Paska, MariaKorkuna, OryslavaKyluk, OksanaПаска, МаріяКоркуна, ОриславаКулик, Оксана2020-06-302020-06-302020Paska M. Current development trends of raw-smoked sausages in the context of gastronomic tourism / Paska Maria, Korkuna Oryslava, Kyluk Oksana // Trends in the development of international tourism in the current context of globalization : collective Scientific Monograph / edit.: Jadwiga Ratajczak, Victoriia Tsypko. - Opole, 2020. - P. - 152-158. peculiarities of preparation technologies of local foodstuffs are determined, the authentic products of gastronomic tourism, history and traditions of their consumption are taken into account. Unique dry-cured products made according to old recipes, in particular "macyk" are authentic products that combine the latest achivements in the field of healthy nutrition and innovative development of gastronomic tourism.engastronomic tourismraw-smoked sausagesCurrent development trendsCurrent development trends of raw-smoked sausages in the context of gastronomic tourismArticle