Hashchyshyn, V.Tymochko-Voloshyn, R.Paraniak, N.Vovkanych, L.Hlozhyk, I.Trach, V.Muzyka, F.Serafyn, Yu.Prystupa, E.Boretsky, Yu.Гащишин, ВіраТимочко-Волошин, РоксаланаПараняк, НаталіяВовканич, ЛюбомирГложик, ІринаТрач, ВолодимирМузика, ФедірСерафин, ЮрійПриступа, ЄвгенБорецький, Юрій2022-06-242022-06-242022-06-24Regeneration of Skeletal Muscle Fibers and Regulation of Myosatellitocytes Metabolism / V. Hashchyshyn, R. Tymochko-Voloshyn, N. Paraniak, L. Vovkanych, I. Hlozhyk, V. Trach, F. Muzyka, Y. Serafyn, E. Prystupa, Y. Boretsky // Cytology and Genetics. - 2022. - Vol. 56, N 3. - Р. 253–260. DOI: 10.3103/S0095452722030033 (Scopus, Web of Science)http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/32519Skeletal muscles are heterogeneous tissue containing different types of muscle fibers. Their distribution depends on heredity, type of exercise, sex, age, and muscle type. In addition, stem cells (myosatellitocytes) are found in large amounts in the muscle tissue. Myosatellitocytes are the main material for regeneration of microtears of muscle fibers always occuring during intensive physical exercises. Myosatellitocytes are capable of long-term storage in an inactive “dormant” state, but they can be rapidly activated to provide an efficient repair of damaged muscle fibers. The metabolism of myosatellitocytes and myoblasts and their migration into the damaged area are regulated by a complex system of cytokines and transcription factors, the activity of which depends on many factors. Microtears initiating the development of the inflammatory process and activation of myosatellitocytes is a determining factor. The study into molecular mechanisms of the relationship between inflammatory processes in muscle tissue and changes in myosatellitocyte metabolism is of fundamental importance and is necessary for the selection of efficient methods for muscle tissue recovery.enmyosatellitocytesnucleotide polymorphismstranscription factorsskeletal musclesregenerationміосателітоцитиполіморфізм нуклеотидівтранскрипційні факторискелетні м'язирегенераціяRegeneration of Skeletal Muscle Fibers and Regulation of Myosatellitocytes MetabolismРегенерація волокон скелетних м'язів і регуляція метаболізму міосателітоцитівArticle