Nowak, StanislawZanevskyy, IhorНовак, СтаніславЗаневський, Ігор2023-05-012023-05-012022Nowak S. B. Evaluation of a body height and weight harmony among university students / Nowak S. B., Zanevskyy I. P. // Physical Education of Students. – 2022. – Vol. 26(6). – P. 308–314. (Web of Science) harmony between the body weight and height is one of the most important sign of the right body composition. The aim of this research was to compare objective and subjective evaluations of the body weight and height correlation by university students. A harmony between the body weight and height is one of the most important sign of the right body composition. The aim of this research was to compare objective and subjective evaluations of the body weight and height correlation by university students.enphysical educationbachelorbody compositionBMImodellingфізичне вихованнябакалаврбудова тілаІМТмоделюванняEvaluation of a body height and weight harmony among university studentsОцінка гармонії росту та маси тіла студентів ВНЗArticle