Перегляд за Автор "Bodnar, Ivanna"
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Документ Adaptation of the academic motivation scale for future professionals in physical education and sports(Adaptation of the academic motivation scale for future professionals in physical education and sports / Pavlova I., Bodnar I., Shvets V., Petrytsa P., Nalyvayko N. // Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. - 2022. - Vol.17, is. 4. - P. 1009-1023. (Scopus), 2022) Pavlova, Iuliia; Bodnar, Ivanna; Shvets, Vadym; Petrytsa, Petro; Nalyvayko, Natalia; Павлова, Юлія; Боднар, Іванна; Швець, Вадим; Петрина, Петро; Навилайко, НаталіяThe purpose of the research was to adapt the Academic Motivation Scale in the context of investigating students’ motivation to study physical education and sports, including the assessment of psychometric properties and experimental validation of the model tool. In this study, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used. After comparison with alternatively possible models, the seven-factor model showed the highest correspondence. The test–retest factors were above 0.7 for all subscales, indicating high reliability of the questionnaire. The analysis of the participants’ results revealed that the highest indicators were for extrinsic and identified regulation and internal motivation related to knowledge acquisition. The obtained version of the Academic Motivation Scale is a valid instrument and has acceptable psychometric properties and can be used to study the learning motivation of university students, in particular future specialists in physical education and sports.Метою дослідження було адаптувати шкалу академічної мотивації в контексті дослідження мотивації студентів. вивчати фізичне виховання та спорт, включаючи оцінку психометричних властивостей та експериментальну перевірку модельний інструмент. У цьому дослідженні було використано поєднання кількісних і якісних методів дослідження. Після порівняння з альтернативно можливими моделями найбільшу відповідність показала семифакторна модель. Тест-повторні фактори були вище 0,7 для всіх підшкал, що свідчить про високу надійність опитувальника. Аналіз результатів учасників виявив що найвищі показники були для зовнішньої та визначеної регуляції та внутрішньої мотивації, пов’язаної зі знаннями придбання. Отримана версія шкали академічної мотивації є дійсним інструментом і має прийнятну психометрику властивостей і може бути використаний для вивчення навчальної мотивації студентів ВНЗ, зокрема майбутніх спеціалістів фіз освіти та спорту.Документ Analysis of Attitudes to educational reforms in Ukraine of Physical Education teachers and primary education teachers(2020-05-27) Moskalenko, Natalia; Bodnar, Ivanna; Sorokolit, Nataliya; Rymar, Olga; Solovey, Alla; Москаленко, Наталія; Боднар, Іванна; Сороколіт, Наталія; Римар, Ольга; Соловей, АллаQuestions, connected with conduction educational reforms on the modern stage in Ukraine, are discovered in this article. Those changes are connected with desire of Ukrainian society to join European society and to sigh Association with European Union. The educational reform is implemented in primary school. The goal is to find out and analyze physical education teachers’ and primary school teachers’ opinion about implementation educational changes on the present stage in Ukraine. In due to realize such goal we applied literature sources analysis and questionnaire. The questions were answered by 100 physical education teachers and 104 primary school teachers from Lviv region. We have discovered opinion of physical education teachers and primary school teachers is common. The highest level of support got: opportunity to choose and create educational program in terms of educational standards (82% of physical education teachers, 78,9% of primary education teachers), providing different forms of elementary education (76% and 73,1% respectively), applying game methods in studying in elementary school (72% and 69,23% respectively). We have noticed difference in teachers’ attitude towards verbal evaluation of pupils during physical education lessons, progressive forms of retraining and teachers’ independent attestation. Teachers do not support 12-years studying period and implementing the inclusion.