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Title: Utilization of educational balls edubal in the preparation of the integrated education teachers and physical education teachers who work with the children of forms I - III - own observations
Authors: Cichy, I.
Rokita, A.
Rzepa, T.
Keywords: інтегроване навчання
вчитель фізичної культури
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Cichy I. Utilization of educational balls edubal in the preparation of the integrated education teachers and physical education teachers who work with the children of forms I - III - own observations / Ireneusz Cichy, Andrzej Rokita, Tadeusz Rzepa // Молода спортивна наука України : зб. наук. ст. з галузі фіз. культури та спорту. - Львів, 2003. - Вип. 7 , т. 1. - С. 448 - 452.
Appears in Collections:"Молода спортивна наука України"

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