Перегляд за Автор "Okopnyy, Andriy"
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Документ Comparative Analysis of the Kickboxers’ Impact Techniques Indicators at the Preliminary Basic Training Stage Taking Into Account the Weight Categories(2020-10-01) Hutsul, Natalia; Rykhal, Volodymyr; Okopnyy, Andriy; Vovk, Igor; Гуцул, Наталія; Рихаль, Володимир; Окопний, Андрій; Вовк, ІгорМета дослідження – провести порівняльний аналіз показників техніки ударних дій кікбоксерів експериментальної та контрольної групи на етапі попередньої базової підготовки з урахуванням вагових категорій.Документ Comparative Analysis of the Kickboxers’ Impact Techniques Indicators at the Preliminary Basic Training Stage Taking Into Account the Weight Categories(2020-10-01) Hutsul, Natalia; Rykhal, Volodymyr; Okopnyy, Andriy; Vovk, Igor; Гуцул, Наталія; Рихаль, Володимир; Окопний, Андрій; Вовк, ІгорМета дослідження – провести порівняльний аналіз показників техніки ударних дій кікбоксерів експериментальної та контрольної групи на етапі попередньої базової підготовки з урахуванням вагових категорій.Документ Development of special physical qualities skilled kickboxers various style of competitive activity(2019) Prystupa, Evgen; Okopnyy, Andriy; Hutsul, Natalia; Khimenes, Khrystyna; Kotellnyk, Andriy; Hryb, Ihor; Pityn, Maryan; Приступа, Євген; Окопний, Андрій; Гуцул, Наталія; Хіменес, Христина; Котельник, Андрій; Гриб, Ігор; Пітин, Мар'янThe individual approach is an important and effective solution in improving the modern system of athletes’ preparation. This is repeatedly confirmed by scientific data and facts in various sports, in particular in combat sports. This approach also has advantages in kickboxing. In particular, it is important to take into account individual styles of competitive activities ("knockout style", "tempo style", "play style") when constructing the physical preparation of kickboxers. Considering the versatility and special advantages at the ring of athletes each of these styles, it is worth paying attention into their individual skill profiles when planning a training process. Aim: to increase the level of special physical qualities of skilled kickboxers various styles of competitive activity. The proposed author's program for constructing kickboxers’ special physical preparation on the basis of taking into account various styles of competitive activity allowed to obtain generally higher results in the level of manifestation of physical qualities in comparison with the traditional program of physical preparation in this kind of sport. As a result, there were observed the advantages of the experimental group athletes for the indices of "hand dynamometry" (weaker hand) – 6.03% and "pull ups in 30s" – 8.07% (р≤0.05) from the respective indices of the control group athletes. The author's approach to the construction of the physical preparation program contributed in general, to significant increase in the results of control exercises, which determine the level of special physical qualities development; higher relative indices of their increments; absence of the expressed negative direction of training loads. The traditional approach has also demonstrated its effectiveness, but in relation to the author's approach the results of physical qualities development level were lower.Документ Dynamic of indexes of technical and tactical actions of qualified kickboxer individual fighting style(2017) Pityn, Maryan; Okopnyy, Andriy; Tyravska, Oksana; Hutsul, Natalia; Ilnytskyy, IvanThe analysis of scientific and methodological literature showed that a number of publications were devoted to the problem of using an individual approach in the training process of athletes of high qualification, among them only a small part of data are devoted to the preparation system of kickboxing. Implementation of the method of individualization training means the process of management based on the collection of information, its preliminary processing and next transfer for analysis to the decision maker, in our case, this is coach. Purpose. Improve the technical and tactical approach of qualified athletes of different individual styles of fight in competitive activity. Results. The analysis of the competitive activitiy of qualified kickboxers allowed to identify the four most common fighting styles such us "Points Fighters", "Continuous Fighters", "Knock out Fighters" and "versatiles". Improvement the results of the technical and tactical actions in the experimental group of kickboxers after the experiment was indicated. According to the indicators of technical and tactical actions in the control group, improvement was observed only at the level of insignificant tendency (p>0,05). Implementation of the method of individualization training of qualified kickboxers in the training process of the Ukrainian kickboxing team during it preparation for the Championship of Ukraine 2016 allowed to achieve high competitive performance (7 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze medals).