Перегляд за Автор "Semeryak, Zoryana"
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Документ Characteristics of the psychomotor system in preschool children with mental disabilities(2018) Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryan; Melnyk, Valeryi; Semeryak, Zoryana; Karatnyk, Ivan; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'ян; Мельник, Валерій; Семеряк, Зоряна; Каратник, ІванThe health of the nation is primarily determined by the health of children, which is the most significant resource of any society. Health conditioning in preschool children, physiologically valuable development of all organs and systems of the body is of great importance in the preschool educational institutions. In Ukraine special attention is paid to children with various disabilities. Hence, the research dedicated to the study of psychomotor characteristics of children became of special value for working out pedagogical actions aimed at remodeling psychophysical development of preschool children. The purpose of the study was to describe characteristics of psychomotor system of preschool children with psychophysical abnormalities, as well as find out the main features of their manifestation. Material: the study involved 118 children aged 5 - 6 years (N=118). Out of the total number of the study participants 54 children (25 girls and 29 boys) were in need of psychophysical development correction. Thus, 9 of them suffered from musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), though they did not display visual motor impairments (like gross gait, running, jumping or walking disorders); other 15 children had disturbances of speech development (SDD); in 16 children were diagnosed as mental deficients (MD); 5 kids had Down syndrome (DS); 9 children suffered from the disturbances of the autistic spectrum (ASD). A group of 64 kids (30 girls and 34 boys) had normative level of development. Results of the study: Developmental retardation of children with psychophysical abnormalities as compared to their peers with normative development on average by 22.5% to 35% was established. This backwardness was observed in the data, which characterized the psychomotor system formation (development of dynamic and static coordination, movements’ rate, fine motor activity, motor memory, a sense of rhythm, ability of simultaneous movements execution, expressiveness of movements etc.) Conclusions. The level of psychomotor system organization in children with psychophysical abnormalities requires differentiated approach in physical education in the context of inclusive education.Документ Differentiation of technical and tactical training of epee fencers with the account of weapon control(2020) Briskin, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Perederiy, Alina; Zadorozhna, Olha; Smyrnovskyy, Serhiy; Semeryak, ZoryanaBackground. The evolution of competitive activities in fencing have given rise to the development of a system of training for competitive activities. Since it has proved impossible to increase the volume and intensity of the practice load for fencers, the problem of finding new ways and provisions to improve various aspects of fencers’ proficiency has cropped up. In the development of fencing several different ways of weapon control have been developed in epee fencing, which involve the application of the French or pistol grip. At present the number of epee fencers in the top 16 world ranking who have applied the French hilt during the last 6 years make up 34 % of both males and females. Problem and aim. Until recently the sports scientists in this country have failed to broach the subject of weapon control in epee fencing at the appropriate level, while fencer training systems take no account of the specificity of weapon control. The aim of the study is the improvement of the technical and tactical training of epee fencers by means of differentiation of weapon control. Methods. The following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization, the documentary method, pedagogical observation, survey, experiment and methods of mathematical statistics. Results and Conclusions. The differences between the technical and tactical actions of high level fencers were defined. A program to differentiate the technical and tactical training of epee fencers was created. The effectiveness of the program was confirmed by pedagogical experiment.Документ Enhancement of physical health in girls of 17-19 years by adoption of physical loads taking their somatotype into account(2019) Miroshnichenko, Viacheslav; Salnykova, Svitlana; Bohuslavska, Viktoriia; Pityn, Maryan; Furman, Yuriy; Iakovliv, Volodymyr; Semeryak, Zoryana; Мірошніченко, Вячеслав; Сальникова, Світлана; Богуславська, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'ян; Фурман, Юрій; Яковлів, Володимир; Семеряк, ЗорянаThis work researches the problem of raising the level of physical health of 17 - 19 year old girls by means of physical culture taking into account their somatic type. The discovered peculiarities of displaying aerobic and anaerobic (lactatic) productivity of organism and qualitative parameters of the mobility allowed appraising the level of functional resources of girls with different somatic types. The analysis of the influence of sanitary physical trainings of different directions to aerobic and anaerobic (lactatic) organism’s productivity, qualitative parameters of the mobility and functional state of cardiorespiration system among girls with different somatic types, allowed finding out the effective routines of trainings, which are up to the individual features of organisms. It is established that the representatives of endomorphy end balanced somatic type have greater possibility to improve aerobic productivity and physical health. The improvement of qualitative parameters of the mobility is caused by the direction of sanitary program. Resources for improvement of qualitative parameters of the mobility among the representatives of different somatic types are not equal. Thus, the results of our research prove the need to take into account the somatotype in order to choose the direction of physical education, which corresponds to the individual capabilities of the organism. This will enable to increase the efficiency of physical education classes and increase the level of physical health and