Документ Assessment of senior pupils’ physical fitness considering physical condition indicators(2016) Bodnar, Ivanna; Stefanyshyn, Markiian; Petryshyn, Y.; Боднар, Іванна; Стефанишин, Маркіян; Петришин, ЮрійAbstract. Consideration of physical condition indicators in assessment pupils’ physical fitness permits to differentiate training and health restoration processes at physical culture lessons. Purpose: to substantiate criteria for pupils’ physical fitness assessment, considering their physical condition indicators. Material: in the research 10-11 form pupils (n=406; 211boys and 195 girls) participated. After physical fitness testing by requirement of acting programs we carried out diagnostic of pupils’ psycho-emotional state. Results: by results of physical; fitness we observed substantial deviation from universal law of normal distribution. It was found that physical condition indicators of most pupils are beyond normal. It was also determined that the most informative indicators are body length, chest circumference and body relative mass. We substantiated that it is necessary to consider physical condition indicators, when determining physical fitness level. We also substantiated and worked out differentiated normative for assessment pupils’ physical fitness. Conclusions: testing without consideration physical condition indicators does not facilitate pupils’ motivation for further physical self-perfection. Such testing results in high situational anxiety and unfavorable psycho-emotional state of pupils.Документ Assessment of senior pupils’ physical fitness considering physical condition indicators(2016) Bodnar, Ivanna; Stefanyshyn, M.; Petryshyn, Yurii; Боднар, Іванна; Стефанишин, М.; Петришин, ЮрійConsideration of physical condition indicators in assessment pupils’ physical fitness permits to differentiate training and health restoration processes at physical culture lessons. Purpose: to substantiate criteria for pupils’ physical fitness assessment, considering their physical condition indicators. Material: in the research 10-11 form pupils (n=406; 211boys and 195 girls) participated. After physical fitness testing by requirement of acting programs we carried out diagnostic of pupils’ psycho-emotional state. Results: by results of physical; fitness we observed substantial deviation from universal law of normal distribution. It was found that physical condition indicators of most pupils are beyond normal. It was also determined that the most informative indicators are body length, chest circumference and body relative mass. We substantiated that it is necessary to consider physical condition indicators, when determining physical fitness level. We also substantiated and worked out differentiated normative for assessment pupils’ physical fitness. Conclusions: testing without consideration physical condition indicators does not facilitate pupils’ motivation for further physical self-perfection. Such testing results in high situational anxiety and unfavorable psycho-emotional state of pupils.Документ Biochemical changes in cluster analysis indicators as a result of special tests of freestyle wrestlers of alactate and lactate types of power supply(2018) Sybil, Mariia; Pervachuk, Rostyslav; Zahura, Fedir; Shandrygos, V.; Yaremenko, V.; Bodnar, IvannaThe paper presents a pattern of alactic, lactic and mixed types of freestyle wrestlers identified using the cluster analysis (computer application SPSS Statistic 17) of biochemical parameters growth of alactic (creatinine) and lactic (lactic acid) anaerobic energy supply mechanisms in response to specific check tests. The study involved 20 freestyle wrestlers with classification from I degree to Master of Sports (3-8 years of experience in training). It has been established that 3 athletes belong to alactic, 6 to lactic and 11 athletes to mixed types, which made it possible to customize the training program.Документ Can integrative physical education improve physical development of schoolchildren ? With a kind of emptiness ?(2018) Bodnar, Ivanna; Dukh, Tetiana; Martyniv, Oleh; Hoshovska, Larysa; Боднар, Іванна; Дух, Тетяна; Матвіїв, Олег; Гошовська, ІринаElaboration of the concept of inclusive education demands the continuation of the research in order to clarify its effectiveness under various conditions and with different contingent. The research objective was to compare the effect of segregative and integrative physical education classes (PE) upon physical development indicators in the apparently healthy middle secondary school age students and the students with minor health problems. Two separate groups of schoolchildren (N=1417, aged 10-15) underwent a medical examination. One group of students attended segregative physical education classes, for the other group physical education classes were conducted integratively according to the students’ health status. The ratio of the total number of physical development significant growth rates in the sets of segregative and integrative mode of PE classes indicates a slightly higher efficiency of integrated PE classes as compared to segregative ones, which was confirmed statistically.