Документ Improving kickboxers’ special physical preparedness which accounts for their individual tactical style and technical skills(2019) Zadorozhna, Olha; Okopnyy, Andriy; Hutsul, Natalia; Kotelnyk, Andriy; Grashchenkova, Zhanna; Perederiy, Alina; Pityn, Maryan; Svistelnyk, Iryna; Задорожна, Ольга; Окопний, Андрій; Гуцул, Наталія; Котельник, Андрій; Гращенкова, Жанна; Передерій, Аліна; Пітин, Мар'ян; Свістельник, ІринаBackground. The research was devoted to increase of kickboxers’ special physical preparedness as a basis of technical and tactical improvement in the long-term development. Analysis of the literature enabled to reveal a great amount of researches dedicated to physical training in combative sports. According to the last changes in competition rules (2013), there is a need for scientific researches based on analysis of kickboxers’ competitive activity and factors of its effectiveness. Problem and aim. The issue of physical training in kickboxing is mentioned in a great amount of works. However, an individual tactical style as basis for special physical preparedness in kickboxing is considered fragmentally, especially after introducing changes in competition rules. That points at absence of one approach in its realization at different stages of long-term development. Results and Conclusions. For the solvation of the set tasks there were done several measurements with the help of chrono-dynamometry. The traditional comparison of indices of qualified kickboxers from control and experimental groups before and after pedagogical experiment revealed the dominance of experimental group representatives. This prevalence has been localized in “overall tonnage” of workload, “coefficient of speed endurance”, and “index of glycolytic capacity for work”. It enabled us to assume that application of special physical training program for kickboxers at the stage of specialized basic training gives new possibilities for their improvement. Particularly, the main accent in the program should be made on the athletes’ individual tactical style and technical skills.Документ Peculiar features of competitive activity of qualified wheelchair basketball players(2018) Grashchenkova, Zhanna; Mishyn, Maksym; Okopnyy, Andriy; Pityn, Maryan; Hnatchuk, YaroslavIn wheelchair basketball, competitive activity is of complex character that is stipulated by players having different degrees of malfunctions of musculoskeletal system. Despite universalisation of technical and tactical actions in present-day basketball, players of different positions have different manners of running competitive activity and have different efficiency of competitive activity. Aim of research is to analyze peculiarities of competitive activity of qualified athletes in wheelchair basketball. Organization. The research was done in two stages. At the first stage, we analyzed technical and tactical actions of 189 athletes (including 47 athletes of 1-1.5 functional class, 41 athletes of 2-2.5 functional class, 46 athletes of 3-3.5 functional class, 55 athletes of 4-4.5 functional class) listed in official statistics protocols of Men’s World Championship games organized by International Wheelchair Basketball Federation. Results. The most effective means related to handling a basketball wheelchair for players of all functional classes are actions done with two hands: pushing a wheelchair forward with both hands simultaneously, executing a stop with two hands (107 – 138 times), turns in motion done with two hands (112- 130 times), turns on the spot done by both hands (84 – 103 times). Use of other elements of basketball wheelchair handling technique is also rather important. It is related to the fact that players must master new range of required auxiliary actions when handling a basketball wheelchair, which will correspond to the volume of actions of each player. Increase o the number of motion actions related to handling a basketball wheelchair with one hand, allows increase of efficiency of technical actions with the ball. Quick and accurate execution of motion actions, ability to choose the most rational means of execution, and broadening of the range and variability of methods of handling a basketball wheelchair allows versatile use of a player’s individual abilities and increase of athletes’ professional growthДокумент Use of boxing to improve the physical education content in lyceums with intensive military and physical training(2018) Ilnytskyy, Ivan; Okopnyy, Andriy; Palatnyy, Artur; Pityn, Maryan; Kyselytsia, Oksana; Zoriy, Yaroslav; Ільницький, Іван; Окопний, Андрій; Палатний, Артур; Пітин, Мар'ян; Киселиця, Оксана; Зорій, ЯрославThe introduction of the innovative physical education technologies in the educational process of military lyceums can provide a decrease in the share of teachers impromptu and contribute to the achievement of the planned result. Purpose: to explore the effectiveness of the application of boxing means within a framework of the variable part of the content of the discipline “Physical Education” to improve the physical preparedness of pupils of the lyceums with intensive military and physical training. