Briskin, YuriyPityn, MaryanZadorozhna, OlhaБріскін, ЮрійПітин, Мар'янЗадорожна, Ольга2018-05-212018-05-212013Briskin Y. A. Structure and content of fencers' theoretical training / Briskin Y. A., Pityn M. P., Zadorozhnaya O. R. // Физическое воспитание студентов. - 2013. - № 4. - С. 10-14. (Web of Science Core Collection) structure and content of the theoretical training in the system of long-term improvement of athletes fencers is identified. Found that the theoretical training athletes selected 1.2-2.0% (initial training), 1,9-2,3% (preliminary stage of basic training), 2.1% (stage specialized basic training), 1, 8% (preparation stage for the highest achievements) of the total training load in the annual cycle of training. It is established that there is a wrong approach to the planning of educational material on theoretical training. Under it, information material (by category and blocks) presented based on the total phase, rather than individual grade levels. Recommended compensation direction of the individual components of theoretical training athletes: refining the means and methods of theoretical training, structuring of information, implementation of control theoretical training.enpreparationfencingknowledgecategory theoryStructure and content of fencers' theoretical trainingArticle