Документ Considering the current balance between lactate and alactate mechanisms of energy supply in preparation of free style wrestlers(2018) Sybil, Mariia; Pervachuk, Rostyslav; Zahura, Fedir; Stelmakh, Yuliia; Bodnar, Ivanna; Сибіль, Марія; Первачук, Ростислав; Загура, Федір; Стельмах, Юлія; Боднар, ІваннаThe effectiveness of the method of permanent correction of individual training of skilled freestyle wrestlers considering the current balance between the individual components of anaerobic mechanism of energy supply have been experimentally justified. The base of the author’s program is comprosed of the ratio between the indexes of biochemical monitoring (excretion of creatinine and lactate) during the pedagogical experiment in response to cycle ergometry "Vita maxima" and specialized check-up tests. The correction factor was to identify the individual balance between the lactic and alactic components of anaerobic energy supply, and to organize influence with appropriate exercises on the weaker link by involving the cluster analysis.Документ Does Physical Activity Matter for the Mental Health of University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic?(2020-11-04) Rogowska, Aleksandra M.; Pavlova, Iuliia; Ku´snierz, Cezary; Ochnik, Dominika; Bodnar, Ivanna; Petrytsa, Petro; Роговська, Олександра М; Павлова, Юлія; Куснєрж, Цезарі; Очник, Домініка; Боднар, Іванна; Петриця, ПетроResearch indicates that university and college students are at higher risk of experiencing mental health problems than other populations. This study aims to examine the relationship between Physical Activity (PA) and the mental health of Ukrainian university students during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic lockdown. The conventional sample consisted of 1512 students from 11 Ukrainian universities, with a mean age of 20 years (M = 20.06, SD = 3.05) and 69% of whom were female. The cross-sectional online survey was disseminated through the most popular social media channels in Ukraine (i.e., Facebook, Viber, Telegram) and included the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) scale to measure anxiety and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) to assess depression. Data were collected from 14 May to 4 June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in Ukraine. Among university students, 43% were engaged in PA ≥ 150 min weekly, 24% met the criteria of GAD, and 32% met the criteria of depression. More students were involved in PA before the COVID-19 outbreak than during the national lockdown. Students with anxiety and depression were almost two times less likely to engage in PA than their counterparts without mental health disorders. The inactive group had higher scores of anxiety and depression than the physically active group. The relationship of PA with anxiety and depression was statistically significant but weak during the COVID-19 pandemic.Документ Effects of mutual learning in physical education to improve health indicators of Ukrainian students(2019-10-26) Bodnar, Ivanna; Pavlova, Yuliia; Dukh, Tetyana; Wąsik, Jacek; Mosler, Dariusz; Svyshch, Yaroslav; Боднар, Іванна; Павлова, Юлія; Дух, Тетяна; Васік, Яцек; Мослер, Даріуш; Свищ, ЯрославThe results suggest that program increased the level of physical and mental fitness of students of both gender and had a significant impact on the indicators of cardiovascular system. Результати свідчать про те, що програма підвищила рівень фізичної та розумової підготовленості студентів обох статі та суттєво впливали на показники серцево-судинної системи.Документ Efficiency of inclusive physical education lessons for schoolchildren with minor deviations in health(2014) Bodnar, Ivanna; Prystupa, Evhen; Боднар, Іванна; Приступа, ЄвгенIntroduction: Some contradictory data regarding the effects of inclusive physical education were revealed. The purpose of the research is to determine the efficiency of inclusive physical education for schoolchildren of I-III health groups of middle school age on the base of indices of complaints connected with health conditions, mental development, and physical activityДокумент Health complaints and well-being complaints among secondary school children(2016) Bodnar, Ivanna; Petryshyn, Yurii; Solovei, Alla; Rymar, Olga; Lapychak, Igor; Shevtsiv, Ulyana; Ripak, Mariana; Yaroshyk, Marta; Sorokolit, Natalya; Боднар, Іванна; Петришин, Юрій; Соловей, Алла; Римар, Ольга; Лапичак, Ігор; Шевців, Уляна; Ріпак, Мар'яна; Ярошик, Марта; Сороколіт, НаталіяUnfortunately