Криштанович, СвітланаБезена, ІванХой, НаталіяКамінська, ОксанаПартико, НеонілаKryshtanovych, SvitlanaBezena, IvanHoi, NataliiaKaminska, OksanaPartyko, Neonila2022-03-232022-03-232021-04Modeling the assessment of influence of institutional factors on the process of future business managers / Kryshtanovych S., Bezena I., Hoi N., Kaminska O., Partyko, N. // Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. - 2021. - Vol. 43(3). - P. 363–372. https://doi.org/10.15544/mts.2021.33 (Web of Science)eISSN 2345-0355http://repository.ldufk.edu.ua/handle/34606048/32153The main purpose is to analyses the experience and the modelling of hierarchy of institutional factors that have their impact on the learning process and the formation of professional competence of business managers. The methodological basis is graph theory and hierarchical structuring methods. A graph is a set of points (vertices) and lines (edges), they are connected. We can also say that a graph is a set of points and lines at which the end of each belongs to a set of points. The data obtained make it possible to systematize the practical and theoretical achievements in the process of learning business managers and using the theory of graphs and the hierarchical ordering modelling, the priority of institutional factors influencing the learning process of business managers were established. The proposed modelling of the level of influence of institutional factors on the learning process of business managers is specific for the study area, since it used expert opinions of persons who are involved in the learning process of business managers. In the future, this simulation can be used for other sectors of higher education. This modelling of the impact of institutional factors can be used for higher education institutions that specialize in learning business managers.enlearning systemgraph theoryfactor of influencemodellingbusiness and entrepreneurship managersModeling the assessment of influence of institutional factors on the process of future business managersМОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ОЦІНКИ ВПЛИВУ ІНСТИТУЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ЧИННИКІВ НА ПРОЦЕС НАВЧАННЯ МАЙБУТНІХ БІЗНЕС-МЕНЕДЖЕРІВArticle