Prystupa, EugenPavlova, IuliiaПриступа, ЄвгенПавлова, Юлія2018-03-272018-03-272015Prystupa E. Evaluation of health in context of life quality studying=Ocena zdrowia w kontekście studiowania jakości żicia / Evgen Prystupa, Iuliia Pavlova // Postępy Rehabilitacji = Advances in Rehabilitation. – 2015. – Vol. 29, N 2. – P. 33–38. (Scopus) aim of the article was to analyze the latest methodological approaches of life qualityand health assessmentenpopulation healthwell-beinghealth related quality of lifeEvaluation of health in context of life quality studyingOcena zdrowia w kontekście studiowania jakości żiciaArticle