a considerable amount of children and young people are in the so called “third state of health”, i.e. “between health and disease”. Ailment recognition, identification, prevention and “third state of health” eradication is an ideal form of preventive health care. The information on complaints of malaise that might give a hint of various diseases in secondary school age children is virtually absent. The aim of our study was to investigate the overall health complaints of secondary school age children. It was necessary to study out the range of most common schoolchildren complaints and to compare the complaints of schoolchildren belonging to different demographic groups. Interrogation covered 1017 secondary school age pupils including 510 schoolgirls and 507 schoolboys (aged 10-15 years) from secondary schools of Ukraine. It has been ascertained that only one out of every three pupils has no health complaints. The most common are complaints of emotional instability, considerable fatigue, discomfort in eyes and joints. These facts testify to high probability of developing neuropsychological diseases, musculoskeletal system disorders and visual impairments in children while schooling. A tendency to number of ailment complaints increase was observed in the 5th to 9th grade pupils.Документ Health complaints and well-being complaints among secondary school children(2016) Bodnar, Ivanna; Petryshyn, Yurii; Solovei, Alla; Rymar, Olga; Lapychak, Igor; Shevtsiv, Ulyana; Ripak, Mariana; Yaroshyk, Marta; Sorokolit, Natalya; Боднар, Іванна; Петришин, Юрій; Соловей, Алла; Римар, Ольга; Лапичак, Ігор; Шевців, Уляна; Ріпак, Мар'яна; Ярошик, Марта; Сороколіт, НаталіяUnfortunately a considerable amount of children and young people are in the so called "third state of health", i.e. "between health and disease". Ailment recognition, identification, prevention and "third state of health" eradication is an ideal form of preventive health care. The information on complaints of malaise that might give a hint of various diseases in secondary school age children is virtually absent. The aim of our study was to investigate the overall health complaints of secondary school age children. It was necessary to study out the range of most common schoolchildren complaints and to compare the complaints of schoolchildren belonging to different demographic groups. Interrogation covered 1017 secondary school age pupils including 510 schoolgirls and 507 schoolboys (aged 10-15 years) from secondary schools of Ukraine. It has been ascertained that only one out of every three pupils has no health complaints. The most common are complaints of emotional instability, considerable fatigue, discomfort in eyes and joints. These facts testily to high probability of developing neuropsychological diseases, musculoskeletal system disorders and visual impairments in children while schooling. A tendency to number of ailment complaints increase was observed in the 5t l to 9 grade pupils.Документ Health level and fitness of secondary school pupils in Ukraine(2013) Приступа, Євген; Боднар, Іванна; Prystupa, Yevhen; Bodnar, IvannaTo clarify the importance of pupils’ regular physical activity for improving their health, adopting healthy lifestyle, and preventing injurious habits is the burning question nowadays. The aim of the research was to investigate interrelations between pupils’ health level and their physical and mental development indices; as well as pupils’ lifestyle and their fitness. The worsening of schoolchildren’s health which caused the growth of number of pupils who have joined the special medical groups during last ten years is confirmed. It was found out that the most common diseases pupils suffer from are those affecting organs of respiration, digestion, muscular-skeleton system, and eyesight impairment; such conditions as a bad posture, scoliosis, cardio-vascular and endocrine diseases have become more and more frequent among children of school age. The factors affecting pupils’ health are as follows: kind of educational institution where a pupil is studying, his/her living area, and gender. It is revealed that the schoolchildren who belong to special medical groups are characterized by low and lower than average fitness indices, and by number of insufficient development of socially important mental and physical qualities. A lot of tobacco smokers are among such pupils and they are usually unsatisfied with their own health level and amount of their physical activities.