Zabolotskii, N. V.Mostova, M. R.Shvets, V. E.Заболоцький, Н. В.Мостова, М. Р.Швець, В. Е.2022-03-232022-03-232021-12Zabolotskii N. V. On the Regular Behavior of Entire Functions of Zero Order along Curves of Regular Rotation / Zabolotskii N. V., Mostova M. R., Shvets V. E. // Mathematical Notes. – 2021. – Vol. 110, іs. 3-4. – P. 532–542. (Scopus, WoS) 0001-4346 study the relationship between the existence of an υ-density Δγ(α, β) of roots along the curves of regular rotation of an entire function of zero order and the regular behavior at infinity of its logarithm.enentire functionzero ordercurve of regular rotationlogarithmdensity of rootsOn the Regular Behavior of Entire Functions of Zero Order along Curves of Regular RotationArticle