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Документ Mental health prevalence and predictors among university students in nine countries during the COVID‑19 pandemic: a cross‑national study(2021-09-21) Ochnik, Dominika; Rogowska, Aleksandra; Kuśnierz, Cezary; Jakubiak, Monika; Schütz, Astrid; Held, Marco; Arzenšek, Ana; Benatov, Joy; Berger, Rony; Korchagina, Elena; Pavlova, Iuliia; Blažková, Ivana; Aslan, Imran; Çınar, Orhan; Cuero‑Acosta, Yonni Angel; Очник, Домініка; Роговська, Олександра; Кушнір, Цезарій; Якуб’як, Моніка; Шютц, Астрид; Хелд, Марко Дж.; Арзеншек, Ана; Бенатов, Я.; і Бергер, Рон; Корчагіна, Олена; Павлова, Юлія; Блажкова, Івана; Аслан, Імран; Шинар, Орхан; Куеро -Акоста, Йонні АнгелThe student population has been highly vulnerable to the risk of mental health deterioration during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. This study aimed to reveal the prevalence and predictors of mental health among students in Poland, Slovenia, Czechia, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Israel, and Colombia in a socioeconomic context during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was conducted among 2349 students (69% women) from May–July 2020. Data were collected by means of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), Gender Inequality Index (GII), Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings, the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT), and a sociodemographic survey. Descriptive statistics and Bayesian multilevel skew-normal regression analyses were conducted. The prevalence of high stress, depression, and generalized anxiety symptoms in the total sample was 61.30%, 40.3%, and 30%, respectively. The multilevel Bayesian model showed that female sex was a credible predictor of PSS-10, GAD-7, and PHQ-8 scores. In addition, place of residence (town) and educational level (frst-cycle studies) were risk factors for the PHQ-8. This study showed that mental health issues are alarming in the student population. Regular psychological support should be provided to students by universities.Студентське населення було дуже вразливим до ризику погіршення психічного здоров’я протягом цього періоду пандемія коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19). Це дослідження мало на меті виявити поширеність та провісники психічного здоров'я серед студентів у Польщі, Словенії, Чехії, Україні, Росії, Німеччині, Туреччина, Ізраїль та Колумбія в соціально-економічному контексті під час пандемії COVID-19. Навчання було проведено серед 2349 студентів (69% жінок) у травні – липні 2020 р. Дані були зібрані за засоби генералізованого тривожного розладу (GAD-7), опитувальник здоров'я пацієнта (PHQ-8), сприйнятий Шкала стресу (PSS-10), Індекс гендерної нерівності (GII), Standard & Poor's Global Ratings, Оксфорд Урядовий відстежувач реагування на COVID-19 (OxCGRT) та соціодемографічне опитування. Описовий Були проведені статистичні дані та багаторівневий регресійний аналіз Байєса. Поширеність сильного стресу, депресії та загальних симптомів тривоги у загальній вибірці склало 61,30%, 40,3%, і 30%відповідно. Багаторівнева байєсова модель показала, що жіноча стать є надійним провісником балів PSS-10, GAD-7 та PHQ-8. Крім того, місце проживання (місто) та освітній рівень (дослідження першого циклу) були факторами ризику для PHQ-8. Це дослідження показало, що проблеми психічного здоров’я є насторожує студентське населення. Регулярну психологічну підтримку учням має надавати університетів.Документ Satisfaction with life among university students from nine countries: Cross-national study during the frst wave of COVID-19 pandemic(2021-12-28) Rogowska, Aleksandra; Ochnik, Dominika; Kuśnierz, Cezary; Jakubiak, Monika; Schütz, Astrid; Held, Marco; Arzenšek, Ana; Benatov, Joy; Berger, Rony; Korchagina, Elena; Pavlova, Iuliia; Blažková, Ivana; Konečná, Zdeňka; Aslan, Imran; Çınar, Orhan; Cuero‑Acosta, Yonni Angel; Павлова, ЮліяДокумент Satisfaction with life among university students from nine countries: Cross-national study during the frst wave of COVID-19 pandemic(BMC Public Health, 2021-12-11) Rogowska, Aleksandra; Ochnik, Dominika; Kuśnierz, Cezary; Jakubiak, Monika; Schütz, Astrid; Held, Marco; Arzenšek, Ana; Benatov, Joy; Berger, Rony; Korchagina, Elena; Pavlova, Iuliia; Blažková, Ivana; Konečná, Zdeňka; Aslan, Imran; Çınar, Orhan; Cuero‑Acosta, Yonni AngelBackground: A cross‑sectional study was performed to examine life satisfaction diferences between university students from nine countries during the frst wave of the COVID‑19 pandemic. A cross‑national comparison of the association between life satisfaction and a set of variables was also conducted. Methods: Participants in the study were 2349 university students with a mean age of 23 years (M = 23.15, SD = 4.66). There was a predominance of women (69.26%) and individuals studying at the bachelor level (78%). The research was conducted between May and July 2020 in nine countries: Slovenia (n=209), the Czech Republic (Czechia)(n=308), Germany (n=267), Poland (n=301), Ukraine (n=310), Russia (n=285), Turkey (n=310), Israel (n=199), and Colombia (n=153). Participants completed an online survey involving measures of satisfaction with life (SWLS), exposure to COVID‑19, perceived negative impact of coronavirus (PNIC) on students’ well‑being, general self‑reported health (GSRH), physical activity (PA), and some demographics (gender, place of residence, level of study). A one‑way ANOVA was used to explore cross‑national diferences in life satisfaction. The χ2 independence test was performed separately in each country to examine associations between life satisfaction and other variables. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regressions were used to identify life satisfaction predictors among a set of demographic and health‑related variables in each of the nine countries. Results: The level of life satisfaction varied between university students from the nine countries. The results for life satisfaction and the other variables difered between countries. Numerous associations were noted between satisfaction with life and several variables, and these showed cross‑national diferences. Distinct predictors of life satisfaction were observed for each country. However, poor self‑rated physical health was a predictor of low life satisfaction independent of the country. Conclusions: The association between life satisfaction and subjective assessment of physical health seems to be universal, while the other variables are related to cross‑cultural diferences. Special public health attention should be focused on psychologically supporting people who do not feel healthy.