Lytvynets, IvannaVynogradskiy, BogdanLytvynets, AntonPavlova, Iuliia2017-10-252017-10-252017The prominent winners and prize-winners of art competitions at the Olympic games of modernity / Ivanna Lytvynets, Bogdan Vynogradskiy, Anton Lytvynets, Iuliia Pavlova // Історія фізичної культури і спорту народів Європи : зб. тез доп. І Міжнар. наук. конгр. істориків фіз. культури. - Луцьк, 2017. - С. 37. aim of this study was to characterize the achievements of outstanding figures in the Olympic Art Competitions.enOympic GamesOlympic Art CompetitionsThe prominent winners and prize-winners of art competitions at the Olympic games of modernityArticle