qualitative parameters of physical fitness of studentsДокумент Factor analysis of indicators of physical and functional preparation of basketball players(2018) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Hnatchuk, Yaroslav; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Bubela, Oleksij-Oleg; Semeryak, Zoryana; Тищенко, Валерія; Гнатчук, Ярослав; Пасічник, Вікторія; Бубела, Олексій-Олег; Семеряк, ЗорянаThe problem of physiological study of non-traditional means of training attracts a lot of scientists’ attention in recent years. This is due to the need to provide a maximum development of certain muscle groups and direction of the training process. Proper use of simulators weight machines bring positive results. Obviously, an important step in the use of technology is the right choice for team sports coaches and personal trainers for the effectiveness of the training process. One effective component of this process is the inclusion to a training program with the help of physical exercises would be TRX® function loops. Among specialists of functional and physical training innovation as TRX® – training is one of the best equipment for complex solution of the tasks. This exercise is an exercise using body weight. It was designed to develop strength, power, core stability, flexibility and balance. TRX® is the valuable creation for the sports industry of any levels. TRX® Training – Suspension Training became commonly usable for Fitness Health Clubs, Professional Sports and Elite Strength Conditioning Workout for Sports Teams. Therefore, it was suggested the use of TRX® exercises in preparation of basketball players. The results of the study clearly demonstrated that the inclusion in the training program for basketball players training with functional loops TRX® contributed to a significant increase in the level of their overall physical performance and aerobic capacity of the organism. Utilization of TRX® in the training process can be considered as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of preparation in basketball.Документ Improvement of tactical action in the attack of handball players at the stage of preparation for higher achievements(2017) Melnyk, Valeryi; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Semeryak, Zoryana; Karatnyk, Ivan; Galan, YaroslavДокумент Improvement of technical and tactical training of qualified women epee fencers(2017) Semeryak, Zoryana; Briskin, Yuriy; Karatnyk, Ivan; Melnyk, Valeriy; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryan; Семеряк, Зоряна; Бріскін, Юрій; Каратник, Іван; Мельник, Валерій; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'янCurrent need for an effective training of qualified sportsmen in fencing that in further can realize their individual abilities on national and international levels can be solved with the content correction of specialized training load that are optimal for conduction on the stage of specialized basic development. Aim of the research: to improve technical and tactical training of women epee fencers on the stage of specialized basic development with consideration of efficient and meaningful indicators of high qualified sportsmen. Authorial program of women epee fencers technical and tactical improvement has included the use of a device for fencers technical and tactical training with application of 3D-modeling of individual competitive activity kinematic indicators and opponents preparation and target hits that are placed on vertical directors that are set in collective cube device (Patent № 76884). Training means are differentiated by difficulty (one, two and three actions), distance (close, medium and long) and complexity (combined and repeated). Use of an authorial device has led to benefits of experimental group sportsmen by intergroup indicators in development of coordination abilities (5,76−51,52% with р≤0,01), development of differential muscle forts with different provocation character, counterbalanced correlation of braking – excitation, increase of nerve process strength (8,67−58,63%, р≤0,05−0,01); majority of technical training indicators (5,65−28,38%, р≤0,05−0,01).Документ Improving technical preparedness of archers using directional development of their coordination skills on stage using the specialized basic training(2017) Антонов, Сергій; Бріскін, Юрій; Передерій, Аліна; Пітин, Мар'ян; Хіменес, Христина; Задорожна, Ольга; Семеряк, Зоряна; Свістельник, Ірина; Antonov, Sergiy; Briskin, Yuriy; Perederiy, Alina; Pityn, Maryan; Khimenes, Khrystyna; Semeryak, Zoryana; Svystelnyk, Irina; Zadorozhna, OlhaThe thesis is devoted to the technical training of skilled archer. Following the analysis of literature was found structure factors that determine the effectiveness of exercise in the technique of competitive archery. The ways of improving the technical preparedness archer at the stage of basic training specialist associated with playing rhythmic, dynamic structure and maintain stability kinematic characteristics of motor actions due to quality displays of coordination abilities.Theoretically and experimentally proven efficiency in improving the technical preparedness archer at the stage of basic training specialized complex coordinated increase in the proportion of training, shift in pedagogical orientation to complete the tasks and reduce the amount of funds for the development of maximum strength and speed-strength endurance.Formed scientific position on the use of exercise adversarial nature of the changed conditions in the complex control of technical training skilled archer at the stage of basic training and specialized completed qualification-determined differences skilled athletes on the basis of model parameters physical and technical preparedness skilled archer.Документ Morbidity Patterns of Preschool-age Children(2018) Pityn, Maryan; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Galan, Yaroslav; Melnyk, Valeryi; Semeryak, Zoryana; Пітин, Мар'ян; Пасічник, Вікторія; Галан, Ярослав; Мельник, Валерій; Семеряк, ЗорянаChildren's health is an integral indicator of the general well-being of the society and at the same time is an indicator of all social and environmental problems (1). High stressfulness of socioeconomic factors, negative environmental factors, as well as adverse demographic processes in the society significantly reduce the living standards of the population of our country.