Перегляд за Автор "Pasichnyk, Viktoria"
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Документ Characteristics of the psychomotor system in preschool children with mental disabilities(2018) Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryan; Melnyk, Valeryi; Semeryak, Zoryana; Karatnyk, Ivan; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'ян; Мельник, Валерій; Семеряк, Зоряна; Каратник, ІванThe health of the nation is primarily determined by the health of children, which is the most significant resource of any society. Health conditioning in preschool children, physiologically valuable development of all organs and systems of the body is of great importance in the preschool educational institutions. In Ukraine special attention is paid to children with various disabilities. Hence, the research dedicated to the study of psychomotor characteristics of children became of special value for working out pedagogical actions aimed at remodeling psychophysical development of preschool children. The purpose of the study was to describe characteristics of psychomotor system of preschool children with psychophysical abnormalities, as well as find out the main features of their manifestation. Material: the study involved 118 children aged 5 - 6 years (N=118). Out of the total number of the study participants 54 children (25 girls and 29 boys) were in need of psychophysical development correction. Thus, 9 of them suffered from musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), though they did not display visual motor impairments (like gross gait, running, jumping or walking disorders); other 15 children had disturbances of speech development (SDD); in 16 children were diagnosed as mental deficients (MD); 5 kids had Down syndrome (DS); 9 children suffered from the disturbances of the autistic spectrum (ASD). A group of 64 kids (30 girls and 34 boys) had normative level of development. Results of the study: Developmental retardation of children with psychophysical abnormalities as compared to their peers with normative development on average by 22.5% to 35% was established. This backwardness was observed in the data, which characterized the psychomotor system formation (development of dynamic and static coordination, movements’ rate, fine motor activity, motor memory, a sense of rhythm, ability of simultaneous movements execution, expressiveness of movements etc.) Conclusions. The level of psychomotor system organization in children with psychophysical abnormalities requires differentiated approach in physical education in the context of inclusive education.Документ Effect of physical development parameters and conditioning abilities on the level of motor coordination in female volleyball players in the phase of specialized basic training(2018) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Melnyk, Valeryi; Lazarenko, Mykola; Troyanovska, Mariya; Kovtsun, Vitalii; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Пасічник, Вікторія; Мельник, Валерій; Лазаренко, Микола; Трояновська, Марія; Ковцун, ВіталійThe objective of the study was to identify the effect of physical education parameters and conditioning capabilities on the level of motor coordination manifestations in the female volleyball players at the stage of specialized basic training. Material: 20 female volleyball players aged 15 to17 participated in the study. Results: certain range of problems aggravating efficient training process of young female volleyballers has been revealed. It has been proved that the improvement of female volleyball players’ motor skills is of crucial significance for proper mastering and efficient application of volleyball technique elements during competitive activities. Correlation between physical development characteristics and coordination and conditioning skills has been revealed. Average rate of negative correlation between female athletes’ body length parameters and their ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium has been identified. Low and average rate correlations have been registered between the capability of immediate manifestation of spatial orientation, rhythm and body weight index. Valid interdependence of average rate between the majority of coordination readiness characteristics of female volleyballers and their speed and strength qualities has been investigated. The combined effect method for simultaneous improvement of coordinating and conditioning preparedness in 15-17 year old female volleyball players was applied in accordance with the specific knowledge about quantitative correlation between the above mentioned, all in all inconsistent, characteristics of a human being. Conclusions: in order to master the efficient volleyball technique it is obviously essential for a volleyball player to possess corresponding physical qualities and skills. Definition of correlation between coordinating skills of volleyballers and other parameters of their motor activity could enable better control of female volleyballers’ physical perfection. Major somatic characteristics have minor if any effect upon general level of coordinating readiness of female volleyball players in the phase of specialized basic training.