Перегляд за Автор "Hruzevych, Iryna"
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Документ Correction of functional preparedness of rowers at the stage of maximal realization of individual capabilities(2017) Kropta, Ruslan; Hruzevych, Iryna; Bohuslavska, Viktoriia; Galan, Yaroslav; Nakonechnyi, Ihor; Pityn, Maryan; Кропта, Руслан; Грузевич, Ірина; Богуславська, Вікторія; Галан, Ярослав; Наконечний, Ігор; Пітин, Мар'янThe results of researches of the organization, devoted to study, of high qualification rower’s structure functional training which is taking place at a stage of the maximal realization of individual opportunities and the factors, causing its formation are protected. It shown, that the rower’s structure functional training at a stage of the maximal realization of individual opportunities is formed on the basis of interaction of functional systems of maintenance muscles activity, is a dynamic organization and is under construction proceeding from requirement for the further sports perfection. The conducting role in formation of structurally functional organization of special efficiency belongs to the complex, generated during long-term training, of biological properties structured in rigid systems: «aerobic-anaerobic capacity», «mobility-stability», «capacity-profitability». The mathematical models reflecting interaction of submitted systems and their influence on special efficiency rowers are developed.Документ Modelling the kinematic structure of movements of qualified canoeists(2017) Zhyrnov, Oleksandr; Bohuslavska, Viktoriia; Hruzevych, Iryna; Galan, Yaroslav; Moseychuk, Yuriy; Pityn, Maryan; Жирнов, Олександр; Богуславська, Вікторія; Грузевич, Ірина; Галан, Ярослав; Мосейчук, Юрій; Пітин, Мар'янThe significant differences in the kinematic structure of the rowing technique on the old and modern design boats, and in the kinematic structure of the techniques of physical efforts in the qualified canoeists and the advanced world sportsmen on modern design boats were revealed in this study. The methods of improving the rowing technique in the contest season were optimized due to increasing the amount of hours dedicated to the technical preparation, directed impacts on the improvement of the separate components of qualified canoeists technical actions and the use of control over the quantitative parameters of the kinematic structure of rowing movements. The study results were implemented for the preparation of the Kyiv city canoe rowing combined team, and used in the course of lectures ‘Biomechanical features of athletic technique for students.Документ The effectiveness of the endogenous-hypoxic breathing in the physical training of skilled swimmers(2017) Hruzevych, Iryna; Boguslavska, Viktoriia; Kropta, Ruslan; Galan, Yaroslav; Nakonechnyi, Ihor; Pityn, MaryanThe article analyses the effectiveness of the endogenous-hypoxic breathing in the physical training of skilled swimmers. The purpose of the study is to develop and substantiate the program of swimming activities in order to increase the physical fitness of swimmers at the stage of preliminary basic training. According to the results of the study, for the first time it was developed a program of swimming exercises with the application of the endogenous-hypoxic breathing technique in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle, which improved the efficiency in the aerobic energy supply zone, the functional capabilities of the respiratory muscles, bronchial patency and the stability of the body of swimmers to hypoxia. For the first time quantitative characteristics of practice loads aimed at the development of swimmers speed were developed taking into account the individual abilities. The scientific information about the positive influence of trainings with application of the endogenous-hypoxic breathing technique on the physical fitness and acceleration of the restorative processes of swimmers was expanded at the stage of preliminary basic training. New information was added to the data on the possibility of improving the speed of swimmers taking into account age characteristics.Документ Особливості раціону харчування тенісистів в умовах навчально-тренувального збору(ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського, 2022) Грузевич, Ірина; Кропта, Руслан; Hruzevych, Iryna; Kropta, RuslanПроведений аналіз індивідуальних щоденників харчування тенісисток підтверджує дані дослідників [1, 3] про відсутність збалансованого харчування за основними харчовими компонентами, а також порушення режиму харчування протягом дня. Крім того, у спортсменок відсутня стратегія швидкого відновлення запасів енергії під час тренувань. Тож важливо розробити стратегію швидкого поповнення запасів енергії під час тренувань із застосуванням продуктів спортивного харчування.An analysis of individual food diaries was carried out tennis player confirms the data of researchers [1, 3] about the lack of a balanced diet according to the main food components, as well as violations of the diet during day In addition, female athletes do not have a strategy for quickly restoring energy reserves training time Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy for rapid replenishment of energy reserves under training time using sports nutrition products.Документ Харчування висококваліфікованих спортсменів під час участі в змаганнях як чинник збереження спортивної форми(ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського, 2022-01-19) Грузевич, Ірина; Вдовенко, Наталія; Hruzevych, Iryna; Vdovenko, NataliiaМета – дослідити особливості харчування висококваліфікованих легкоатлетів під час участі у змаганнях як чинника збереження працездатності та спортивної форми.