Перегляд за Автор "Todorova, Valentina"
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Документ Cardiopulmonary function in breast cancer patients versus healthy control women(2020) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Ikkert, Oksana; Todorova, Valentina; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Ікерт, Оксана; Тодорова, Валентина; Єфремова, АнжелікаIntroduction. The study investigated cardiopulmonary function in breast cancer patients versus healthy control womenДокумент Comparative analysis of choreographic training of athletes from foreign and Ukrainian sport aerobics teams(2016) Briskin, Yuriy; Todorova, Valentina; Perederiy, Alina; Pityn, Maryan; Бріскін, Юрій; Тодорова, Валентина; Передерій, Аліна; Пітин, Мар'янAerobic gymnastics or Sport Aerobics is a competitive sport originating from traditional aerobics in which complex, high intensity movement patterns and elements of varying difficulty are performed to music. Object: To compare the choreographic training of athletes of Ukrainian team and the best teams in the world. Materials and Methods: videos competitive programs, the method of expert evaluations; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the level of choreographic training of athletes in sport aerobics has been determined on the basis of the developed quantitative scale of criteria for competitive programs performance (competition rules 2013 2016.) teams participating Aerobic Gymnastics World Championships (June, 2016). Conclusion: The quantitative scale of criteria for choreographic training assessment in sport aerobics has been developed; the level of choreographic training of Ukrainian sportsmen has been determined as "average level" (0,44 0,52), while the best teams of the world are "high" and "above average" level (0,62 0,70); established that the choreography of the national team of France can be considered as standard in 2016.Документ Effectiveness of yoga intervention enhanced by progressive muscular relaxation on pain in women after breast cancer surgery(2020-11-26) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Todorova, Valentina; Pasichna, Tetiana; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Тодорова, Валентина; Пасічна, Тетяна; Єфремова, АнжелікаДокумент Effects of Different Exercise Interventions on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial(2019) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Todorova, Valentina; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Тодорова, ВалентинаThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different exercise interventions on quality of life parameters in breast cancer patients during 1 year of outpatient rehabilitation. Material and Methods: A total of 115 breast cancer patients met the eligibility criteria and completed the study. Participants were randomly allocated for the water exercise interventions (group A, n = 45), for the Pilates exercise interventions (group B, n = 40), and yoga exercise interventions (group C, n = 30). The 3 groups attended relevant programs for 1 year and received 144 rehabilitation sessions. Quality of life parameters were assessed using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy questionnaire with a specific module for breast cancer patients (FACT-B). Quality of life data were recorded at baseline and after 6 and 12 months of exercise interventions. Results: A significant increase in quality of life indicators was observed in participants of all groups. Based on the results of the 12-month monitoring, patients of group A scored significantly more points for emotional well-being compared with group B and group C by 1.40 points (P < .05) and 1.69 points (P < .01), respectively, as well as by breast cancer subscale by 2.15 points (P < .05) compared with group B. Patients in group C scored significantly better compared with group A in social/family well-being by 2.80 points (P < .01). Conclusions: It was found that using water exercise intervention is more effective for improving emotional well-being and decreasing negative symptoms associated with breast cancer treatment compared with Pilates and yoga interventions, while yoga was more effective in improving social/family well-being. Further research on water interventions for different populations is warranted.Документ Impact of different exercise interventions on anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients(2019-10) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Todorova, Valentina; Bondarenko, Olha; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Тодорова, Валентина; Бондаренко, ОльгаThe aim of the study was to examine the impact of different exercise interventions on anxiety and depression in breast cancer patients through 1-year outpatient rehabilitationДокумент The effect of hatha yoga on range of motion and strength in patients with breast cancer(2021-06-02) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Dolinsky, Borys; Todorova, Valentina; Vindiuk, Pavlo; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Rybalko, Petro; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Долинський, Борис; Тодорова, Валентина; Віндюк, Павло; Єфремова, Анжеліка; Рибалко, ПетроВступ. Дослідження досліджувало вплив хатха-йоги на діапазон рухів та силу у жінок з раком молочної залози.Документ The effect of hatha yoga on range of motion and strength in patients with breast cancer(2021-09-22) Odynets, Tetiana; Briskin, Yuriy; Dolinsky, Borys; Todorova, Valentina; Vindiuk, Pavlo; Yefremova, Anzhelika; Rybalko, Petro; Одинець, Тетяна; Бріскін, Юрій; Долинський, Борис; Тодорова, Валентина; Віндюк, Павло; Єфремова, Анжеліка; Рибалко, ПетроIntroduction. The study investigated the effects of hatha yoga on range of motion and strength in women with breast cancer. Methods. A total of 93 patients completed the study. Their mean age was 57.53 ± 1.92 years in the yoga group and 58.10 ± 1.17 years in the control group. The yoga group (n = 48) received hatha yoga intervention for 3 months; the control group (n = 45) received current best practice care, including recommendation about compression sleeves, skin protection, and care of the affected arm. The control group was offered hatha yoga intervention after the final measurement. The outcomes were dynamometry and shoulder range of motion to analyse the functional capacity of the affected upper limb. Results. After 3 months of performing hatha yoga, the active shoulder range of motion improved significantly in the affected limb and was significantly higher than in the control group: by 76.76° for flexion (p < 0.001), by 18.92° for extension (p < 0.001), by 80.21° for abduction (p < 0.001), by 33.29° for internal rotation (p < 0.001), by 27.36° for external rotation (p < 0.01). Strength for wrist flexion and power index in the affected limb improved by 6.0 kg (p < 0.001) and 8.25% (p < 0.001), respectively, in the yoga group and only by 1.1 kg (p > 0.05) and 1.44% (p > 0.05) in the control group. Conclusions. Hatha yoga is more beneficial than usual care for improving active shoulder range of motion and upper limb strength.Анотація Вступ. Дослідження досліджувало вплив хатха -йоги на діапазон рухів і силу у жінок з раком молочної залози. Методи. Всього дослідження завершили 93 пацієнти. Їх середній вік становив 57,53 ± 1,92 років у групі йоги та 58,10 ± 1,17 років у контрольній групі. Група йоги (n = 48) протягом 3 місяців отримувала втручання з хатха -йоги; контрольна група (n = 45) отримала сучасний найкращий практичний догляд, включаючи рекомендації щодо стиснення рукавів, захисту шкіри та догляду за ураженою рукою. Контрольній групі було запропоновано втручання з хатха -йоги після остаточного вимірювання. Результатами були динамометрія та плечове суглоб діапазон рухів для аналізу функціональної здатності ураженої верхньої кінцівки. Результати. Після 3 місяців виконання хатха -йоги активний діапазон рухів плечей у постраждалих значно покращився кінцівка і була значно вищою, ніж у контрольній групі: на 76,76 ° при згинанні (р <0,001), на 18,92 ° при розгинанні (р <0,001), на 80,21 ° для відведення (p <0,001), на 33,29 ° для внутрішнього обертання (p <0,001), на 27,36 ° для зовнішнього обертання (p <0,01). Міцність для згинання зап'ястя та індексу сили в ураженій кінцівці покращилися відповідно на 6,0 кг (p <0,001) та 8,25% (p <0,001) відповідно групи йоги і лише на 1,1 кг (р> 0,05) і 1,44% (р> 0,05) у контрольній групі. Висновки. Хатха -йога більш корисна, ніж звичайний догляд, для поліпшення активного діапазону рухів плечей і верхньої кінцівки міцність.