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and Internet data, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Organization. The pupils of Mukachevo lyceum with intensive military and physical training participated in the study; they were divided into two groups (control group, n=63 and experimental group, n=29) in the second term of 2014-1015 academic year. Results. The effectiveness of the application of boxing means within the framework of the variable module of the educational subject “Physical Education” is associated with reliable intra-group increases in the indicators of students according to such manifestations of physical qualities: the maximum strength is 10.55-12.31 %, p≤0.05-0.0; the explosive strength – 5.86-17.06 % at р≤0.05-0.1; the flexibility – 12.69-24.82 % at р≤0.05-0.01; the speed capabilities – 18.77-25.13 %, at p≤0.01; the strength endurance and speed-strength endurance - 18.03-28.50 % at p≤0.01 and general endurance - 9.42 % at p≤0.01 compared to the baseline levelДокумент Динаміка підготовленості учнів ліцею з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою під впливом використання засобів боротьби(2020-10-01) Балушка, Людмила; Хіменес, Христина; Окопний, Андрій; Пітин, Мар’ян; Согор, Олег; Ткач, Юлія; Balushka, Lyudmyla; Khimenes, Khrystyna; Okopnyy, Andriy; Pityn, Maryan; Sogor, Oleh; Tkach, YuliaМета дослідження: обґрунтувати використання засобів спортивної боротьби у процесі фізичного виховання учнів ліцею з посиленою військово-фізичною підготовкою.Документ Удосконалення спеціальної фізичної підготовленості боксерів віком 11-13 років за допомогою засобів із підвищеними вимогами до координації рухів і вестибулярної стійкості(2023-09-06) Рихаль, Володимир; Пітин, Мар’ян; Окопний, Андрій; Котельник, Андрій; Мисишин, Петро; Ворончак, Микола; Амізян, Андрій; Rykhal, Volodymyr; Pityn, Maryan; Okopnyy, Andriy; Kotelnyk, Andriy; Mysyshyn, Petro; Voronchak, Mykola; Amizyan, AndriyЗмагальна діяльність юних боксерів передбачає виконання спеціалізованих рухових дій високої координаційної складності в різних функціональних станах і різних умовах зовнішнього середовища. Мета: визначити вплив комплексної методики розвитку координації рухів і вестибулярної стійкості боксерів віком 11-13 років на рівень їхньої спеціальної фізичної підготовленості. Методи: теоретичний аналіз літературних джерел, педагогічне спостереження, педагогічне тестування, педагогічний експеримент, методи математичної статистики. Експериментальна програма передбачала авторський набір засобів із підвищеними вимогами до координації рухів і вестибулярної стійкості у підготовчій та основній частинах заняття. Результати. За усіма без винятку тестами зі спеціальної фізичної підготовленості суттєву перевагу отримали юні боксери експериментальної групи. У всіх випадках вона набула на рівні р≤0,01. За значеннями перевага боксерів експериментальної над контрольної групи мала достатньо великий розкид значень. Висновки. Під впливом авторської програми у спортсменів експериментальної групи достовірно підвищився рівень розвитку спеціальних фізичних якостей, про що свідчить порівняння результатів тестування на початку та в кінці дослідження. Competitive activity of young boxers involves the performance of specialized motor actions of high coordination complexity in various functional states and different environmental conditions.Purpose: to determine the impact of a comprehensive methodology for the development of coordination of movements and vestibular stability of boxers aged 11-13 years on the level of their special physical conditioning.Methods: theoretical analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.Organization. The following tests were used number of strokes in 8 seconds; average force of strokes in 8 seconds; number of strokes in 40 s; average force of strokes in 40 seconds; accuracy of strokes; coefficient 8/40. The pedagogical experiment involved 25 athletes (CG, n=12 and EG, n=13). The experimental program provided the author's set of means with increased requirements for coordination of movements and vestibular stability in the preparatory and main parts of a training.Results. It was established that for all tests for determination of special physical conditioning in boxing , young athletes of the experimental group received a significant advantage. In all cases, it acquired at the level of p≤00.01.The advantage of boxers experimental over the control group had a sufficiently large spread of values. The smallest significant differences were observed in the "Accuracy of strokes" test − 0.46 beats, 5.9% at p≤0.05, while the largest recorded in the control exercise "Strokes in 40 seconds" − 21.41 strokes, 19.3% at p≤0.01.Conclusions. Under the influence of the author's program, athletes of the experimental group significantly increased the level of development of special physical qualities, as evidenced by a comparison of the test results at the beginning and end of the study.