Документ Effectiveness of integral-developmental balls use in complex development of physical and mental abilities of senior preschool age children(2015) Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Melnyk, Valeryi; Levkiv, Volodymyr; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Пасічник, Вікторія; Мельник, Валерій; Левків, Володимир; Ковцун, ВасильPresent physical education traditionally is considered only as a mean of optimizing the physical status of the person, which generally comes down only to the formation of motor capacity, health improvement of the younger generation at the expense of intellectual and socio psychological development, which limits the possibility of integral formation of the person. In the practice of preschools observed the slow pace of integration of motor and mental development in children that is connected with not effectively organization process of traditional physical education. One of the reasons appears not fully understood in the society mind the multifaceted potential and importance of physical education for the integral formation of the person in the unity of its motor, intellectual abilities and moral qualities. This led to development of innovative programs based on qualitatively new integrative paradigm that reflects the unity and coherence of the motor and intellectual component of physical education of preschool children using integral developmental balls allowing integrated health and educational effect. Learning in motion is one of the modern and perspective directions of motor and mental processes integration that means that development of physical and mental activity must be addressed as a single task. The results of implementation of “Smart Ball” program in the process of physical education indicate a significant results increase (p<0,01) of children physical fitness in EG and CG, except for indicators of flexibility (torso incline from a standing position) in boys, where are false differences (p>0,05). Children who were engaged in experimental program in seven of the eleven types of test achieved significantly higher results (p<0,05 0,01) compared with children of CG that is shown in tests, “tossing and catching a ball”, “ball reflection from the floor”, “speed of brush movements”, “tennis ball throw “, “dynamometry of right and left hands”. Proved that at the end of the experiment indicators that characterize mental abilities got accurate dynamics (p<0,01) in children of EG and CG. However, the increase of analyzed parameters in EG children had more pronounced upward trend, with six of the nine indicators children achieved significantly higher results (p<0,05) compared with children with CG, especially in visual memory, speech, thinking (visual figurative, visually effective, logical mathematical) and attention (amount).Документ Factor analysis of indicators of physical and functional preparation of basketball players(2018) Tyshchenko, Valeria; Hnatchuk, Yaroslav; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Bubela, Oleksij-Oleg; Semeryak, Zoryana; Тищенко, Валерія; Гнатчук, Ярослав; Пасічник, Вікторія; Бубела, Олексій-Олег; Семеряк, ЗорянаThe problem of physiological study of non-traditional means of training attracts a lot of scientists’ attention in recent years. This is due to the need to provide a maximum development of certain muscle groups and direction of the training process. Proper use of simulators weight machines bring positive results. Obviously, an important step in the use of technology is the right choice for team sports coaches and personal trainers for the effectiveness of the training process. One effective component of this process is the inclusion to a training program with the help of physical exercises would be TRX® function loops. Among specialists of functional and physical training innovation as TRX® – training is one of the best equipment for complex solution of the tasks. This exercise is an exercise using body weight. It was designed to develop strength, power, core stability, flexibility and balance. TRX® is the valuable creation for the sports industry of any levels. TRX® Training – Suspension Training became commonly usable for Fitness Health Clubs, Professional Sports and Elite Strength Conditioning Workout for Sports Teams. Therefore, it was suggested the use of TRX® exercises in preparation of basketball players. The results of the study clearly demonstrated that the inclusion in the training program for basketball players training with functional loops TRX® contributed to a significant increase in the level of their overall physical performance and aerobic capacity of the organism. Utilization of TRX® in the training process can be considered as an important factor in increasing the efficiency of preparation in basketball.