Документ Multi-Functional Technical Devices for Improvement and Control of Athletes’ Preparedness in Martial Arts(2020) Zadorozhna, Olha; Briskin, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Smyrnovskyy, Serhiy; Semeryak, Zoryana; Khomiak, Ivan; Hlukhov, Ivan; Задорожна, Ольга; Бріскін, Юрій; Пітин, Мар'ян; Смирновський, Сергій; Семеряк, Зоряна; Хомяк, Іван; Гуков, ІванThe present work studied specifics of technical devices for the improvement and control of athletes’ preparedness in martial arts. Their use is aimed at the improvement of different sides of athletes’ preparedness, including technical and tactical skills, and theoretical knowledge. The main advantage of the devices is the opportunity not only to develop sports skills but also to have operational feedback between the athlete and the coach or team partner in real time. Three multi-functional technical devices were created: “TTT”, “Cube”, and “Device for the technical training of fencers”. Their efficiency was estimated with two pedagogical experiments involving 52 young epee and foil fencers (age 11-15 years) and 45 epee fencers (age 11-15 years). The results of the first pedagogical experiments illustrated that the use of “TTT” simulator enabled increasing the sportsmen’s level of knowledge at 48.3%-145.5% (p<0.05). The results of the second pedagogical experiments illustrated that the use of “Device for the technical training of fencers” enabled increasing the sportsmen’s technical preparedness (p<0.01).Документ Qualified women epee fencers technical and tactical training using of highly qualified sportsmen model indicators(2016) Briskin, Yuriy; Semeryak, Zoryana; Pityn, Maryan; Vaulin, Oleksandr; Бріскін, Юрій; Семеряк, Зоряна; Пітин, Мар'ян; Ваулін, ОлександрVariable conditions of competitive activity in fencing set the priority in the training structure of qualified sportsmen and the effectivity of technical and tactical training realization. Aim of the research is to determine the effectiveness of the technical and tactical training program of women epee fencers at the stage of specialized basic training with consideration of model indicators of competitive activity and training of high qualified sportsmen. The experimental program was used in preparation macrocycle period, which lasted from January to September 2013 (32 weeks). Into pedagogical experiment were attracted 32 qualified women epee fencers (16 sportsmen in the control and 16 sportsmen in experimental group) during the stage of specialized basic training. Application of an authorial training program has an authentic (p≤0,05-0,01) positive (up 35.91%) impact on intragroup indicators of technical training. Methodological approaches of the authorial training program have effectiveness on improvement of technical and tactical training of qualified women epee fencers related with the qualified consideration of model indicators of competitive activity and training of high qualified sportsmen and preservation of existing priorities in the other part of training, ability of an urgent technical training correction.Документ Qualified women epee fencers technical and tactical training using of highly qualified sportsmen model indicators(2016) Briskin, Yuriy; Semeryak, Zoryana; Pityn, Maryan; Vaulin, OleksandrДокумент Technical devices of improvement the technical, tactical and theoretical training of fencers(2014) Briskin, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Zadorozhna, Olha; Smyrnovskyy, Serhiy; Semeryak, ZoryanaProposed new training means for improving the technical, tactical and theoretical training that contribute to the growth of sports results in fencing: Simulator "TTT", which is recommended to improve the specialized technical and tactical skills of fencers on the basis of improvement of tactical thinking and specific knowledge. "Device for technical and tactical training of fencers" for improving the specialized technical and tactical skills of athletes. "Device for technical training of fencers" to improve the technical skills of fencers on the basis of improvement of specialized the feeling of the weapon.Документ The concept of building control for certain components of the system for training handball players(2019) Tushchenko, Valeria; Lisenchuk, Gennadii; Odynets, Tetiana; Cherednichenko, Inna; Lytvynenko, Olga; Boretska, Nataliia; Semeryak, Zoryana; Тищенко, Валерія; Лісенчук, Геннадій; Одинець, Тетяна; Чередніченко, Інна; Литвиненко, Ольга; Борецька, Наталія; Семеряк, ЗорянаThe purpose of the research– to find developed similarityin concepts of training systems control for high qualified handball playersand demands of their training and competitive activity. The methodology of the work.The expert assessment was conducted for direct participants, such as trainers of the training and competitive process of Super League Ukrainian teams, "Motor" and "ZTR". Results. According to the generalized estimations of experts, which we interpret as a holistic assessment of control system in training and competitive activity for highly qualified handball teams in the annual training macrocycle 2017-2018.It has been defined by its compliance with the essential task of the training system. Most assessments of the criteria were within full compliance with their requirements. Thus, the highest scores recorded for the purpose and validity of the criteria (by 3.78 and 3.81 points); presentation of information and coordination of control components (by 3.74 and 3.67 points); costs (by 3.59 points); completeness of the information (by 3.56 points); the value of information (by 3.41 points); determinism (by 3.19 points) and speed of decision (by 3.11 points). Another two assessments of criteria were closer to the high level and accounted for the continuity of the content of information and the frequency of control 2.96 and 2.78 points. Conclusions. The confirmed effectiveness of the development on the basis of our concept, control system of training and competitive activity of highly qualified handball teams in the annual preparation of the macrocycles. It has been recommended to use separate scientific and methodological guidelines, the concept of control components, as well as those that are based on a theoretical and practical level means and methods of control in long-term training for highly qualified handball teams