Документ Health-related quality of life in Ukrainian young children: self-reports and proxy reports(2019) Pavlova, Iuliia; Fedechko, Oksana; Bodnar, Ivanna; Павлова, Юлія; Федечко, Оксана; Боднар, ІваннаAn analysis of children’s quality of life allows answering a number of questions related to better understanding the problems in the child development. The purpose of the study was to analyse the differences in the physical and psychosocial components of the life quality of the child of preschool age by the responses of children and parents. The survey was attended by 57 children (passport age – 5 years) and their parents. The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) was used to assess the quality of life. The results were evaluated according to 4 scales – Physical Functioning (PF), Emotional Functioning (EF), Social Functioning (SF), Kindergarten Functioning (KF). Nonparametric analysis was used to compare the responses of parents and children. For most scales, the quality of life indicators exceeded 75 points (PF – 78.7 points, EF – 82.3 points, SF – 76.1 points). The score recorded by parents for the quality of life of the child was lower and differed in the scales PF (by 10.9 points, p < 0.001), EF (by 12.7 points, p < 0.001,) KF (by 9.2 points, p = 0.02). The quality of life of Ukrainian preschool children is in a high range, but is lower in comparison with healthy respondents of the same age group from other countries. Critical for the low-value scales identified problems with peers. Parents give a more critical assessment of various aspects of the functioning of the child and are a source of additional information about the quality of life of the child.Документ Inclusive physical education of first-third group of health(2013) Prystupa, Yevhen; Petryshyn, Yurii; Bodnar, IvannaМетою було визначити основні тенденції реалізації інклюзивного фізичного виховання учнів 1–3 груп здоров’я середніх загальноосвітніх шкіл України в сучасних умовах. Проведенi аналіз та узагальнення даних більш ніж 150 літературних джерел. Виявлено, що до сьогодні не досягнуто адекватного трактування сутності терміну «інклюзивне фізичне виховання». Доведено, що діти 3-ї групи здоров’я відповідають концепції інклюзивного фізичного виховання. З’ясовано, що фізичне виховання учнів залишається сегрегативним. Фахівцями рекомендуються окремі заняття для здорових учнів і учнів спеціальної та підготовчої медичних груп. Проблема інклюзивного фізичного виховання супроводжується низкою невирішених питань. Теоретично обґрунтовано доцільність, соціальну вагомість і своєчасність впровадження інклюзивного фізичного виховання учнів 1–3 груп здоров’я.Документ Inclusive physical education program of schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders(2022-12-25) Bodnar, Ivanna; Pavlova, Iuliia; Ali, Hamade; Боднар, Іванна; Павлова, Юлія; Алі ХамадеAn inclusive physical education curriculum for children with autism spectrum disorders was made up and incorporated into the process of physical education in secondary schools. At the beginning and the end of the pedagogical experiment, 12-year-old children were tested in the experimental (involved in the author's program, n=9) and control groups (involved in the traditional curriculum, n=11). The indicators of psychophysical fitness of children were determined according to the results of 19 test exercises. The reliability of the differences was determined by the Mann-Whitney U test. Складено програму інклюзивного фізичного виховання дітей з розладами аутичного спектра, яка впроваджена в процес фізичного виховання в загальноосвітніх школах. На початку та в кінці педагогічного експерименту було проведено тестування дітей 12 років експериментальної (займалися за авторською програмою, n=9) та контрольної груп (займалися за традиційною програмою, n=11). Показники психофізичної підготовленості дітей визначали за результатами виконання 19 тестових вправ. Достовірність відмінностей визначали за U-критерієм Манна-Уітні.Документ Influence of Inclusive and Segregative Physical Education for Schoolchildren of Different Medical Groups(2021-05-28) Bodnar, Ivanna; Pavlova, Iuliia; Sirenko, Romana; Lapychak, Ihor; Боднар, Іванна; Павлова, Юлія; Сіренко, Романа; Лапичак, ІгорAbstract. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of inclusive and segregative physical education classes for students of various medical groups, taking into account sociopsychological indicators and indicators of psychoemotional state. The study involved 1,414 schoolchildren aged 10–16 years (M=12.7, SD=1.6). Through the survey, pupils’ wellbeing, needs, motivations, and motor preferences at their leisure and physical education classes, level of situational and personal anxiety, degree of integration of the group, and motivation for success were ascertained. Data comparisons were made between schoolchildren who studied in segregated and inclusive ways of organizing physical education in schools. Attitudes towards schoolchildren’s physical education and leisure patterns make it possible to assert that an inclusive model is effective. Integrative physical education classes are less mentally traumatic, more convenient, and psychologically comfortable than segregative ones. The way physical education is organized does not affect the level of anxiety and the class’s degree of motivation in achieving success in schoolchildren’s activities. Positive changes in the integrative conditions in the mental state come with all schoolchildren, but they are most noticeable among schoolchildren with low functional reserve capabilities. Анотація. Метою дослідження було порівняння ефективності інклюзивного та сегрегативного фізичного навантаження навчальні класи для студентів різних медичних груп з урахуванням соціопсихологічні показники та показники психоемоційного стану. У дослідженні брали участь 1414 школярів віком 10–16 років (М = 12,7, СД = 1,6). Завдяки опитуванню, добробут, потреби, мотивація та рухові уподобання під час дозвілля та фізичного виховання класи, рівень ситуативної та особистісної тривожності, ступінь інтеграції групи та з'ясовано мотивацію успіху. Порівняння даних проводили між школярами які навчались окремими та інклюзивними способами організації фізичного виховання в школах. Ставлення до фізичного виховання та дозвілля школярів дозволяє це зробити стверджувати, що інклюзивна модель є ефективною. Інтегративних занять фізкультурою менше психічно травматичний, зручніший і психологічно комфортніший, ніж сегрегативні. Спосіб організації фізичного виховання не впливає на рівень тривожності та рівень занять ступінь мотивації досягнення успіху в діяльності школярів. Позитивні зміни в інтегративні умови в психічному стані виникають у всіх школярів, але їх найбільше помітна серед школярів з низькими функціональними резервними можливостями.Документ Influence of Inclusive and Segregative Physical Education for Schoolchildren of Different Medical Groups(2021) Bodnar, Ivanna; Pavlova, Iuliia; Sirenko, Romana; Lapychak, Ihor; Боднар, Іванна; Павлова, Юлія; Сіренко, Романа; Лапичак, ІгорThe study aimed to compare the effectiveness of inclusive and segregative physical education classes for students of various medical groups, taking into account sociopsychological indicators and indicators of psychoemotional state. The study involved 1,414 schoolchildren aged 10–16 years (M=12.7, SD=1.6). Through the survey, pupils’ wellbeing, needs, motivations, and motor preferences at their leisure and physical education classes, level of situational and personal anxiety, degree of integration of the group, and motivation for success were ascertained.Дослідження мало на меті порівняти ефективність інклюзивної та сегрегаційної фіз заняття для студентів різних медичних груп з урахуванням соціально-психологічні показники та показники психоемоційного стану. У дослідженні брали участь 1414 школярів 10–16 років (M=12,7, SD=1,6). Завдяки опитуванню учнів благополуччя, потреби, мотивації та рухові переваги під час дозвілля та фізичного виховання заняття, рівень ситуативної та особистісної тривожності, ступінь інтегрованості групи та з'ясовано мотивацію до успіху.Документ Leisure of ukrainian schoolchildren and place of motor functioning in it(2016) Bodnar, Ivanna; Kindzera, Anna; Боднар, Іванна; Кіндзера, АннаAbstract. Purpose: to determine interests and degree of average school age pupils’ motor functioning in leisure time and at physical culture lessons. Material: in the research 5-9 th form pupils participated [n=325, age 10-14 years). With the help of questioning we find structure, content of leisure and preferred activities in free time. Results: Children’s attitude to physical culture lessons differs significantly depending on health state (health group). Leisure time is spent at TV or computer by most of children. It was found that 44.5% of children spent less than 2 hours a day for interactive activities. In days off time for TV watching or computer increases greatly and time for walks in he fresh air reduces. Time for walks differs depending on day of week. Conclusions: in general we observed positive attitude to physical culture lessons and physical activity. It is a contradiction that most of schoolchildren choose passive kind of rest (TV watching or computer activities). Walks in the fresh air, attendance of sport circles and mobile games hear house take much less part of pupil’s free time.