Документ Improvement of tactical action in the attack of handball players at the stage of preparation for higher achievements(2017) Melnyk, Valeryi; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Semeryak, Zoryana; Karatnyk, Ivan; Galan, YaroslavДокумент Improvement of technical and tactical training of qualified women epee fencers(2017) Semeryak, Zoryana; Briskin, Yuriy; Karatnyk, Ivan; Melnyk, Valeriy; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryan; Семеряк, Зоряна; Бріскін, Юрій; Каратник, Іван; Мельник, Валерій; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'янCurrent need for an effective training of qualified sportsmen in fencing that in further can realize their individual abilities on national and international levels can be solved with the content correction of specialized training load that are optimal for conduction on the stage of specialized basic development. Aim of the research: to improve technical and tactical training of women epee fencers on the stage of specialized basic development with consideration of efficient and meaningful indicators of high qualified sportsmen. Authorial program of women epee fencers technical and tactical improvement has included the use of a device for fencers technical and tactical training with application of 3D-modeling of individual competitive activity kinematic indicators and opponents preparation and target hits that are placed on vertical directors that are set in collective cube device (Patent № 76884). Training means are differentiated by difficulty (one, two and three actions), distance (close, medium and long) and complexity (combined and repeated). Use of an authorial device has led to benefits of experimental group sportsmen by intergroup indicators in development of coordination abilities (5,76−51,52% with р≤0,01), development of differential muscle forts with different provocation character, counterbalanced correlation of braking – excitation, increase of nerve process strength (8,67−58,63%, р≤0,05−0,01); majority of technical training indicators (5,65−28,38%, р≤0,05−0,01).Документ Individualization of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements(2018) Boichuk, Roman; Iermakov, Sergii; Kovtsun, Vasyl; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Melnyk, Valeryi; Lazarenko, Mykola; Troyanovska, Mariya; Бойчук, Роман; Єрмаков, Сергій; Ковцун, Василь; Пасічник, Вікторія; Мельник, Валерій; Лазаренко, Микола; Трояновська, МаріяAim: to substantiate expediency and effectiveness of individualization of the process of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements. Material: 12 basketball players at the age of 17-19 years old participated in the study. Results: relevance of the introduction of individualization into the training process, its principles and implementation directions were revealed. It was proved that individualization increases the rationality of using the athletes’ functional reserves and prevents the early end of a career. Structure of coordination preparedness of basketball players (girls) at the age of 17-19 years was determined, in which four expressed factors were revealed based on the factor analysis: rapid reconstruction of motor actions, kinesthetic differentiation, complex reaction, spatial orientation. Algorithm of determination of coordination abilities individual features in the structure of basketball players (girls) coordination preparation at the stage of preparation for the highest achievements is presented. Stages of determination of the individual factor structure of the athlete coordination preparation are shown. It is noted that, the crucial point is to provide conditions in which the period of maximum athlete's inclination to achieve the highest results coincides with the period of the most intense and complex coordination training loads at the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Conclusions: Basketball players (girls) training at the stage of preparation for higher achievements is a complex process where much attention should be paid to their individual abilities. Correction of the training process shall involve the development of those functions of the athlete’s body, which are the most expressed genetically and which are needed for the chosen sport. Technical preparedness of basketball players (girls) is determined by the level of various coordination abilities manifestation. In relation to the strategy of training the coordination abilities in basketball players (girls) in adolescence, it is necessary to know the sensitive periods for the development of these abilities, as well as age, gender and individual peculiarities of their formation.Документ Morbidity Patterns of Preschool-age Children(2018) Pityn, Maryan; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Galan, Yaroslav; Melnyk, Valeryi; Semeryak, Zoryana; Пітин, Мар'ян; Пасічник, Вікторія; Галан, Ярослав; Мельник, Валерій; Семеряк, ЗорянаChildren's health is an integral indicator of the general well-being of the society and at the same time is an indicator of all social and environmental problems (1). High stressfulness of socioeconomic factors, negative environmental factors, as well as adverse demographic processes in the society significantly reduce the living standards of the population of our country.