential advantages of combining different types of exercise to counteract age-related declines in respiratory function. Such programs could play a significant role in promoting overall well-being in this age group. Анотація Передумови та мета дослідження. Дихальна функція у жінок у віці 45-50 років часто погіршується через природні фізіологічні зміни, пов'язані зі старінням. Ці зміни включають зниження еластичності легень, зменшення ефективності діафрагми та загальне зниження фізичної активності. Метою цього дослідження було оцінити вплив комбінованої програми з йоги та пілатесу на респіраторну функцію у жінок віком 45-50 років. Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 38 жінок, середній вік яких становив 47,7 ± 2,5 року. Педагогічний експеримент проводився протягом шести місяців. Експериментальна група (n=19) брала участь у тренувальному режимі, спрямованому на покращення дихальної функції за допомогою поєднання йоги та пілатесу. Контрольна група (n=19) займалася за програмою тренувань на основі йоги. Обидві групи пройшли однакову кількість занять - загалом 72. Функцію зовнішнього дихання учасників оцінювали за допомогою спірометрії у двох ключових точках: на початку дослідження та через шість місяців. Результати. Порівняння показників функції зовнішнього дихання між експериментальною та контрольною групами через 6 місяців тренувань виявило достовірні відмінності за більшістю параметрів. Фактичне значення ЖЄЛ було достовірно більшим в експериментальній групі порівняно з контрольною на 0,17 л (p < 0,01), форсованої життєвої ємності легень - на 0,30 л (p < 0,01), об'єму форсованого видиху - на 0,19 л (p < 0,01), пікової швидкості видиху - на 0,23 л/сек (p < 0,01), максимальної швидкості видиху при 25% від форсованої ЖЄЛ - на 0,23 л/сек (p < 0,01), максимальної швидкості видиху при 25% від форсованої ЖЄЛ.Документ Enhancing the sports training of elite female athletes in academic rowing(2024) Malikov, Mykola; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Hlukhov, Ivan; Drobot, Kateryna; Dubachinskiy, Oleg; Zubov, Vadym; Pasichnyk, Viktoriya; Пасічник, ВікторіяThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of various training programs in the training of women athletes of the Ukrainian rowing team for the competitive season. Метою цього дослідження є оцінка ефективності різних тренувальних програм у підготовці жінок спортсменів збірної України з веслування на змагальний сезон.Документ Factor analysis of indicators of physical and functional preparation of basketball players(2018) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Hnatchuk, Yaroslav; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Bubela, Oleksij-Oleg; Semeryak, Zoryana; Тищенко, Валерія; Гнатчук, Ярослав; Пасічник, Вікторія; Бубела, Олексій-Олег; Семеряк, ЗорянаThe problem of physiological study of non-traditional means of training attracts a lot of scientists’ attention in recent years. This is due to the need to provide a maximum development of certain muscle groups and direction of the training process. Proper use of simulators weight machines bring positive results. Obviously, an important step in the use of technology is the right choice for team sports coaches and personal trainers for the effectiveness of the training process. One effective component of this process is the inclusion to a training program with the help of physical exercises would be TRX® function loops. Among specialists of functional and physical training innovation as TRX® – training is one of the best equipment for complex solution of the tasks. This exercise is an exercise using body weight. It was designed to develop strength, power, core stability, flexibility and balance. TRX® is the valuable creation for the sports industry of any levels. TRX® Training – Suspension Training became commonly usable for Fitness Health Clubs, Professional Sports and Elite Strength Conditioning Workout for Sports Teams. Therefore, it was suggested the use of TRX® exercises in preparation of basketball players. The results of the study clearly demonstrated that the inclusion in the training program for basketball players training with functional loops TRX® contributed to a significant increase in the level of their overall physical performance and aerobic capacity of the organism. Utilization of TRX® in the training process can be considered as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of preparation in basketball.Документ Peculiar properties and dynamics of physiological indicators in Handball team(2017) Prystupa, Evhen; Tyshchenko, Valeria; Приступа, Євген; Тищенко, ВалеріяA longitudinal study of the dynamics of physiological indicators of highly qualified handball players was proposed to conduct. The challenges of studying the characteristics and dynamics of the indicators of the cardiovascular system, exercise capacity, heart rate, functional state, heart rate variability, autonomic regulation and energy of highly qualified handball players during the annual macro cycle have been analyzed. Data led to the conclusion that the adaptive response of the athletes’ bodies at the training load in the run proceeds with different voltage regulation systems. It was revealed that some athletes achieved high level of fitness and was accompanied by considerable stress adaptive mechanisms of the cardiovascular system in violation of the regulatory function of the autonomic nervous system. There was defined no significant differences in terms of heart rate and stroke volume were observed. However, in the competitive period marked economization in the vascular unit of blood circulation and decrease in activity of the sympathetic influences was determined. The balance of the autonomic nervous system was characterized type of vegetative regulation of cardiac rhythm. There has been a slight increase in activity of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system alone, which combines the high ability to mobilize sympathetic activity. In fact, this may indicate a functional imbalance of the cardiovascular system of athletes. It is expected that the analysis of heart rate provides a fairly informative data on the functional status of athletes and allows to make adjustments in the proper training and preparation of the recovery process.Документ The psychophysiological status of the handball players in pre-competitive period correlated with the reactions of autonomic nervous system(2020) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Lisenchuk, Gennadii; Odynets, Tetiana; Pyptiuk, Pavlo; Bessarabova, Olena; Galchenko, Lia; Dyadechko, Igor; Одинець, ТетянаThe aim of the study was to analyze the changes in the indices of the autonomic nervous system and the adaptive capacity of Ukrainian Super League handball players prior to significant competitions.