Zanevskyy, IgorZanevska, LyudmylaЗаневський, ІгорЗаневська, Людмила2019-09-162019-09-162019Zanevskyy I. Validity of the dickson index regarding primary school physical education / Igor Zanevskyy, Lyudmyla Zanevska // Human movement. - 2019. - № 20(2). - P. 44-49. (Scopus) paper is dedicated to the problem of testing physical capacity in primary school with the use of the RuffierDickson test. The research aimed to verify the Dickson index corrected for the children’s age with the intention of usage in primary school physical education.enexercise testheart ratesports medicinefitnessValidity of the dickson index regarding primary school physical educationArticle