Busol, VeronicaNikitenko, SergiyBusol, VasylNikitenko, AnatoliySchubert, VasilyБусол, ВеронікаНікітенко, СергійБусол, ВасильНікітенко, АнатолійШуберт, Василь2019-11-192019-11-192018Determination of Optimal Readiness to Specialized Loadings in Qualified Boxers / Veronica Busol, Sergiy Nikitenko, Vasyl Busol, Anatoliy Nikitenko, Vasily Schubert // Using sports, culture, and social studies as means to rediscover lost values : abstract book of 6th International Conference on Science, Culture, and Sport (27-28 April 2018). – Lviv, 2018. – Р. 300.http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/23448The expert assessment has confirmed our preliminary conclusions about the proper time when the athletes are optimally prepared to perform their main activities in the process of training and competitive loads. The results of the research indicate the appropriateness of applying an individual approach in planning the duration of the training sessions for fencers and boxers.enIntegral indexCoordination abilitiesAccuracyThrowDurationOccupationPreparednessDetermination of Optimal Readiness to Specialized Loadings in Qualified BoxersArticle