Martynets, L.Stepanchenko, N.Ustymenko-Kosorich, O.Yashchuk, S.Yelisieieva, I.Groshovenko, O.Torichnyi, O.Zharovska, O.Kademiya, M.Buchatska, S.Matsuk, L.Stoliarenko, O.Stoliarenko, O.Zarichna, O2020-12-222020-12-222020-12-22Developing Business Skills in High School Students Using Project Activities / Martynets L., Stepanchenko N., Ustymenko-Kosorich O. and other // Revista Românească pentru Educaţie Multidimensională. - 2020. - Vol. 12, is. 4. - P. 222-239. (Web of Science) The most important requirement for today’s general education is the development of a personality with well-developed business skills. The research aims to experimentally verify the methodology for developing business skills in high school students using project activities. The number of group participants is as follows: 225 high school students aged between 14 and 17 in experimental and control group. The following forms and methods were used: reading biographies of prominent businessmen from all over the world; role-playing situations; meetings with people who have succeeded in economic, entrepreneurial, pedagogical and other fields; visits to companies, enterprises, cultural and scientific institutions; certain business games (“How can one live within one’s means?”, “Starting a business”, “Business communication”, “Manager’s working week”), conversations on such topics as “Is it difficult to be a businessman?”, “How can one succeed in learning?”, “Tell me about myself”; the “this is my opinion” student platform.The following diagnostic methods were used: the method called “Determining a self-focus”; the method called “Striving for achievements”; questionnaires about creativity; the communication and organization skills methodology; methods for studying the level of subjective locus of control; methods for identifying risk preparedness; the scale of reactive (situational) and personal anxiety; the tolerance index questionnaire. The number of high school students with a high level of business skills has increased by 12.8% in EG and only by 1.3 in CG. The comparison of the results proves the effectiveness of the proposed methodology for developing business skills in high school students using project activities.otherbusiness gamestarget programmespecialized courselecture courseself-developmenttraining sessionseducational situationseducation of pupilsділові ігрицільова програмаспеціалізований курслекційний курссаморозвитокнавчальні заняттявиховні ситуаціївиховання учнівDeveloping Business Skills in High School Students Using Project ActivitiesArticle