Prystupa, EvhenPrystupa, TetianaBolach, EugeniuszПриступа, ЄвгенПриступа, ТетянаБолах, Євген2018-05-212018-05-212006Prystupa E. Developmental trends in sports for the disabled. The case of Summer Paralympics / Eugeniuusz Prystupa, Tetyana Prystupa, Eugeniusz Bolach // Human movement. - 2006. - Vol. 7, nr. 1. - S. 77-83. paper presents the most important trends in spport for the disabled in the period between the 1 and the 12 Paralympic Games.enParalympicssports disciplinesstages of Paralympic movementDevelopmental trends in sports for the disabled. The case of Summer ParalympicsArticle