Перегляд за Автор "Chekhovska, Maryana"
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Документ Biochemical auto monitoring of health of students-physical therapists(2020-05-07) Sybil, Maria; Shavel, Khrystyna; Chekhovska, Maryana; Chekhovska, Liubov; Сибіль, Марія; Шавель, Христина; Чеховська, Мар'яна; Чеховська, ЛюбовThere were analyzed the state of health of 3rd year students of the specialty "Physical therapy and ergotherapy" of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture (Ukraine) according to biochemical indicators: the speed of vitamin C excretion rates, blood catalase activity and hemoglobin content. There were not found any pathological urine parameters, except protein tracks (in 4% of all researched students). The lowered biochemical parameters that characterize the health state, allow offering individual correction of the diet, vitaminization and re-automonitoring.Документ Exercise training as the main component for treating pediatric patients with chronic heart failure(2016) Chekhovska, Maryana; Chekhovska, Liubov; Чеховська, Мар'яна; Чеховська, ЛюбовThe recommendations of various countries for the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure are analyzed in the article. Because physical training are included in a comprehensive program of rehabilitation for patients with heart failure, it is established the necessity to develop the program of exercise training for children with heart failure in Ukraine that must be included in a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Because physical activity has positive effect not only on functional capacity and physical development of the children but also helps to stabilize and improve mood, better psychosocial functioning, better perception of drug therapy.Документ Expediency of health fitness and shaping programs implementation on physical education classes for girls’ high school age(2015) Zhdanova, Olga; Chekhovska, Liubov; Shevtsiv, Ulyana; Chekhovska, Maryana; Жданова, Ольга; Чеховська, Любов; Шевців, Уляна; Чеховська, Мар'янаQuestionnaire of schoolgirls show us the lack of interest to traditional classes of physical education. To make classes of physical education more diverse health fitness and shaping for high school girls were applied. The purpose of this study was to increase efficiency of physical education classes at secondary school by applying health fitness and shaping. Health fitness and shaping due to dynamics of effects on the schoolgirls’ body and due to classes duration comply with the structure of physical education classes at schools. This implementation was effective and promotes positive motivation to pupils for systematic visiting the physical education classes. Programs can be recommended for further use at school classes.Документ Fitness in school physical education lessons(2020) Chekhovska, Maryana; Shevtsiv, Liana; Zhdanova, Olga; Chekhovska, Liubov; Чеховська, Мар'яна; Шевців, Уляна; Жданова, Ольга; Чеховська, ЛюбовResults of the analysis showeda serious problem of modern school education in Ukraine by overloading pupils with educational subjects and dissatisfaction with traditional content of physical education lessons.In Ukraine, physical education of pupils is an integral part of all pedagogical work. In the environment of student youth an interest in non-traditional means of physical education has increased, which combines various physical exercises and musical accompaniment. Shaping is one of them. The article is about implementation of shaping on school lessons of physical education to high school girls. The shaping system is aimed at the physical and aesthetic improvement of girls, contributes to the improvement of forms and proportions of the body that is essential for teenage girls. The results of systematic shaping classes are positive changes in the body mass of schoolgirls; reduction of body fat; the growth of the shaping figure class. The shaping classes have significantly improved the body structure and proportion that is essential for girls of high school age. The obtained results confirm the expediency of implementation of shaping technologies on physical education lessons at school.Документ Functional Condition of Ukrainian Schoolchildren with Chronic Heart Failure of І–ІІА Stages(2019) Chekhovska, Maryana; Chekhovska, Liubov; Чеховська, Мар'яна; Чеховська, ЛюбовIt is found that heart failure remains one of the most urgent problems of modern children's cardiology. Exactly chronic heart failure causes a violation of the state of health, limitation of vital functions. It is carried out a rehabilitation examination of Ukrainian school age children with chronic heart failure of І-ІІА stages. It made it possible to determine the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the state of the autonomic nervous system. According to the complex examination’s results, the physical rehabilitation program can be made. Physical training should be a key element of cardiac rehabilitation in chronic heart failure. The rest is not recommended for such patients, regardless of the stage of the diseaseДокумент Genesis and content of fitness: theoretical and methodological analysis(2019) Prystupa, Evhen; Chekhovska, Liubov; Zhdanova, Olha; Chekhovska, Maryana; Приступа, Євген; Чеховська, Любов; Жданова, Ольга; Чеховська, Мар’янаThe Purpose was to study the origin of recreational fitness. Метою було вивчити походження рекреаційного фітнесу.