Павлова, ЮліяЗікрах, ДмитроШвець, ВадимПетриця, ПетроОртенбургер, ДоротаЛангфорт, ЙожефPavlova, IuliiaZikrach, DmytroShvets, VadymPetrytsa, PetroOrtenburger, DorotaLangfort, Józef2022-05-182022-05-182022-02-03Profiles of academic motivation and wellbeing of physical education and sports instructors of internal affairs establishments: a person-centered approach based on self-determination theory / Iuliia Pavlova, Dmytro Zikrach, Vadym Shvets,Petro Petrytsa, Dorota Ortenburger // Phys Act Rev. - 2022. - Vol. 10(2). - P. 1-11. doi: 10.16926/par.2022.10.16 (Web of Science)http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/32327Two different profiles of academic motivation to study physical education and sports were obtained, in particular the autonomous motivation profile and the external/amotivation profile. Participants from the autonomous motivation profile had higher indices of intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation, and higher life quality, indices of introjected regulation, amotivation, and anxiety were lower. The second profile is characterized by a predominance of controlled motives, and unsatisfactory mental health indicators.enacademic motivation scalelatent profile analysissegmentationlife qualityphysical activityanxietyшкала академічної мотиваціїаналіз латентного профілюсегментаціяякість життяфізична активністьтривожністьProfiles of academic motivation and wellbeing of physical education and sports instructors of internal affairs establishments: a person-centered approach based on self-determination theoryArticle