Документ Physical condition of preschool children with disabilities in psychological and physical development(2021-02-03) Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Khimenes, Khrysyyna; Pityn, Maryan; Bas, Olha; Hlukhov, Ivan; Hnatchuk, Yaroslav; Drobot, Kateryna; Пасічник, Вікторія; Хіменес, Христина; Пітин, Мар'ян; Бас, Ольга; Глухов, Іван; Гнатчук, Ярослав; Дробот, КатеринаIntroduction. Today, there is a negative tendency of increasing the number of preschool children with disharmonious psychophysical development in Ukraine (55.9% in 1998, 59.4% in 2005). At the same time, society offers actual solutions of this problem. Under certain conditions, the development of preschool children of this category can improve or approach to healthy peers’ development level, and within existing educational systems, this process can be managed. Therefore, it is important to study the indicators of physical condition children with special needs in order to substantiate preventive and health measures, determine the content of physical exercises for correction of their psychophysical development. Methods: analysis, generalization of literary sources data; pedagogical ascertainment experiment; medical and biological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. Purpose. To determine physical condition indicators of preschool children with disabilities in psychophysical development. Result and discussion. The value of morbidity children with disabilities of both genders, regardless of the defect, indicate unsatisfactory level. At the surveyed children was noted deterioration of the cardiovascular system functional conditions, that characterized by a slight increase in resting heart rate. Most of the surveyed children reported unsatisfactory quality of cardiovascular system regulation (92.0% girls, 75.8% boys). The values of endurance coefficients of the surveyed children with special needs, regardless of the defect, indicate a weakening of the cardiovascular system. External respiratory indicators of children with speech disorders, mental retardation, Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders correspond to a level below average. Only peers with musculoskeletal disorders have an average level. Conclusions. The biological age of the surveyed contingent corresponds to the passport. It has been confirmed that the development of children with psychophysical disabilities is conditioned by the lag of the normative in most indicators. This leads to functional impairment of some physiological systems. It is was found marked decreasing in cardiovascular and respiratory system activity children with autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome and with mental retardation. Сьогодні спостерігається негативна тенденція збільшення кількості дітей дошкільного віку з дисгармонійний психофізичний розвиток в Україні (55,9% у 1998 р., 59,4% у 2005 р.). Водночас суспільство пропонує фактичні рішення цієї проблеми. За певних умов розвиток у дітей дошкільного віку цього категорія може покращити або наблизитись до рівня розвитку здорових однолітків, а в рамках існуючих освітніх систем, цим процесом можна керувати. Тому важливо вивчити показники фізичного стану дітей з особливі потреби з метою обґрунтування профілактичних та оздоровчих заходів, визначення змісту фізичних вправ для корекції їх психофізичного розвитку. Методи: аналіз, узагальнення даних літературних джерел; педагогічний констатуючий експеримент; медичні та біологічні методи; методи математичної статистики. Призначення. Визначити показники фізичного стану дітей дошкільного віку з обмеженими фізичними можливостями розвитку. Результат та обговорення. Значення захворюваності дітей-інвалідів обох статей незалежно дефекту, вкажіть незадовільний рівень. У обстежених дітей було відзначено погіршення роботи серцево-судинної системи функціональні стани системи, що характеризуються незначним збільшенням частоти серцевих скорочень у стані спокою. Більшість опитаних діти повідомили про незадовільну якість регуляції серцево-судинної системи (92,0% дівчаток, 75,8% хлопців). Значення коефіцієнти витривалості обстежених дітей з особливими потребами, незалежно від вади, вказують a ослаблення серцево-судинної системи. Зовнішні респіраторні показники дітей з порушеннями мовлення, психічними відсталість, синдром Дауна та розлади аутистичного спектру відповідають рівню нижче середнього. Тільки однолітки з опорно-руховий апарат має середній рівень. Висновки. Біологічний вік обстежуваного контингенту відповідає паспорту. Було підтверджено, що розвиток дітей з психофізичними інвалідність зумовлена відставанням нормативного за більшістю показників. Це призводить до функціональних порушень деякі фізіологічні системи. Виявлено помітне зниження активності серцево-судинної та дихальної системи діти з розладами спектру аутизму, синдромом Дауна та з розумовою відсталістю.