Sorokolit, Natalia2016-05-182016-05-182014Sorokolit N. Influence of current fhysical education variable modules curriculum on speed indicators development among 5th- 9th grades schoolchildren / Natalia Sorokolit // Nauka i Studia. - 2014. - Nr 15(125). - S. 61 - 67. article presents the results of educational experiment concerning implementation effectiveness of variable modules curriculum in track and field ard gymnastics at physical education lessons for 5 - 9 grades schoolchildren. Speed development dynamics among children of middle school age under modules curriculum conditions luis been analyzed. Comparative analysis of speed development among schoolchildren according to the current and previous curriculum has been conductedenschoolchildrencurrent curriculumphysical educationspeed developmentInfluence of current fhysical education variable modules curriculum on speed indicators development among 5th- 9th grades schoolchildrenArticle