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Документ Tourist map of geospatial distribution of Rivne oblast in Ukraine as a means for activating tourist flows(2018) Voloshyn, Ivan; Kucher, Pavlo; Kukhtiy, Andriy; Chykailo, Yuliya; Khudoba, Volodymyr; Волошин, Іван; Кучер, Павло; Кухтій, Андрій; Чикайло, Юлія; Худоба, ВолодимирAn article presents a map of a geospatial distribution of most attractive tourist’s objects within Rivne Oblast in Ukraine. A map of geospatial distribution of tourist’s objects was carried out by a vector graphics editor “CorelDraw X5” on the basis of list of architectural, monumental, archeological, nature objects of national and local importance in Oblast. Was created a map of geospatial distribution of tourists objects within Rivne Oblast and has been calculated their quantity and index of percentage. On the basis of such maps could be created new tourist itineraries for traveling with a cognitive purpose. The map shows the also quantity of tourists objects and their percentage in every administrative district. Moreover, it was drawn the lines on a map, that shows a distances (in km) from regional centre Rivne to different settlements to north, west, east and south. Such lines of distances help for creating a new different tourists routs and itineraries. The map shows the number of most attractive tourist’s objects within 16 administrative districts and 3 tourist-recreational regions of the Rivne Oblast. Such researchment could be useful and interesting for a person’s who has an interest in a tourism and cartography.