Документ Prerequisites for the physical development of preschool children for the realization of the tasks of physical education(2018) Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryan; Melnyk, Valeryi; Karatnyk, Ivan; Hakman, Anna; Galan, Yaroslav; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар'ян; Каратник, Іван; Гакман, Анна; Галан, Ярослав; Мельник, ВалерійIntroduction: The preschool age is reasonably considered as the most significant period in the process of a child’s body formation. It is at this particular age that the foundation is laid for personal health and physical qualities necessary for efficient participation in various spheres of social life in the future. The aim of this study is to get a knowledge about the dynamics and level of physical fitness in three- to sixyear-old children. Material and methods: The study was carried out on the basis of pre-school institutions of Lviv and Lviv region in 2017. Altogether 1188 preschool children (n=1188) were involved in the research, including 418 children of junior preschool age (3 to 4 years old), 350 middleaged preschoolers (4 to 5 years old) and 420 senior preschoolers (5 to 6 years old). Methods of research applied were as follows: analysis and systematization of scientific publications, educational experiment, educational testing, educational observations, Student’s t-test, parametric statistics methods. Results: It has been found that with age the examined sample of children displays gradual improvement of all physical fitness characteristics. The findings testify to intensive and heterochronic development of children’s motor qualities in the process of their ontogenesis. Conclusion: General physical fitness level of the majority of the examined children could be estimated as satisfactory and corresponding to the appropriate age standards. Our findings supplement the data on application of the available informative tests for preschooler’s physical fitness assessment.Документ Tactical attacking actions of competitive handball players with different qualifications(2016) Melnyk, Valeryi; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Levkiv, Volodymyr; Kovtsun, VasylДокумент Напрями удосконалення змісту фізичного виховання дітей дошкільного віку за допомогою ігрових засобів(2016) Пасічник, Вікторія; Pasichnyk, ViktoriaУ статті розглянуто питання оптимізації процесу фізичного виховання дітей дошкільного віку. На основі цілісного аналізу представлених у спеціальній науковій та методичній літературі даних вивчено низку сучасних шляхів удосконалення змісту і організації процесу фізичного виховання дошкільнят з використанням ігрових засобів. Широке застосування ігрових технологій в практиці фізичного виховання дошкільних навчальних закладів сприяє накопиченню рухового досвіду дітей, поліпшенню емоційного потенціалу, фізичного, морального та інтелектуального розвитку.Документ Перспективи комплексного використання засобів спортивних ігор у фізичному вихованні учнів початкових класів закладів загальної середньої освіти(2024) Голод, Юрій; Пасічник, Вікторія; Пітин, Мар’ян; Лещак, Олександр; Цап, Ірина; Holod, Yuriy; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Pityn, Maryn; Leshchak, Oleksandr; Tsap, IrynaМета статті – з’ясувати перспективи наукового напряму, пов’язаного з використанням засобів спортивних ігор у фізичному вихованні учнів початкових класів закладів загальної середньої освіти. The purpose of the article is to find out the prospects of the scientific direction related to the use of sports games in the physical education of primary school students of general secondary education institutions.Документ Рhysical education of Ukrainian schoolchildren during distance learning(2024) Sorokolit, Nataliia; Moskalenko, Nataliia; Rymar, Olha; Matviiv, Vasyl; Pasichnyk, Viktoria; Solovey, Alla; Mandiuk, Andriy; Malanchuk, Halyna; Сороколіт, Наталія; Москаленко, Наталія; Римар, Ольга; Матвіїв, Василь; Пасічник, Вікторія; Соловей, Алла; Мандюк, Андрій; Маланчук, ГалинаThe article addresses the challenges associated with fostering the physical development of Ukrainian schoolchildren connected with distance learning in physical education. The primary conditions for adopting distance learning stemmed from the Covid-19 pandemic and now confronts military aggression from Russia. The goal: to track the progress of 7th-grade students' physical development through remote physical education learning programme. У статті розглядаються проблеми, пов’язані з вихованням фізичного розвитку українських школярів, пов’язаних з дистанційним навчанням фіз освіти. Основні умови для переходу на дистанційне навчання випливають із Covid-19 пандемії і зараз протистоїть військовій агресії з боку Росії. Мета: відслідковувати прогрес фізичного розвитку учнів 7 класу шляхом дистанційного навчання фізичній культурі програма.